Chinese Year of the Rat: Prosperity
Chinese New Year| No Comments »Promise of Prosperity:
Chinese Year of the Rat
Chinese New Year this time around is the Year of the Rat, which brings with it the promise of prosperity.
The Chinese admire the rat for its quick mind and ability to gather valuables and save them for the future. Since 2008 is the Year of the Rat, the year ahead should offer many opportunities to acquire wealth, as well as the ability to make choices that enable us to provide comfort for a long time to come.
Since the rat sign is the first in the Chinese zodiac calendar, we may feel the energy of a cycle beginning. We may also feel a pioneering spirit that helps us to forge ahead with a completely new endeavor. Looking beyond Western culture’s distaste for rats, we may be able to appreciate their ability to thrive in less than ideal conditions. This quality might offer us hope that whatever challenges we may face will only serve to make us stronger and more able.
The rat’s ability to solve problems is well-known, so we can choose to enjoy any challenge that helps us keep our minds sharp while also making life more of a game.
A competitive nature may develop within us, leading us to use the rat’s ability to focus on priorities.
The rat can also remind us to be less worried about pleasing everyone we meet and more focused on our goals.
We should be aware of the rat’s habit for collecting and not allow ourselves to become so focused that we neglect those around us. Being constantly on the alert for opportunity can be stressful, so we can make the decision to balance our pursuit of prosperity with the enjoyment of good food and atmosphere and the people we trust to offer us both support and space.
With the energy of challenge and possibility, the year is likely to be exciting without being explosive. The Year of the Rat is sure to offer the type of enjoyable challenges that will enable us to become all we can possibly be.
Sparkle-Tude: Keeping a Goal-Focused Sparkling Attitude
Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of the Holidays, New Year's, Tips & Trivia| No Comments »Sparkle-Tude: Keeping a Goal-Focused Sparkling Attitude
by Sheryl Roush
1. Keep your self-talk positive, proactive and affirming.
2. Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want,
not just something that sounds good.
3. Write your goal in first-person “I am” or “I have” as already
having achieved it.
4. Add feelings to your goal statement. (“I am excited about…”)
5. Ensure your goals are not in contradiction to any of your other goals.
6. Write your goal out in specific detail
(numbers, target date, locations, size, pounds dropped, dollar amount).
7. Make your goal high enough, and know that you are deserving of it.
8. Treasure Map your goal with inspiring visual images in front of you.
9. Read your goal OUT LOUD each morning when you wake up,
visualizing/feeling the completed goal (including smells, sights,
sounds, feelings, tastes).
10. Read your goal OUT LOUD each evening right before you go to bed,
visualizing/feeling the completed goal (including smells, sights, sounds,
feelings, tastes).
11. Create a target (realistic) timeline for the goal, with a step-by-step plan.
12. Set incremental benchmarks and highlight them on your calendar.
13. Surround yourself with supportive, positive goal-setting people.
14. Re-View, Re-Evaluate and Re-Write Regularly (every 3-6 months).
15. Look for unexpected opportunities, unusual happenings that could
relate to your goals, as these may be incredible and perfect opportunities
in disguise.
16. Reward yourself for taking incremental steps toward achieving
your goal.
17. Plan a celebration date of completion, announcing the party date
to your friends.
Every time you make a decision during the day, ask yourself:
• "Does this take me closer to–or further from–my goal?"
• “Is this a distraction from–or attraction to–my goal?”
• “What is the NEXT most important thing to do?”
• “Is this my highest priority right now?”
My Goal: “I am/have_______________________________________________________________."
"Sparkle-Tude!" is Trademark protected by Sheryl L. Roush, Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Sheryl Roush is an internationally top-rated trainer and in-demand keynote presenter, inspiring organizations and staff to bring their heart to work. Visit for availability and topics including communication skills, boosting attitude and creating positive work environments for enhanced teamwork, cooperation and productivity.