Heart of a Woman in Business-Book Contributors Announced
Heart of a Woman in Business| 6 Comments »Heart of a Woman in Business
Book Contributors Announced
The long-awaited list of names of those contributors whose original submissions for the Heart of a Woman in Business book is finally posted! Today, Sheryl Roush, author, reveals the list of those to be published in the fifth book in the Heart Book Series, produced by Sparkle Press in San Diego, California.
Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the workplace. This "here’s how" book combines sisters-sharing-with-sisters insight with guidance, ideas, stories, and "I am doing it, you can too!" encouragement.
A powerful book written by and for entrepreneurs, executives, professionals, part-timers, free-lancers and working mothers.
You will be inspired to:
• Bolster your career
• Celebrate your talents
• Trust your intuition and insights
• Polish your business skills
• Recognize the opportunities placed before you
• Pursue your talents and gifts
• Connect with your creativity and use it to your advantage
Congratulations to each of these ladies and thank you for sharing your stories, strategies, and skills with working women everywhere.
Andrea Glass <www.WritersWay.com>
Andrea Gold <www.goldstars.com>
Becky Palmer <www.ctihome.com>
Belinda Sanders <www.BelindaSandersConsulting.com>
Betty LaMarr <www.nadisa.com>
Cappi Pidwell <www.cappipidwell.com>
Carol J. Grabowski <www.memorialcare.org>
Carol Shields <www.carolshields.net>
Cath Kachur-DeStefano <www.HumanTuneUp.com>
CeCe Canton <www.cecephoto.com>
Celeste Michelle Alba Lim <www.wlfcentre.com>
Christine Kloser <www.loveyourlife.com>
Darlene M. Fahl-Brittian <www.TakeUpTheCup.com>
Debbie Allen <www.DebbieAllen.com>
Debbie Barnett <www.DebbieBarnett.com>
Debbie Lousberg <www.LousbergUnlimited.com>
Debra Snider <www.DebraSnider.com>
Eileen Burke <www.queeneileens.com>
Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez <www.dynamicvisionintl.com>
Elizabeth Bateman <www.csc-a.com>
Helen Blanchard <www.HelenBlanchard.comt>
Iris Adam <www.uci.edu>
Ivka Adam <www.marshall.usc.edu>
Jan Mills <www.janmills.net>
Jan Smith <www.inlandmgtgroup.com>
Jana Stanfield <www.JanaStanfield.com>
Jane Ilene Cohen <www.janecohen.net>
Janice Weight, Retired teacher
Jeanie Callen Barat <www.CallenFitness.com> <www.Fit2BeMoms.com>
Joni Wilson <www.JoniWilsonVoice.com>
Judy Tejwani <www.sayitinembroidery.com>
Juliet Funt <www.TalkingOnPurpose.com>
Karen Hudson <www.KarenHudsonSeminars.com>
Karen Robertson <www.GiantStepSuccess.com>
Karen Tate <www.KarenTate.com>
Katherine Wertheim <www.werth-it.com>
Kathi Burns <www.addspacetoyourlife.com>
Kay Starr, Retired Tree Farmer
Kimberly Anne Eaton <www.all-about-home-businesses.com>
Kristen Crawford, Speaker
Lanie Adamson <www.ewordpro.com>
Laura Rubinstein <www.TransformToday.com>
Laurie Sheppard <www.creatingatwill.com>
Lidia Martinez <www.southwest.com>
Linda Salazar <www.awakenthegeniewithin.com>
Liz Myers <www.rootedliving.com>
Lyn White <www.lwhiteinsurance.com>
Lynn Pierce <www.LynnPierce.com>
Marcia Reynolds <www.OutsmartYourBrain.com>
Marcy Decato <www.cswebsitedesign.com>
Maria Carter <www.fallinlovewithyourlife.com>
Marianne Matheis <www.changespeaker.com>
Marilyn McLeod <www.CoachMarilyn.com>
Mary Lenore Quigley, Professional Poet
MaryPat Kavanaugh <www.queenofmarketing.com>
Michelle Burkart <www.think-biz.com>
Mona Moon <www.MonaMoon.com>
Moonstone Star White <www.spiritwindpublishing.com>
Morgana Rae <www.charmedlifecoach.com>
Nancy Bahr <www.nbahrdesigns.com>
Nikki Goldman <www.DrNikkiGoldman.com>
Oprah Winfrey <www.Oprah.com>
Pamela Kelly <www.pkelly.com>
Pat Morgan <www.SmoothSailingSuccess.com>
Patricia Stewart <www.AurorisEntertainment.com>
Peggy O’Neill <www.YoPeggy.com>
Raven Blair Davis <www.WomenPower-Radio.com>
Regina Baker <www.Wahmcart.com>
Ruth Koepp, Volunteer Extraordinaire
Sarita Maybin <www.SaritaMaybin.com>
Sharon Wilson <www.coachingfromspirit.com>
Sherrie Rose <www.SavorHealthyLife.com>
