Real Freedom

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Real Freedom

Observing Independence Day may mean getting together for a family barbecue or taking an out-of-town trip, but no matter how you spend the day, Dr. Robin Smith says it’s important to remember what the day is really about. "People have lost loved ones so we can live in this free country," she says. There is also another, more personal, side to Independence Day that Dr. Robin says people sometimes forget: "Part of freedom is being safe to be who you are," she says.

In order to really appreciate your freedom this year, Dr. Robin suggests making Independence Day an up close and personal holiday—a time to exercise your idea of freedom. "What does it really mean for you to be free? For you to be liberated? For you to not just live in the land of the free, but for you to be a human being who is accessing it in your everyday life?" Dr. Robin asks. "What does it really look like for you to make good choices? Free choices that feed you body, feed your mind, feed your relationships?"

By embracing the meaning of independence and freedom and applying it to your own life this Fourth of July, Dr. Robin says you’ll become liberated in a new way. "Become who you were born to be, who you were destined to be—that is what it means to be free."

– Dr. Robin Smith, radio show on July 4, 2008,

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