Sheryl Roush to Guest on Fearless Fifties Achieve Radio Show

Heart of a Woman in Business, Speaking Events| 1 Comment »

Sheryl Roush to Guest on Fearless Fifties Achieve Radio Show

Sunday, September 14, Fearless Fifties hosts 12-time author and international speaker Sheryl Roush.

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Fearless and just turned Fifty, Sheryl just released her new book this week, Heart of a Woman in Business.

An eight-time entrepreneur since age 16, she knows a thing or two about overcoming fears–keeping the faith–and keeping a positive attitude. From competing in men’s sports since age 8, to replacing men in corporate positions at age 20, and succeeding in traditionally male-dominated industries and organizations. Fearless (today) in public speaking, she cried her first three speeches in Toastmasters twenty years ago. She is honored by Toastmasters as only the 3rd woman in the world, out of 4 million people in 93 countries to receive their elite Accredited Speaker designation for outstanding professional speaking skills.

Last month, Sheryl was called with two weeks notice to replace a speaker on an International Convention program in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Passport and PowerPoint in hand, she wow’ed audiences from around the globe, had the largest attendee and highest rated program at the 4-day event. She is considered one of the best “authenticity” speaking coaches in North America, and has coached Olympians to tell their medal-winning stories.

President and CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in San Diego, California, Sheryl helps others bring out their brilliance. Organizations hire Sheryl to rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement, from creating positive work environments to enhancing communication skills, and boosting morale and cooperation. Some of her clients include: 7-Up; IBM; Sheraton; Stampin’ Up!; Sony, the Women in Publishing Society, Hong Kong; Union Bank; US Census Bureau; Womens’ Council of Realtors; Women in Business Symposiums; and the Zoological Society of San Diego.

To learn more about Sheryl Roush visit

STORY: The Best Business School

Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, Poems, Readers Respond, Stories| No Comments »

The Best Business School

by Sheryl Roush
Author of Heart of a Woman in Business

Business schools, workshops, seminars and boot camps abound today. Everyone is going off to attend something somewhere. Perhaps what we need most is a retreat—one back to our childhood.

Being an eight-time entrepreneur, I can attest to the best business school courses worthy of consideration, with the lowest tuition yet the highest return. Some of the most valuable ethics were those role modeled by my mother. To support the family income, and to get her out of the house being a young stay-at-home mom, she was the door-to-door Avon lady. Since my two brothers were old enough to attend school, she carted me around on her weekly routes. Believe it or not, I was quite shy, so she made me meet people – which translated later into natural networking skills.

A few years later, to help put my brothers through college, mom starting selling Amway products, and our household was one of the first to use biodegradable products – a truly novel “green” concept at that time. When I was 14, she dragged me to an Amway “Revival” where I heard my first motivational speaker, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. Today, we are colleagues in the National Speakers Association, and I’M a motivational speaker! From painfully shy to inspirationally high! (We never know where the seeds are going to be planted.)

From mom, I learned Midwestern values, work hard, show respect, do right, have integrity, help others, and what I now know as good old-fashioned customer service skills.

“Know what you want in life—and go for it.” A child of the Depression, at 18, mom moved herself from the farm in Iowa, with only $10, and her best girlfriend to “get a life” in California. She taught me about goal setting and visualization, without ever using the phrases. (I was named after that best girlfriend.)

“Be positive.” Attitude truly does make a difference in our ability to succeed—I’m convinced of that! In challenges where I have not yet developed the skills, it’s been having a positive attitude has catapulted me through the fears. As a speaker on the topic today, I believe that Faith is the “compass” of Attitude. We’ve also got to believe in ourselves.

“You can do anything you put your mind to.” A secret dream of Mom was to compete in the Olympics. At 68, she was selected to carry the Olympic Torch, on its way from San Diego to the 1984 Los Angeles Games. When I started a business at age 16 in the patio of my parents’ home, she encouraged and helped me with the silk-screening of t-shirts and bumper stickers. (My first “client” was the Shriners.)

 “Use what you’ve been given.” We each have skills, talents and unique abilities. As a youth, I was a graphic artist with a typewriter and mimeograph paper. (Remember those?) Mom constantly volunteered me to donate time designing the boating club and church newsletters. Later I earned four international design awards for newsletters (Top Ten in the world), have written five books and have presented seminars in eight countries on the topic. (It’s as if she knew…)

The best business school courses I’ve ever attended have been those in the classroom of life with Mom as my Teacher.

~ Sheryl Roush, Speaker, Author
Proud Daughter of Beverly J. Roush

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