Sheryl Roush Speaks at SCORE-San Diego

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Sheryl Roush Speaks at

SCORE-San Diego

Need a booster in your marketing?
Are your promotions really working that well?
Want more business?!!!

Friday, November 13, SCORE San Diego
Women’s Networking Breakfasts
is hosting:

Solid Gold Marketing Design    
How to Create Effective Promotional Materials

with Sheryl Roush marketing design expert, author and internationally top-rated trainer on the topic (in 8 countries)

Attend and you will discover the Gold Mine of great design for your printed and on-line promotions… fliers, posters, business cards, and more! 

Learn what elements should be placed where for maximum results and why.  Walk away with Golden Nuggets to use right away! 

Program includes breakfast, visual examples, an engaging “how-to” program and 4-page handout.

Women’s Networking Breakfasts
Designed to help women in business, but men are welcome too, SCORE’s Networking Breakfasts feature outstanding guest speakers. Attendees include successful business owners eager to share their knowledge and experience, and provide timely and useful information to help your business grow.

MORGAN RUN Resort & Country Club
5690 Cancha de Golf
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091

8:00 AM until 11:00 AM

Event begins ON TIME!
Please arrive at 7:30am–30 minutes early–to complete check-in process.

SCORE Networking Breakfasts offer informative and timely program presentations along with excellent networking opportunities with more than 100 other women entrepreneurs.
One in eleven adult women in the U.S. is an entrepreneur. Yet, despite the overall success of women-owned businesses, female entrepreneurs face many early challenges. Effective networking, mentoring and guidance in early stages of business is crucial! At these Networking Breakfasts you’ll meet SCORE counselors and others who have started and succeeded in their own small businesses.

Bring your business cards and marketing materials to place on the general networking table.

Breakfast Program Agenda:
  8:00am   Registration, Networking, Exhibits Open
  8:45am   Breakfast Seating, Opening Remarks, Exhibitor Presentations, Table Networking
  9:45am   Speaker’s Presentation (see below for speaker bio) Sheryl Roush
10:35am   Exhibitor Presentations and Door Prizes
10:50am   Closing Remarks, Networking Continues 
11:00am   Program adjourns

Registration fee: $45

Speaker: Sheryl Roush
Sheryl Roush, President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., has over thirty years experience in advertising and graphic design. An 8-time entrepreneur, she has owned five graphic design studios in San Diego and is the recipient of four international design awards. Sheryl is a 13-time author and female motivational and inspirational speaker on communication and presentation skills, and boosting workplace morale. Sheryl was only the third woman in 106 countries and 4 million members to earn the “Accredited Speaker” designation from Toastmasters International. As a keynote presenter she has spoken on programs alongside celebrities including Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Art Linkletter, Robert G. Allen, Joan Lunden, Suze Orman, Gallup’s Marcus Buckingham, and countless others. She has presented over 3,000 programs in 9 countries over the past 15 years. Sheryl’s books include: Solid Gold Newsletter Design, Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Mother

  • Her next Speaking Skills and Voice Workshop is January 23, 2010.
  • Veterans Day, 11/11/2009, her new book released, Heart of a Military Woman

Follow “Sheryl Roush” on Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo and Linked In.

Veterans Day: Bless You!

Heart of a Military Woman| No Comments »

Veterans Day: Bless You!

Today is Veterans Day.
A day we most reverently thank those who have served our country with their time, their energy, and their lives. Fighting for our freedoms, and often at high cost, and life.

Even though we have different words for the diagnosis, and different treatments for the symptoms, the ailments are the same as a hundred years ago. Multiple deployments are causing an all-time high rate of failed marriages, divorce, anti-depressant prescriptions and suicide.

Even more solemn for this year, following the Fort Hood shooting last week. One of our own, shooting our own, on our own homeland, on our own military base.

Co-author Eldonna Lewis Fernandez and I were interviewed on "Mornings with Lorri and Larry" during prime-time driving yesterday morning, and asked our thoughts about the horrific incident. Eldonna, having experienced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during her military service, related her personal experiences. For myself, being an ex-Navy wife, and experiencing the direct effects of my ex-husband’s abuse, control and alcoholism, from the Persian Gulf crisis, could also relate.

We never know — and may ever know — what goes on in the mind of another being. We never truly understand their motives, religious beliefs, hidden agendas or secret societies. Yes, we need to handle the Fort Hood shooting, and put protocols into place. Yes, we can learn from it. No, we cannot discriminate against one another, and hold an entire culture responsible for an individual’s actions.

We do need to continue to believe in each other.
We do need to continue to believe in America.
We do need to continue to believe in God.

