Sheryl Roush presents Communication & Leadership Workshop – July 28, 2012

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presented by Sheryl Roush

hosted by
Project Management Institute – Los Angeles Chapter
and  Sparkle Presentations, Inc.

7 Secrets to Connect with Anyone

Simple tips to improved communication and leadership in all areas of your life

Saturday, July 28, 2012
Program 8:00am-Noon
Registration 7:30-8:00am
Huntington Hospital, Braun Auditorium, 100 West California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105


In this tailored and high-content special workshop, you will:
• Assess your current communication style and what it reveals
• Discover how to connect instantly and easily with others
• Explore ways to generate authentic rapport and influence
• Glean insights into public speaking skills and giving effective briefings
• Gain confidence and credibility in your voice, image and projection
• Enroll employee engagement, teamwork and cooperation
• Boost your interpersonal skills … ideal for training, speaking, managing, leading (and parenting)
*** PMI Members receive 4 PDUs toward your PMP certification for attendance.

Regular Prices (July 1-27)
Member: $69 ……….. Non-Member: $79
At the Door (July 28)
Member: $79 ……….. Non-Member: $89

Register here

Registration Contact:
Onsite registration will only be by cash or check that day.

Online Registration:
Online registration will accept credit cards or PayPal.

Sheryl Roush, President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., is an internationally top-rated trainer with over 3,000 presentations delivered in 9 countries. With 35 years in communication, she is a 13-time published author. A Professional Member of the National Speakers Association, she was honored with the "Member of the Year" from both the San Diego and LA Chapters. She is a past President of the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance. Toastmasters honored her as the 6th woman (28th overall) to receive the elite Accredited Speaker designation for outstanding presentation skills in five categories. To date, only 63 have earned the award out of 4.4 million members in 116 countries. Sheryl has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Howard Putnam, Suze Orman, and Marcus Buckingham. Clients include: 7-Up, Abbott Labs, Amtrak, BoozAllenHamilton, County of Los Angeles, Gen-Probe Technologies, HM Electronics, IBM, Intuit, LA Unified Schools, Mitsubishi, San Diego Zoo, Sheraton, Sony, Southwest Airlines, UCLA, Union Bank, US Census Bureau, US Navy, and Verizon Wireless.

For course information or questions, email the speaker

There is Free parking 1.5 blocks from the Auditorium.
Paid parking in the North Parking lot at the main entrance and enter at the Hospital Lobby.
Valet parking at the main entrance, and enter at which will be emailed to you upon registration and before event.
Hospital telephone: 626-397-5000

Download JPG flyer here

Register here

15 Years Later: Toastmasters Accredited Speaker

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15 Years Later:
Toastmasters Accredited Speaker

Today, August 21, marks 15 years since I earned the elite designation of "Accredited Speaker" from Toastmasters International for "professionalism and outstanding achievements in public speaking." The journey to the award, and to the final judging in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was truly the journey to the depths of my core.

At that time, the marketing materials read the headline "Are You Good Enough to Be Pro?"  I challenged myself to find out – by applying the program.

This prestigious award is only presented to those of professional platform caliber, as demonstrated in communication skills of: informing, persuading, motivational, inspirational, entertainment and humor, and seminar/discussion leader.  Less than 1 in 20 ever pass, and even fewer pass the first time.

To date, there have only been 58 honorees, out of 235,000 current members (4 million members since 1924) in 93 countries, and of those 58, only 6 are women. I had the privilege of being the 3rd woman and 28th overall to be recognized, and on the first time.

As I reflect on what the award meant to me then and means to me now, it’s about courage to boldy go, to push myself harder and higher than I ever have before, constantly raising my own bar of performance levels, and more so, of authenticity. My speech title that afternoon, "Perc-U-Lating Power: The Magic of Having More Passion and Purpose in Your Life" still rings true for me personally today (as is one of my two top keynote presentations). In the process of preparing for this final level, I prayed for guidance and meditated on what message would God what the world to hear. The energy-charged presentation received 12 minutes of standing ovation, and the International Director needed to request people finally be seated to proceed with the program. I opened with magic (which I’d done before) and ended with singing (which I’d never done before either). Today, I still maintain that level of trust in my Maker.

Receiving the award gave me a new found confidence in my skills, deepened my level of trust in what I am doing, confirmed use of my gifts, as well as increased credibility in the field of speaking. To do well in the field of speaking and training, one must be whole-heartedly committed to it!

As I review what I have done SINCE receiving the award…

With increased confidence, I applied to SkillPath Seminars and CareerTrack Seminars, and was accepted by BOTH companies as a contract trainer… becoming the top-rated international trainer in marketing communication skills in eight countries for seven consecutive years, was awarded "Most Interactive Trainer" and the "Rising Star Award." As a result, CareerTrack asked me to co-author two full-day presentation skills and train-the trainer seminars, then serve as Lead Trainer for them. What a joy!

Sharing my expertise in marketing communication and graphic design, I wrote a business "how-to" book, Solid Gold Newsletter Design, which is now a coursebook at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and presented on the topic in eight countries. Also authored numerous seminars, CDs, DVDs, videos and more…

Being a student and teacher of inspiration, helping people and organizations rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement, I’ve written a series of inspirational books…Sparkle-Tudes! (quotations by and for women), Heart of a Woman (and translated into Spanish, Corazon de Mujer), Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, and releasing next month Heart of a Woman in Business.

As a result of having the designation, I’ve been asked to share what I’ve learned about speaking with others, and invited to present in the Arabian Gulf last year – addressing 1,000 people from 7 nations, and was the only woman on the entire 3-day conference, complete with a formal press conference.

I served as District 5 Governor for Southern California and Baja California, and was the first woman elected to that leadership position in 10 years, responsible for 128 Clubs and 2,800 members, and 970 Officers.

Doors have opened that I had never even considered; I’ve been to places I’ve needed to find on a global map; I’ve met amazing people from different cultures and belief systems; and I am grafteful.

Thanks to Toastmasters! I never would be doing the service I do today, nor at the level at which I have the privilege of serving.

For any member of Toastmasters even CONSIDERING pursuing the Accredited Speaker designation: YES!  Do it. Order the free application and program information, Code #1208 from Toastmasters.

Here’s to 15 amazing years – and simply the best communication and leadership program, literally, in the world!

Sheryl Roush, DTM, PDG, A/S
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.

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