Public Speaking & Media Interview Skills Workshop
Workshops| No Comments »Need to speak up at meetings and be heard?
Want to feel more confident in speaking, managing or leading others?
Time to polish up on your communication skills?
Want tips for being great with your interviews, or tele-seminars?
Take your skills to the next level!
Sparkle When You Speak!™
Public Speaking & Media Interview Skills Workshop
Saturday, August 7, 2010
9:00am – 4:00pm
San Diego, CA
CLICK HERE for Early Bird Price…. only $69 before June 30th
For Men and Women
Boost your self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence!
• Public speaking, training, customer service and sales skills
• Assertiveness and professional image
• Media interview tips for TV and radio
• Tele-seminar insights, and telephone skills
Speak to promote your business, product, services or your cause!
You will learn tips to use on the telephone, on video, in media and in person;
present with credible and authentic body language;
build rapport; generate sales; connect instantly and easily with others;
crafting effective speaker introductions;
how to design and deliver PowerPoint and handouts with professionalism and confidence!
Attendees receive a valuable 40-page Workbook
PS Business Park, Conference Center
3954 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92123
Off I-15 and Aero Drive
Sheryl Roush is a conference presenter, top-rated trainer, author, and speaking coach, with 3,000 presentations given in nine countries. She also brings 35 years in small business marketing, graphic design and PowerPoint to this program. Sheryl was only the third woman in the world to earn the elite Accredited Speaker designation from Toastmasters International in 106 countries and out of 4 million members, and received the 2009 Presidential Citation Award for enhancing global communication and leadership.
She has spoken to audiences as large as 5,000, and as intimate as 5. She has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Suze Orman, Marcus Buckingham, Art Linkletter, Thurl Bailey, Deborah Norville, Erin Brockovich, Vicki Lawrence…. and is the opening keynote speaker to 3,500 people in September, with Marie Osmond at the Central California Womens’ Conference in Fresno, CA.
On radio – Sheryl has been interviewed twice by Montel Williams, and guest appeared on numerous radio shows. For the past ten years, she has coached the San Diego Charger Cheerleaders in their public speaking and media interview skills. Sheryl also created the Speakers Bureau for the US Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, and coached 30 Olympians in their speaking skills.
She is a past president of the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance, a 20+ year member of both Toastmasters International and a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association. She has earned the Golden Microphone Award from NSA/Greater Los Angeles Chapter, and the Member of the Year from both LA and San Diego Chapters.
Sign up before June 30… only $69
Between July 1 – July 31…….. $79
Between August 1-7…………….. $99
CLICK HERE for Early Bird Price…. only $69 before June 30th
Space is LIMITED to 50 attendees.
Attendees receive a valuable 40-page Workbook.
Sheryl Roush at Sparkle Presentations, Inc., or email
American Express, MasterCard, Visa, and “Send Money” through PayPal are welcome.
Call 858-569-6555 to register by phone.
Bring this program to your organization!
For 20 or more people you’d like to attend.. Bring Sheryl Roush in-house!
Your program will be highly-tailored for your specific needs!
Need individual coaching?
Sheryl is available to coach in-person, and via email, phone…
Slides and Handouts need a make-over?
Tap into over 35 years of graphic design and speaking experience…
Have Sheryl review and/or tweak and/or do a makeover for your presentation materials. Sheryl works in Mac and PC, PowerPoint and iKeynote applications.
Sheryl Roush presents Sparkle When You Speak!™ Workshop at AICI International Conference May 14
Speaking Events| No Comments »Sheryl Roush presenting
Sparkle When You Speak!™ Workshop
at AICI International Conference
Thursday, May 14
Want to authentically connect better with others?
Need to polish up on your public speaking skills?
Ready to present with more confidence and credibility?
Internationally top-rated professional speaker and trainer Sheryl Roush is presenting a special 3.5 hour Pre-Conference Workshop entitled Sparkle When You Speak!™ from 8:30am-12 Noon on Thursday, May 14 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine, CA. The workshop launches the annual conference of the AICI – Association of Image Consultants International, running May 14-17.
Sheryl’s interactive workshop helps women have business and personal success to stand up, speak out and shine! Ideal for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed with nervousness, panic or anxiety — they can fear no more! Whether speaking in front of a small or large group – whether a beginner or expert – participants discover simple tricks, tips and treasures to use immediately!
Attendees will:
* Identify your authentic communication style
* Discover the 7 multiple modalities in any group
* Connect instantly with and retain audience attention
* Develop skills to mind map, craft and organize your presentation
* Design effective presentations using professional visual aids
* Use visual aids including props and slide presentations
Expert speaker Sheryl Roush has presented nearly 3,000 presentations in 9 countries over the past 20 years, to groups as intimate as 5 and large as 5,000. President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., Sheryl is a top-rated trainer in eight countries as selected by attendees for engagement, content, interaction, tailoring and impact. She has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Jane Seymour, Geena Davis, Suze Orman, Vicki Lawrence and more. She served as the Director of Training for the US Olympic Training Center, coaching Olympians in speaking skills, and is coaching the award-winning San Diego Charger Cheerleaders for her ninth year. Sheryl is an eight-time business owner since age 16, and 12-time published author, including Heart of a Woman in Business.
Sheryl Roush Speaks at CalSAE Regional Luncheon May 13
Speaking Events| No Comments »
Sheryl Roush Speaks at CalSAE San Diego
Regional Luncheon May 13
International speaker Sheryl Roush is the San Diego Region Luncheon keynote speaker this Wednesday, May 13 at CalSAE – the California Society of Association Executives – at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Mission Valley, San Diego, CA.
Communicating and Connecting
During Critical Times
This keynote session is designed for senior management and experienced sales team members. In the current environment of changing economics, expanding technology and increasing work life demands how much would even one new technique be worth to improve your communication skills?
This presentation will assist in reviewing your own communication techniques while outlining the critical elements of connecting with others – including members, employees and peers. It will also assist you in leading and maximizing communication efforts in your organization! Cut through the noise and get to the point in this fun, high-level, interactive session!
Topics covered include:
- Improve listening skills, minimize mistakes, and decrease stress for you and your team
- Practical ideas to assist in building team morale and increasing cooperation
- “Can’t miss” opportunities to really connect with a new member or potential customer
- Tips on staying sane and lighthearted in stressful times
Sheryl Roush, CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., is an internationally top-rated presenter, known for her high-energy, high-content, how-to presentations. Her programs rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement. Sheryl has over 30 years of expertise in communication, is a 12-time published author, and has presented over 3,000 programs in nine countries with rave reviews and results. Toastmasters International honored her as only the third female in the world to earn their prestigious Accredited Speaker award, out of 4 million members in 93 countries. Sheryl is receiving their highest honor in member service, The Presidential Citation, at their International Convention this August. As a conference presenter, she has spoken alongside celebrities including: Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Joan Lunden, and Art Linkletter. And business giants including: Robert G. Allen, Southwest Airlines’ CEO Howard Putnam, Suze Orman, and the Gallup Organization’s Marcus Buckingham. Some of her clients include: hotels, law firms, real estate, housing, retail, tourism, HR, associations and small business.
Luncheon Registration opens at 11:30am and is open to non-members, $50
Crowne Plaza Hotel
11:30am – 1:30pm
Peacock Room
2270 Hotel Circle North
Mission Valley
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 619-297-1101