Heart of a


True stories by, for and about members of Toastmasters International


After 23 years of working for Toastmasters International, I still get excited about what Toastmasters can do for people. Members gain the confidence and competence to transform their lives. They veer outside their comfort zone, stretch their skills, learn about themselves, and fulfill their personal and professional goals.

Heart of a Toastmaster offers many compelling stories of such
transformative experiences. Members from around the world write of the communication and leadership skills they have developed through Toastmasters, and the new opportunities they have encountered as a result; they tell of pushing past their initial fears and the pride they feel in their growth and accomplishments; they reveal inspiring examples of overcoming personal adversity with the help of their fellow members; they speak of friends and mentors, of speech-contest thrills and International Convention memories.

All of that is part of the Toastmasters experience.

Through their journeys, members become leaders, able to use their new skills to positively impact others—whether at work, at home or in their communities. This is the great gift of Toastmasters: In becoming a confident leader, you enrich the lives of other people, which, in turn, is deeply enriching to yourself.

As Past International President Gary Schmidt once said, “Confidence and leadership culminate in serving others. When we serve others, we ultimately serve ourselves.”


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