Sherry Netherland <www.sherrynetherlandconsulting.com>
Sheryl Roush <www.SparklePresentations.com>
Sheva Carr <www.fyera.com>
Shirlie Cunningham <www.aei-casc.com>
Suzan Tusson-McNeil <www.webenomads.com>
Trina Hess <www.yourshiningexample.com>
Valerie Rickel <www.SoulfulLiving.com>
Vicki Notaro <www.sandiegozoo.org>
Vijaya Jayaraman, McLANE
Virginia A. Ellis <www.poetrybyginny.com>
Zonnya Laferney <www.DrZonnya.com>
TIPS: Multi-tasking and Handling Interruptions
Tips & Trivia| No Comments »Multi-Tasking and Handling Interruptions
by Career Strategist and Life Coach, Laurie Sheppard
It is no longer a question whether or not to multitask, but how we can do it without dropping a beat. We are constantly connected to multiple forms of stimulus and available for interruptions.
We take our laptops on business and personal trips. Wireless systems everywhere make it easy to connect for emails or to call someone on Internet-based phone sites. Social network sites have escalated to billion dollar businesses. We carry cell phones that ring annoyingly in public places or vibrate in our pockets till we’re pulled away from who or what we already elected to focus on, to have a loud sidebar with someone else on the phone. Public cell phone users expose us to the intimate details of their life while we walk past them in post offices and cleaners, or worse yet, as we stand next to them in waiting lines. Text messaging abounds, while its shortcut language further separates communication between the younger and older generations – but perhaps not for long. I saw a middle-aged woman last weekend at a play who was constantly pulling her phone out to text message, until an usher spotted the bright light from it and told her to kindly put it away.
Our downtime, the little we had staked out for ourselves, is being eaten up by the constant demands of others and our own urge to stay connected to everyone and everything at all times. Has communication become more important now, or is it the fascination with our toys and machinery that lure us to use them?
Considering Americans are relatively new to many of these products, it’s possible we’re still in an early fascination phase. That’s what Naomi Baron, a professor of linguistics at American University and author of "Always On: Language in an Online and Mobile World," says is the case. She looks at how technology influences our learning and behaviors. Baron said, "My hope is that Americans are only going through a phase of feeling they must be ‘always on’ and that over time, we will regain a more balanced sense of communicative equilibrium."
Even watch alarms or other time-reminding alerts can negatively grab and redirect our attention, particularly when we were focused on something of importance. We all know what it’s like to be in a discussion with someone and be interrupted, then come back to the conversation and realize we forgot what we were talking about. Paul Schutte, of Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, wrote "Assessing the Effects of Momentary Priming on Memory Retention During an Interference Task" for NASA. The discussion of memory aids and how to better prime the mind for effective mental recall. Download the PDF here.
1. If you like to be plugged in and multitask, find ways to sharpen your memory that will otherwise become less sharp with constant interruptions.
2. Pay more attention to social courtesies and ask yourself whether or not it’s kind to others that you hold that outside conversation now.
3. Decide whether or not you want to be subject to constant connection through technology’s stimulus rather than be right where you are, with whom you’re with, or maybe enjoying your quietude.
I think we’re missing the comfort that emptiness can provide and the insights and learning that come from still reflection and being "offline." What about you? Do you leave yourself open to constant external connections?
CREATING AT WILL: Best Second Careers for Women
Email: Laurie@CreatingAtWill.com
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