Yuletide Poem: A Time, by Sheryl Roush

Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Poems| No Comments »

Yuletide Poem: A Time, by Sheryl Roush
Published in Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush



A time of Celebration
Bringing closure to the old year,
Setting resolutions for a better life,
Making goals for the next year.

A time of Gratitude,
Expressing to those near and dear to us,
A special fondness in our hearts.

A time of Hope,
Hope for a better future.
Hope for deeper meaning on our lives.
Hope for strengthened family ties.

A time of Forgiveness,
Letting by-gones by truly by-gone.
Starting anew with fresh, clean slates.

A time of Peace,
A deeep longing for harmony.
Reunion, collaboration, trust.

A time of Spirit,
Celebrating our soul’s profound wisdom of the ages.
Rekindling our uniqueness and collectiveness
as we are ONE on the planet.

We are the Family of God.

A time of Reconnection,
Being back in touch with those we’ve not seen/heard
from in ages,
and picking back up the conversation
right where we left off.

A time of Hearts,
Bonding for the first time.
Reuniting from separation.
Deepening in trust.
Pure, innocent, Divinely connected.
Connections so deep, it’s beyond words.

A time of Humor,
Laughing over advertises won.
Telling our tales of tribulations.
Seeing the irony of it all.
Sharing stories of our life’s adventures.
Recognizing our common journeys.

A time of Love,
Express candidly.
Sharing more openly to others of our true feelings.
Knowing that we are truly loved.
Not for what we have, or for presents given, or promises made.
Just because.
Unconditional, non-judgmental.
The love that connects us all – one heart to the other.
Our Divine umbilical cord soul to soul.
Heart to Heart.

(C) 2007 Sheryl L. Roush
Author of Heart of the Holidays
Speaker, Author, www.SherylRoush.com





Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother …  Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)

Corazon de Mujer
(printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)


National Speakers Association: Spirit of NSA Day November 14

Speaking Events, Stories| 1 Comment »

National Speakers Association:
Spirit of NSA Day
November 14

November 14 has been designated a national day of advocacy for the National Speakers Association
Posted October 14, 2008

To honor NSA Founder Cavett Robert, CSP, CPAE, and continue NSA’s legacy of sharing and giving, November 14, 2008 will be our 2nd Annual Spirit of NSA Day, a national day of advocacy encouraging NSA members to support one another. This year, and on every November 14 going forward, the day serves as a reminder to NSA members, encouraging them to:

  • Focus on giving back
  • Provide genuine support to speaking colleagues
  • Take time to connect, help, mentor or refer business to other members without any expectation of reciprocation

Many members already follow Cavett’s role model. However, imagine the strength of spirit and growth of our profession if all of our members focus on unconditionally giving of themselves to our community on this day. The NSA community is known for the concept of removing competition by building a bigger market for all speakers.

The strength of NSA is in the education we provide and the strong community we have built. As members, you are asked to support the Spirit of NSA by introducing colleagues to clients, referring business or mentoring emerging speakers.

Help the legacy continue and "build a bigger NSA pie" by participating in Spirit of NSA Day on November 14, 2008!

  • Provide peer to peer encouragement
  • Introduce a colleague to a potential client
  • Refer business to a colleague
  • Mentor an emerging speaker

Professional Member Sheryl Roush, commented, "I would not be where I am in the speaking profession today, had it not been for the overwhelming generosity of colleagues mentoring, coaching and cheering me along the way." Speaker Mary-Ellen Drummond recruited Sheryl to join NSA in 1990, on her board as Newsletter Editor for the San Diego Chapter. Roush then went on to serve another 13 years on the Chapter Board, received the "Member of the Year" award, and holds the Golden Microphone Award designation from the Greater Los Angeles Chapter. To date, she has presented in nine countries, plus addressed seven nations in the Arabian Gulf, and is a 12-time published author.

President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., she coaches and mentors Toastmasters International members into becoming professional speakers and authors today, as one way of giving back, and supporting the future of the profession. Sheryl was only the third woman in the world (of six) to earn Toastmasters’ Accredited Speaker designation for outstanding professional platform speaking skills, in their global membership of 4 million people in 93 countries. To date only 58 have earned this elite designation.

In honor of Spirit of NSA Day, Roush is donating graphic design work to two of her NSA colleagues on their NSA Fall Conference workshop presentations next weekend. She is also donating an after-dinner church fellowship presentation, "Humor for the Holidays" to senior citizens
in her home town at the Chula Vista Congregational Church, located in San Diego, California.

