RECIPE: Orange Beets-Carrots

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Recipe for Orange Beets/Carrots:
(I use fresh organic goodies from my garden, but you could also use a drained 1-pound canned beets, or carrots)

Boil your beets and/or carrots until soft (in separate pans). Peel the beets after boiling…

"Secret Sauce"
In a large frying pan, combine:
     3 Tablespoons Sugar (or alternative)
     1-1/2 teaspoons Cornstarch
     1 Teaspoon Salt (or substitute)

Slowly stir in 1/2 cup Orange Juice (I squeeze a fresh orange).
Cook over medium heat, stirring, until thick.

Add 1 Tablespoon Butter (or margarine).

Add cooked veggies, and serve warm! YUM!

I multiply the "Secret Sauce" per each 2 cups of cooked beets.
Makes 4-5 servings.

Sheryl Roush
Inspirational and Business Speaker
Author of Heart of a Woman, and now an organic gardener

Speaking Skills & Voice Workshop-Sept. 26

Speaking Events| 8 Comments »

Want to be a better speaker, trainer, leader?

Need to speak up and be heard?

Time to polish up on your communication skills?

Speaking Skills

& Voice Workshop

Ideal for every level of presenter…
Whether you are in sales, training, management…

You will discover
The Voice of Success™
Sparkle When You Speak!™

Saturday, September 26, 2009  
9:00am – 4:00pm
San Diego, CA


Communication skills are critical to your self-esteem,
professional worth and financial future!

• Public speaking, training, sales and presentation skills
• Voice, projection, diction, assertiveness, voice image, dialect
• Speak to promote your business, product, services or your cause

You will learn tips to:
* Shine on the telephone and in person

* Handle your emotions calmly under pressure
* Demonstrate credible body language
* Build rapport instantly with others
* Design and deliver PowerPoint with professionalism and confidence!


Only $99 for the Full Day Workshop
Includes a 40-page Workbook loaded with exercises, worksheets, tips, and more!


Joni Wilson, a voice expert and performance coach, President of SalesTalkBiz™ Int’l, is the creator of the 3-Dimensional Voice® Training System, and author of the new book The Voice of Success: A Woman’s Guide to a Powerful and Persuasive Voice, published by the American Management Company. Learn from her amazing expertise and insight!

Sheryl Roush
is a conference presenter, top-rated trainer, author, and speaking coach, with nearly 3,000 presentations given in nine countries. She brings over 30 years in sales, marketing, and graphic design to this program. Sheryl is only one of six women in the world to earn the elite Accredited Speaker designation from Toastmasters International in 106 countries and out of 4 million members, and a 12-time author, including Heart of a Woman in Business.

Both facilitators are long-term active Professional Members of the National Speakers Association, and the local San Diego and Greater Los Angeles Chapters.


Business Park
B.E.O.B. Advanced Training Institute
3954 Murphy Canyon Road
Suite D-204, 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92123   
Institute is wheelchair accessible.
Details and directions will be provided.
Located at I-15 at Aero Drive, next to San Diego Chargers.
Free Ample Parking.

Pre-register before September 24 for only $99
Register between Sept. 24-25 for $129. 
At-the-door (if available) $159.

Beverages & Treats are served at morning and afternoon breaks.
Lunch is on your own with numerous choices nearby!

Space is LIMITED to 35 attendees.
Attendees receive a 40-page loaded Workbook.

CALL 858-569-6555
Sheryl Roush, Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Checks payable to Sparkle Presentations, Inc., mailed to P.O. Box 2373, La Mesa, CA 91943
AmericanExpress, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and PayPal are welcome!

Sheryl Roush Speaks at Dental Conference

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Sheryl Roush Speaks at Dental Conference

San Diego based internationally top-rated speaker Sheryl Roush is presenting the keynote address March 27 for the Alliance of the American Dental Association in Baltimore, Maryland. To boost workplace morale and offer tips for improving overall performance, Sheryl’s presentation on Sparkle-Tude!™ provides insights, ideas and inspiration that attendees can apply immediately. Her style is highly engaging, lighthearted, and interactive, and her attitude is contagious.

Following her high-energy conference opening program, Sheryl will then present a breakout session workshop entitled "7 Secrets of Leadership for Women" How to Authentically Connect and Communicate. According to noted research by Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., and Howard Gardner, Ph.D., there are seven multiple intelligences, or modalities of how people listen, learn, lead, speak, manage and process information. Sheryl simplifies the extensive research into easy-to-use real-life application for leaders, speakers, trainers, and sales and marketing professionals.

Sheryl is President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and has presented nearly 3,000 prgrams in nine countries and on conference programs alongside celebrities including: Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, James Ray, Marcus Buckingham and Suze Orman.

Sheryl is a 12-time author, with her business and inspirational gift books featured at Borders, and on, and at Her most recent book is Heart of a Woman in Business, and is currently collecting short stories for her Heart of a Military Woman book.

