10.5 Top Tips… for Success in Business (and Life)

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10.5 Top Tips… for Success in Business (and Life)

Business Success Skills:
Strategies, practical information, career-bolstering lessons, and insights

Today, I was interviewed by Angie Strader on her BlogTalkRadio show "What’s Your Bottom Line?" today. Each week, Angie has straightforward discussions about what it takes to be successful in your personal and professional life. "I pick the brains of my successful and inspirational guests. It’s like getting a free business success and motivational seminar each week!" she commented.

Catch the entire hour loaded with content here.

10.5 Top Tips for Succcess in Business (and Life).

   1.   Bring your talents with you.
  2.    Share your spirit. (enthusiasm, energy, playfulness, fun)
  3.    Stretch your skills. (continue to grow, attend training)
  4.    Acknowledge your uniqueness. (be authentic)
  5.    Be positive whenever possible; Pragmatic as needed.
  6.    Focus on solutions. (not on problem or blaming)
  7.    Celebrate your successes. (by yourself, and with others)
  8.    Listen to your heart; Be true to yourself. (inner compass)
  9.    Read inspiration that nurtures your soul.
10.    Maintain your balance. (faith, sleep, family, work)
10.5. Keep a good sense of humor.

Sheryl Roush is an entrepreneur to her core, starting 8 businesses since the age of 16. With 35 years in marketing, advertising, graphic design and communication, she is an internationally top-rated trainer. An inspirational speaker, she has 3,000 presentations under her designer belt, in 9 countries. Toastmasters International honored her as the 3rd female to earn their elite Accredited Speaker designation, out of 4 million members in 106 countries. She speaks on conference programs on business and inspirational topics, boosting morale and skills.

Sheryl is the creator of the Heart Book Series, which includes: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Military Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman, in Spanish), Sparkle-Tudes!, and Heart of a Woman in Business.

Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the global workplace. This here’s how, sisters-sharing-with-sisters book shares their authentic stories, and offers here’s how and I did it, you can too! Selections offer strategies, practical information, career-bolstering lessons, insights, affirmations, poems, prayers and quotations. Whether you already own a business, planning to start one, or working in a job you love.

Contact Sheryl Roush at Sparkle Presentations, Inc. to speak at your event, meeting, conference or retreat. Call Toll Free 1-800-932-0973.

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