“Heart of the Holidays” Book Review by Angela England

Christmas, Hanukkah, Heart of the Holidays, New Year's, Thanksgiving, Winter Solstice| No Comments »

“Heart of the Holidays”
Book Review
by Angela England

Type-A Mom Gift Guide – Gifts for Moms
Monday, 10 November 2008
Click here to see original post.

The perfect size for giving, a woman who enjoys reading could not get a better gift book for the Yuletide Holidays than this charming book, Heart of the Holidays: Holiday Inspirations Yuletide Treasures and Traditions by Sheryl Roush.

This delightful book came at the perfect time for me as I begin to look forward to the holidays and felt the stress of Thanksgiving preparation creeping up on me. Heart of the Holidays: Holiday Inspirations Yuletide Treasures & Traditions is written by Sheryl Roush and was published by Sparkle Press. As I curl up on the couch to feed my newborn, this holiday collection is easy to thumb through for a few minutes.

Not too heavy or bulky, the easy-to-read format of Heart of the Holidays, makes this book the perfect present to tuck into a stocking, present as a hostess gift for Thanksgiving and Christmas parties, or give on one of the days of Hanukkah. It makes the perfect book for bedroom end table, bathroom magazine rack, or to read just in bits and pieces if you are as busy as I am.

What Readers Will See in Heart of the Holidays

Heart of the Holidays presents readers with over 225 pages of delightful poems, quotes, stories, excerpts, songs, and inspiring sayings in six categories: Thanksgiving; Christmas; Yuletide Around the Globe; Hanukkah; Winter Solstice; and Ringing in the New Year.

I appreciated the range of quotes that were included by Sheryl Roush, covering the range from proverbial sayings, to traditional historic figures, to humorous quips by modern celebrities. For example, in the Thanksgiving section she quotes Oprah Winfrey saying, "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

Not just quotes and songs, Roush has brought together the best of the holiday stories and essays available and gathered them altogether in one place. One of my favorites of these was in the Yuletide Around the Globe chapter, an excerpt from Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn, who says in a portion of Christmas in Sweden, "Even if you happen to live in a huge country mansion with a large dining room, on Christmas Eve you always eat in the kitchen together with those who mean something to you. Even if you are very sick you should appear for this meal to show the spirit of Christmas. Because at Christmas there are no barrier and no separations."

These thoughtful and uplifting samples are only a taste of what Heart of the Holidays by Sheryl Roush has to offer as a charming gift for a book lover, or harried housewife alike.

Where to buy Heart of the Holidays: Holiday Inspirations Yuletide Treasures & Traditions

JUST RELEASED: Heart of the Holidays the book plus the Heart of the Holidays BONUS MUSIC CD…. for only $19.95.

POEM: Vegan Christmas

Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »

Vegan Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
Nothing’s overnight baking, not Lamb and not Grouse.

Making plans for the morning, health-conscious are we,
Jotting it down, while sipping White Green Tea.

We’ll start with Wheatgrass – a 2 ounce shot,
Toasting healthy bodies with no meat in the pot.

Most thankful are we as we pause to say grace,
For not getting caught up in the holiday rat race.

Sparkling Pomegranite Juice in a wine glass,
Light up the stove – we’re cookin’ with gas!

Pita chips and hummus are starter pre-meal,
Carrots, Jicama, Bell Peppers – the natural deal.

Uncork the vintage Sauvignon Blanc,
Segura Viudas Spanish bubbly you can take to the bank!

Fresh garden salad, sunflower seeds and sprouts,
There’s enough for everyone – so no one pouts.

Simmer a pot of Cous Cous, or Basmati Rice,
Baked Butternut Squash would surely be nice.

Raw Sugar Snap Peas, and baked Yummy Yam,
Doing well avoiding Duck, Turkey and Ham.

Brown Rice Bread, Lentil Veggie soup, too.
Wow – without meat and dairy – there’s so much you can do!

Chocolate Tofu Mousse Cake – well-chilled,
With graham cracker crust, I’m not that strong-willed!

Organic Pumpkin Pie – served piping hot.
Sugar-free, you ask?  I think NOT!

Author of Heart of the Holidays, Sheryl Roush, www.SparklePresentations.com

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