December 12 BOOK SIGNING EVENT at Borders Eastlake

Book Signing Events, Book Signings, Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Military Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of the Holidays| 1 Comment »

Heart Book Series Contributors Autograph December 12, 2009 at Borders Eastlake, Chula Vista, California


Sheryl Roush and contributors to the Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Corazón de MujerHeart of a Woman in Business, and the brand new Veterans Day release of Heart of a Military Woman books will be autographing copies on Saturday, December 12, from 2:00-5:00pm at BORDERS bookstore in Eastlake of Chula Vista, San Diego, California.

More than a book signing, contributors will READ THEIR original STORY, TRIBUTE, or POEM to shoppers in English and in Spanish!

Author and professional speaker, Sheryl Roush gives presentations around the globe, at conferences and for corporations, helping to rekindle the spirit, raise the bar, and create excitement. Her gift for inspiring touches hearts and offers a positive outlook on daily life. A native San Diegan–and born in Chula Vista–she was crowned “Ms. Heart of San Diego” (twice) for contributions to our community.

Contributors at book reading and signing event include:
Loni Anderson
Sarah Arnold
Kathi Burns
Dharlene Fahl-Brittian
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
Jan Mills (Canada)
Darcy Lovgren Pavich
Beverly Roush
Sheryl Roush
Laura Rubinstein
Seth Sherwood-Flores
Gina Simmons
Lyn White

COME MEET THESE AUTHORS and have your books personally autographed!

Perfect for holiday gifts people will keep, read and cherish!

Eastlake Chula Vista

878 Eastlake Parkway
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Store Phone: 619.482.9883

Sheryl Roush Interviewed by Montel Williams

Heart of a Military Woman, Interviews, Patriotism| 4 Comments »

Sheryl Roush Interviewed by Montel Williams
Friday, December 4, 2009

Montel Williams interviewed San Diegan Sheryl Roush on his live national MONTEL ACROSS AMERICA radio show this morning.

A former Navy wife, Sheryl just released the Heart of a Military Woman book, co-authored with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, USAF Retired Master Sergeant, on Veterans Day this year.

Montel’s introduction overview of the book was eloquent, and commenting about supporting the families of the active military member too. Sheryl read the opening poem "Military Women" by Virginia Ellis.  Montel and Sheryl agreed that whether we support the decision to send more troops or not, we need to support our troops — there and here on the homefront.

The program aired LIVE then are archived at

Today’s podcast is posted here:

Sheryl Roush is the President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and author of the Heart Book Series. As an inspirational speaker, she boosts morale and attitude, creating positive work environments and rekindling the spirit in organizations. Her other titles in the series include: Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays and Corazon de Mujer (Spanish).

Montel Williams is passionate about his country, his issues, and his audience.  After a 17-year run as Emmy-winning host of his own daily daytime television program, Montel turned to radio as his new forum. His daily program features unique insight on social, political, and economic issues along with information on health and wellness for his listeners. Montel Across America is often broadcast from cities across the country and around the world, as Montel seeks to get up close and personal with his listeners and the issues he features.

Williams began his career when he enlisted in the US Marine Corps in 1974, and followed that with an appointment to the Naval Academy, where he studied Mandarin Chinese and developed a specialty in cryptology.  An accomplished author, Williams has published eight books to date, four of which were New York Times Bestsellers. His latest release Living Well Emotionally hit bookstores on January 6th, 2009 and has received critical acclaim.

Dec. 2, 2009-Military Writers Book Signing Symposium at San Diego Veterans Museum and Memorial Center

Book Signings, Heart of a Military Woman, Patriotism| 2 Comments »


On Wednesday, December 2, 2009, from 6-8 p.m., 14 authors from the San Diego Chapter of the Military Writer’s Society of America will gather at the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center for a Symposium, Book Fair and Book Signing.

This free event allows attendees to meet the writers, purchase books that can be personally signed, and take part in the authors’ special sales just in time for holiday gift shopping.

Topics include fiction and non-fiction and deal with WWII, Vietnam, the Cold War, Iraq and Afghanistan, military women, as well as other non-military subjects like true crime, historical fiction, self-help/inspirational, and pop culture.

Authors and Book Titles/Subjects
Books will be available for sale at the event.