Chargers Fans on The Price is Right TV Game Show – Feb. 26

TV Appearances| 1 Comment »

Chargers Fans on The Price is Right
TV Game Show – February 26

On January 13th a bus load of 43 women (and 2 men) drove from San Diego to Studio City, California for two morning tapings of the Dr. Phil Show at Paramount Studios, then over to CBS for the afternoon taping of The Price is Right at CBS Studios. Arrangements were made by Michele Dixon, The Organizing Doctor, professional organizer.

Being proud San Diego Chargers football fans, and having just won the Division Championship… and playing the Steelers in the Playoffs, it was unanimously decided our TV Game show matching “Team Shirts” would be the CHARGERS shirts.

Audience members are "interviewed" before the show by staff, for about 15-30-seconds. Since we had a busload, chances were good that one person would be “selected” to be on the show as a Contestant.

It’s so LOUD in the 350-person studio you can’t hear anything…so the stage crew hold up a sign with the next Contestant’s name on it at the time it’s announced!

Ester Berry was called as the FIRST Contestant called. Wearing her blue Chargers shirt, she did great at the bidding stand and went up on stage, and even had a chance to spin the wheel with show emcee Drew Carey.

The show went along fine… changing of the prize sets, commercial breaks, etc., then the final Contestant was called… Sheryl Roush…  seated on the TOP row in the very back! Wearing her gold Chargers shirt, she was seated in the Steelers fan section… but assertively held her own! (after all.. she proudly trains the Charger Girl cheerleaders in their speaking and interviewing skills!)

The Charger Fans show airs on Thursday, February 26th, on CBS (Channel 8, 10:00-10:30am Pacific).

Ester Berry is a Senior Recruiter of The Wellspring Group, Inc. She specializes in advanced technology searches across multiple industries for both Fortune 500 and mid-sized business sectors with the goal of matching the right people with the right job opportunities.

Sheryl Roush is an international speaker and top-rated trainer, specializing in boosting attitudes, creating positive work environments and stellar service skills.

Sheryl Roush interviewed on Heart of the Holidays Music Release

Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Interviews| 1 Comment »

Sheryl Roush interviewed
on Heart of the Holidays
CD Release

December 12th inspirational speaker and published author Sheryl Roush was interviewed AGAIN by popular Family Network personality Lorri Allen and veteran newsman Larry Estepa for Mornings!

Ms. Roush was asked to share about the new music CD added to her Heart of the Holidays book, featuring child prodigy pianist at age 16, Laurie Z., 15-time Grammy award nominee consideration artist. The selections, chosen by Janet Cucinotti of Zebra Productions, Inc.,  offers traditional and lively Hanukkah and Christmas songs.

Special treat — Jack Palance, the late actor tells "The Night Before Christmas" with Laurie’s soft music in the background… a CLASSIC.. like you’ve never heard it before! (Curly, from City Slickers, with Billy Crystal.)

Lorri Allen is featured with FOUR of her own stories published in the Heart of the Holidays book!  Copies were given away to callers who phoned in to share their favorite holiday traditions.

"Mornings" is like a chat around the water cooler. It’s a fun, refreshing—but different—way to start the day, equipping listeners with ways to engage friends and co-workers. Informational and inspirational, it’s relationship radio at its best. "Mornings" airs live on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161 from 6:00-9:00 am ET and on FamilyNet TV from 7:00-9:00 am ET. Check out the Mornings Blog anytime.


Heart of the Holidays (book only) is available at,, and Borders bookstores (find location near you).

Order the Book with Bonus Music CD for $19.95 and receive the Sparkle-Tudes! A-Z Quotations eBook (value $14.95) free.

Sheryl Roush is President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in San Diego, California. She is a top-rated international conference speaker, and 12-time author. In additional to Heart of the Holidays, her other books include: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman in Business, Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish), and Sparkle-Tudes!
Heart of a Mother also has a Bonus Music CD available with the book.


Sheryl Roush Addresses Fresno County Office of Education

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Sheryl Roush Addresses Fresno County Office of Education

On May 2, Sheryl Roush was the Featured Keynote Speaker at the annual Fresno County Office of Education Support Staff Conference, held at The Golden Palace Event Center, addressing over 250 school administrators, teachers and the Superintendent Larry Powell.

Her lighthearted and passionate presentation, "Sparkle-Tude™ for Leaders" offered seven Sparkle-Tude™ Boosters for having a sparkling attitude on a daily basis, even when dealing with difficult people, and tips for keeping pride and passion in their positions of leadership throughout their Districts and the County. Her presentation earned a standing ovation for the audience.

Your message was so powerful and insightful. The information you shared captured a true sense of "spirit" amongst the audience. You spoke of our conference being a gift to everyone who attended–well I believe they received another gift, a unique gift, and that gift was you. You shared your positive outlook with not only our support staff, but also our managers, administrators, and our superintendent, and it was well received by everyone. Thank you for sharing your positive energy, your inspirational light, and powerful message at our conference!
– Teresa Martinez-Trevino, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent

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