Speaking Skills & Voice Workshop-Sept. 26
Speaking Events| 8 Comments »
Want to be a better speaker, trainer, leader?
Need to speak up and be heard?
Time to polish up on your communication skills?
Speaking Skills
& Voice Workshop
Ideal for every level of presenter…
Whether you are in sales, training, management…
You will discover
The Voice of Success™
Sparkle When You Speak!™
Saturday, September 26, 2009
9:00am – 4:00pm
San Diego, CA
Communication skills are critical to your self-esteem,
professional worth and financial future!
• Public speaking, training, sales and presentation skills
• Voice, projection, diction, assertiveness, voice image, dialect
• Speak to promote your business, product, services or your cause
You will learn tips to:
* Shine on the telephone and in person
* Handle your emotions calmly under pressure
* Demonstrate credible body language
* Build rapport instantly with others
* Design and deliver PowerPoint with professionalism and confidence!
Only $99 for the Full Day Workshop
Includes a 40-page Workbook loaded with exercises, worksheets, tips, and more!
Joni Wilson, a voice expert and performance coach, President of SalesTalkBiz™ Int’l, is the creator of the 3-Dimensional Voice® Training System, and author of the new book The Voice of Success: A Woman’s Guide to a Powerful and Persuasive Voice, published by the American Management Company. Learn from her amazing expertise and insight!
Sheryl Roush is a conference presenter, top-rated trainer, author, and speaking coach, with nearly 3,000 presentations given in nine countries. She brings over 30 years in sales, marketing, and graphic design to this program. Sheryl is only one of six women in the world to earn the elite Accredited Speaker designation from Toastmasters International in 106 countries and out of 4 million members, and a 12-time author, including Heart of a Woman in Business.
Both facilitators are long-term active Professional Members of the National Speakers Association, and the local San Diego and Greater Los Angeles Chapters.
Business Park
B.E.O.B. Advanced Training Institute
3954 Murphy Canyon Road
Suite D-204, 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92123
Institute is wheelchair accessible.
Details and directions will be provided.
Located at I-15 at Aero Drive, next to San Diego Chargers.
Free Ample Parking.
Pre-register before September 24 for only $99
Register between Sept. 24-25 for $129.
At-the-door (if available) $159.
Beverages & Treats are served at morning and afternoon breaks.
Lunch is on your own with numerous choices nearby!
Space is LIMITED to 35 attendees.
Attendees receive a 40-page loaded Workbook.
CALL 858-569-6555
Sheryl Roush, Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Email Sheryl@SparklePresentations.com
Checks payable to Sparkle Presentations, Inc., mailed to P.O. Box 2373, La Mesa, CA 91943
AmericanExpress, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and PayPal are welcome!
Internationally Top-Rated Speaking Coaches Host Speaking Skills Workshop for Women on June 6
Speaking Events| No Comments »Internationally Top-Rated Speaking Coaches
Host Speaking Skills Workshop for Women
on June 6 in San Diego
Two national speaking and performance experts are training women in business necessary skills to gain greater confidence, project composure and command respect, with a ONE DAY WORKSHOP — Saturday, June 6, in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter!
This workshop is for anyone (ages 16 and up) who uses their voice!
Speakers, trainers, coaches, consultants, voice-over talent, career women, attorneys and executives, teachers and preachers, professionals, small business owners, all stage-frightened individuals…
This workshop for women is facilitated in a supportive and nurturing environment with easy-to-do-“how-to’s” for immediate application.
Need to speak in front of groups?
Want to have greater confidence with others?
Does your voice ever crackle—or feel weak?
Time to improve your communication skills?
You will learn core skills to use immediately!
Skills including positive voice image, vocal care, handling emotions, telephone skills, running meetings, public speaking and training skills, impromptu speaking, body language, assertiveness, rapport-building interpersonal and sales tactics.
Have a deadline, a slide presentation or project that needs help?
Bring it – get coaching specific to your needs.
You are lovingly instructed by experts Joni Wilson, President of SalesTalkBiz™ International, and Sheryl Roush, President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc..
You will learn how to craft, design and deliver effective, persuasive and compelling presentations. Both are small business owners in San Diego, seeing the need to serve other women in business.
Joni Wilson, a voice expert and performance coach states, “From office and world politics, to relationships and family matters, today’s woman is loudly demanding her equal ‘voice.’ Whether she is in a courtroom, a classroom, in an office or on a stage, too many women go through their entire lives frustrated and unhappy with the sound of their voices.” Ms. Wilson is the creator of the 3-Dimensional Voice® Training System, and author of several books—including Amazon’s #1 for business books (above The One-Minute Manager). Joni’s new June release of The Voice of Success: A Woman’s Guide to a Powerful and Persuasive Voice, is published by the American Management Company. A professional singer, she is famous around San Diego (and once opened for Elvis), and prepares contestants for shows and American Idol.