Gail Chatfield
By Dammit, We’re Marines! Veterans Stories of Heroism, Horror, and Humor in World War II on the Pacific Front (WWII)

Virg Erwin
Cat Lo, a memoir of invincible youth (Vietnam)

David Lucero
The Sandman (Mystery/Suspense/Middle East)

Emilio Marrero
A Quiet Reality: A Chaplain’s Journey into Babylon Iraq with the I Marine
Expeditionary Force (Iraq)

Carl Nelson
The Advisor (Cô-Vân)(Vietnam Fiction)
Secret Players (Cold War Fiction)
Madam President and the Admiral (Fiction/Future Era)

Sheryl Roush and Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
Heart of a Military Woman (Veterans Day 2009 Release!)
Stories, Poems & Tributes Honoring Those Who Serve Our Country
Heart of a Woman in Business: Stories, Skills & Strategies for Business Success

Sheryl Roush
Heart of a Woman:
Stories, Poems, Quotations
Heart of the Holidays: Yuletide Treasures and Traditions
Heart of a Mother: Stories, Poems and Tributes to Mothers and Grandmothers
Corazón de Mujer (Heart of a Woman, Spanish)

Tom Ruck

Sacred Ground, A Tribute to America’s Veterans

Mike Sager
Scary Monsters and Super Freaks (True Crime)
Revenge of the Donut Boys (Pop Culture)
Deviant Behavior, A Novel (fiction)
Wounded Warriors (Iraq/Afghanistan)

Amy Goodpaster Strebe
Flying for Her Country:
The American and Soviet Women Military Pilots of World War II (WWII)

Don Westenhaver
The Whiplash Hypothesis (Vietnam)
The Red Turtle Project (Post-War Vietnam)
Nero’s Concert (Historical Fiction)

Marc Yablonka
Distant War: Recollections of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (Vietnam)

The Veterans Museum and Memorial Center was created in 1989 to honor and perpetuate the memories of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. The museum honors the legacy that has been created by these courageous men and women through artifacts, personal testimonials, stories of service, and guest speaker panels. Located in the historic Chapel of the old Balboa Naval Hospital, the museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Ample, free parking available to visitors.

Veterans Museum and Memorial Center
2115 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101

Contact: Melani Bruce, Events Director

Carl Nelson, Event Chair

The Veterans Museum and Memorial Center was created in 1989 to honor and perpetuate the memories of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. The museum honors the legacy that has been created by these courageous men and women through artifacts, personal testimonials, stories of service, and guest speaker panels. Located in the historic Chapel of the old Balboa Naval Hospital, the museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Ample, free parking available to visitors.

Heart of a Military Woman: A Book of Tributes

Heart of a Military Woman| No Comments »

Heart of a

Military Woman:

A Book of Tributes


When I sit and think about all the military influences in my own life today, I don’t have to look very far. I reflect first on my immediate family tree.

My father, Hiram Roush, served in the Army Corps of Engineers, and went on to become one of the best military aircraft design checkers, masterminded the hydraulic wheel lift system on the E-2, and saved the Apollo 11 black box from exploding on impact at the first landing on the moon on July 20, 1969.

Dad’s younger brother, Henry, was killed in a test flight at Miramar Air Station, taking another guy’s shift so he could be with his family.

Dad’s older brother, James Roush, was a B-52 Bombadier, noted for his accuracy and successful missions.

My mother, Beverly Roush, was a Rosie the Riveter, and met my father when working late shifts at the same plant. Several relatives are members of DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution).

Living in a military base town such as San Diego, it was bound to happen that I would meet and marry a man in the Navy, an Air Traffic Controller (Top Gun), stationed on the USS Horne, and later USS Valley Forge. Not sure how “romantic” this was, but he proposed to me during an episode of M*A*S*H. I understand all too well, being a West-Pac Widow, as his ship was assigned to the USS Ranger during the Persian Gulf War. Although he was highly decorated for his merits, he came home a different man, and became an abusive alcoholic. I’ve since dated a Submarine Senior Chief, and a Marine (not that I’m dating my way through the ranks!).

As a professional trainer, many of my clients are from the military world, not only the individuals and their families, but also their service providers, their hospitals, their housing coordinators, and their transition teams.

I have a certain affinity and a special place in my heart for our military, so I’m proud to produce this book of stories from—and tributes to—each and every one: the service member and their loving, dedicated families.

—Sheryl Roush

The Heart of a Military Woman book was proudly released on Veterans Day, 11 Nov 2009. To purchase copies for yourself and as gifts, click here. To schedule co-authors and/or Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, female motivational and inspirational speakers for your event, click here.

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