Sheryl Roush Speaks at Dental Conference
Speaking Events| No Comments »Sheryl Roush Speaks at Dental Conference
San Diego based internationally top-rated speaker Sheryl Roush is presenting the keynote address March 27 for the Alliance of the American Dental Association in Baltimore, Maryland. To boost workplace morale and offer tips for improving overall performance, Sheryl’s presentation on Sparkle-Tude!™ provides insights, ideas and inspiration that attendees can apply immediately. Her style is highly engaging, lighthearted, and interactive, and her attitude is contagious.
Following her high-energy conference opening program, Sheryl will then present a breakout session workshop entitled "7 Secrets of Leadership for Women" How to Authentically Connect and Communicate. According to noted research by Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., and Howard Gardner, Ph.D., there are seven multiple intelligences, or modalities of how people listen, learn, lead, speak, manage and process information. Sheryl simplifies the extensive research into easy-to-use real-life application for leaders, speakers, trainers, and sales and marketing professionals.
Sheryl is President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and has presented nearly 3,000 prgrams in nine countries and on conference programs alongside celebrities including: Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, James Ray, Marcus Buckingham and Suze Orman.
Sheryl is a 12-time author, with her business and inspirational gift books featured at Borders, and on, and at Her most recent book is Heart of a Woman in Business, and is currently collecting short stories for her Heart of a Military Woman book.