Teleseminar: How to Prospect Anyone, Anytime Without Rejection

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No Cost Teleseminar:

How to Prospect Anyone,
Anytime Without Rejection

Have you ever wished you knew how to turn a casual conversation into a prospecting situation and realized that you did not have the right words at the right time?

Would you love to be able to make as many appointments for your business as you would like, anywhere at anytime ?

Have you ever given a presentation to someone who, for whatever reason, decided not to join your business or buy your products and afterward you wished you knew what to have said to make the sale instead of getting rejected?

How to Prospect Anyone, Anytime Without Rejection
Monday, September 8 at 9:00 PM (ET),  Ed Dacey, one of the Master Coaches at MLMU will be conducting a  TeleClass on this hot topic! Regardless of your job, career or industry – this is one valuable class to attend!
On this live call, you will learn how to overcome your fears of prospecting.

You will learn how to:

* Start a conversation with anyone, anywhere, without rejection
* Set up an appointment with that person, after you have that person’s attention 

* Use a unique language formula during a presentation that will allow your prospect to actually want to buy your products/ services or join your business

If you have ever been lost for words in what to say to someone or wish you could recruit more people or sell more products, then listen carefully to Ed as he gives you language formulas and strategy to solve those problems once and
for all on this brand new complimentary TeleClass.

To register for this class click on the link below:
While you’re signing up, register for my no charge teleclass on 9/18, on
7 Sales Secrets: How to Instantly Connect with Anyone

Sheryl Roush
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Coach
Phone (858) 569-6555

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