We do need to continue to be THANKFUL for those who have served our country with every ounce of pride, dignity, respect, service above self, honor, integrity, trust, accountability, and love they have in their bones. For the thousands upon thousands who have served–how long or how brief–fighting for to ensure our continued freedoms — THANK YOU!

This year, I changed by greetings of "Happy Veterans Day" to what I really mean: "Bless You" and "Thank You for everything you have endured that I can breathe and live free, here and now, today. It’s because of YOU.  So, BLESS YOU."

May we honor not only today – or one day each year–but EVERY DAY!
Blessings to You Veterans!

Sheryl Roush

Sheryl Roush is a female motivational and inspirational speaker, 13-time published author, releasing Heart of a Military Woman today on Veterans Day. Her father was an Army Corps of Engineers, her mother, a Rosie the Riveter, with a long line of military service members in her family tree. She is an internationally top-rated presenter in 106 countries, and is a proud American, grateful every day for our freedoms.

Heart of a Military Woman Book Contributors Announced!

Heart of a Military Woman| 17 Comments »

Heart of a Military Woman

Book Contributors Announced!

After one year as a concept, the Heart of a Military Woman book becomes a reality!

It all started when Eldonna Lewis Fernandez met Sheryl Roush, who was autographing her Heart of a Woman books (next to Robert Kiyosaki and Bernadette Peters) at the Book Expo America in Los Angeles, California, last summer. As she personally inscribed Eldonna’s copy, Sheryl mentioned her forthcoming title, Heart of a Woman in Business, suggesting Eldonna contibute. She did, and her story, "Creative Success" was accepted to be published.

Later that Autumn, Eldonna suggested a collaboration for the book honoring our active military and veterans. After one year of brainstorming and collecting true short stories, poems and tributes, Heart of a Military Woman went to press yesterday, co-authored by the two women.

An abundance of submissions were received from 140 contributors, totaling over a 106,000 word count. Surviving five rounds of cuts, selections were made, congratulations notices were sent, and here are the results:

Lorri Allen
Loni Anderson
Patty Anderson
Anne Armstrong
Sarah Arnold
Lee A. Barron
Marjorie Benesh
Lisa Black
Kathie Bobbitt
Sandy Borum
Nancy Canfield
Jeanne Cassidy
Angela Cody-Rouget
Dave Coulie
Roy Crawford
Ruth Decker
Kara Vichko DeFrias
Dee Dees
Emily "Emmylou" DeShazo
Rose Dommer
Karen Doolittle
Judith Duran
Tina Erwin
Dolly Garnecki
Peggy Gigstad
Karriann Graf
Capt. Adam J. Gravseth
Pegine Echevarria
Virginia Ellis
Dharlene Marie Fahl-Brittian
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
Marissa Fernandez
Nicole Fetick
Shirley (Sisko) Harkins
Tonya Helman
Colleen Hensley
Rosemary Heredy
Kathie Hightower
Jackie Merck Hlastan
Valerie Hodgson
Cindy Hogan
LaMonda Hopman
Antoinette Izzo
Norene Jensen
Susan Katz Keating
Kathy K. Kirk
Rhonda M. Lawson
Lisa Lockwood
Adria Manary
Eileen McDargh
Tina McHargue
Phyllis Zimbler Miller
Kelley Upchurch Moore
Eilene M. Nielsen
Kathy Nelson
Larrie Noble
Norm Nomura
Lana Noone
Elizabeth "Libby" Oberg
Norah O’Neill
Kerry Pardue
Darcy Lovgren Pavich
Judy Peebles
Angela Perez
Jennifer Pigeon
Christina Piper
Sue Pollard
Kay Presto
Mary Lenora Quigley
Maria Quinonez
Julia Borchardt Rasmussen

John Reddish
Sarah Byrn Rickman
Debra Ann Ristau
Kristin Rondeau-Guardiola
Sheryl Roush
Michele Ruppert
Raquel Santiago
Melissa Seligman
Laurie Sheppard
Gina Simmons
Carin Smith
Linda C. (Lee) Smith
Angela Strader
Deborah Tainsh
Judy Turner
Suzan Tusson
Major Van Harl
Dawn Vogel
Jolita Wagoner
Lyn R. White
Pamela Wilson
Susan D. Wiseman

Mary L. Wooldridge
Judy H. Wright
Denise Yamada
Kenneth Zapp

Click here to order copies of the Heart of a Military Woman book.

Sheryl Roush, creator of the Heart Book Series, is a female motivational speaker, specializing in keynotes, conferences, and workplace motivation. For more information, go to Sparkle Presentations, Inc.

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