Sheryl Roush is a 12-time published author, an internationally top-rated trainer and speaking coach. Known for her Sparkle When You Speak!™ programs, she has presented nearly 3,000 presentations in nine countries and earned the highest awards from both the National Speakers Association and Toastmasters International. She was only the third woman in the world (93 countries and of 4 million members) to earn Toastmasters’ elite Accredited Speaker designation for outstanding professional presentation skills. As a conference speaker, she has presented on programs alongside celebrities including Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Joan Lunden and Suze Orman. As a professional speaking coach, she trained executives, sales teams, Olympians and the San Diego Charger Cheerleaders. Sheryl is a Past President of the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Registration 8:30-9:00am
Program 9:00am-5:00pm
The luxurious Victorian style
Horton Grand Hotel
in the Gaslamp Quarter
Regal Ballroom
311 Island Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110
Pre-register before June 3 for only $139, and get a FREE copy of Joni’s book The Voice of Success, and Sheryl’s Heart of a Woman in Business book! Autographed!
Register at-the-door on June 6 for $159, without the book bonus.
BRING 3 friends who register–and YOU attend the Workshop for FREE–and get the BOOKS!
CALL (858) 569-6555 to PRE-REGISTER!
Sheryl Roush at Sparkle Presentations, Inc., or email Sheryl@SparklePresentations.com
American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and PayPal are welcome.
CalSAE Luncheon Features Workplace Communications Speaker Sheryl Roush
Speaking Events| No Comments »
CalSAE Luncheon Features Workplace Communications Speaker Sheryl Roush
Speaking to the topic of “Critical Communications, Critical Connections, Critical Times” tailored for senior management and experienced sales team members, Ms. Roush began the program having attendees assess their communication techniques, then guided them through the Seven Multiple Intelligences, or modalities of listening and authentic persuasion. This presentation outlined the critical elements of connecting with others – including fellow members in the organization, employees and peers.
Closing out the program, Sheryl offered tips on Creating a Positive Work Environment, what employees want, plus boosting morale and attitudes during these most challenging times. Members commented it was the most fun, high-level, and interactive program they have ever had at their meetings.
Your presentation “Critical Communications, Critical Connections, Critical Times” was a complete hit with the CalSAE members. I found it to be an excellent combination of practical tips, helpful reminders, and was also delightfully funny. I am certain each member of the audience was not only entertained, but was able to learn from your presentation and take away something useful in their personal and professional lives.
I was also impressed with your preparation and personalization for this presentation. You have a special talent for engaging the audience in an inclusive and relaxing way that enhanced the experience for everyone. I’ve rarely seen presenters that can personally connect with so many in the audience in such a short time. It was quite impressive to witness.
It was also clear that your research and mastery on the subject of communications is very high. The subject of communications is critically important, and your information could be used by those throughout any organization. I also appreciate the way in which you were able to tailor the presentation based on the specific needs and requests you received from us in advance.
Thank you for an excellent presentation and I am looking forward to working with you in the future.
Jim Anderson, CAE
President & CEO
Sheryl Roush, CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., is an internationally top-rated presenter, known for her high-energy, high-content, how-to presentations. Her programs rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement, focused on attitude, communication and customer service skills. Sheryl has over 30 years of expertise in communication, is a 12-time published author, and has presented over 3,000 programs in nine countries with rave reviews and results. Clients include: 7-Up, Sheraton, San Diego Zoo, San Diego Chargers and Charger Girls, Verizon, US Census Bureau. Sheryl is available to speak at conferences, associations, organizations, on-site trainings, and facilitate retreats.
Sheryl Roush presents Sparkle When You Speak!™ Workshop at AICI International Conference May 14
Speaking Events| No Comments »Sheryl Roush presenting
Sparkle When You Speak!™ Workshop
at AICI International Conference
Thursday, May 14
Want to authentically connect better with others?
Need to polish up on your public speaking skills?
Ready to present with more confidence and credibility?
Internationally top-rated professional speaker and trainer Sheryl Roush is presenting a special 3.5 hour Pre-Conference Workshop entitled Sparkle When You Speak!™ from 8:30am-12 Noon on Thursday, May 14 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine, CA. The workshop launches the annual conference of the AICI – Association of Image Consultants International, running May 14-17.
Sheryl’s interactive workshop helps women have business and personal success to stand up, speak out and shine! Ideal for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed with nervousness, panic or anxiety — they can fear no more! Whether speaking in front of a small or large group – whether a beginner or expert – participants discover simple tricks, tips and treasures to use immediately!
Attendees will:
* Identify your authentic communication style
* Discover the 7 multiple modalities in any group
* Connect instantly with and retain audience attention
* Develop skills to mind map, craft and organize your presentation
* Design effective presentations using professional visual aids
* Use visual aids including props and slide presentations
Expert speaker Sheryl Roush has presented nearly 3,000 presentations in 9 countries over the past 20 years, to groups as intimate as 5 and large as 5,000. President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., Sheryl is a top-rated trainer in eight countries as selected by attendees for engagement, content, interaction, tailoring and impact. She has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Jane Seymour, Geena Davis, Suze Orman, Vicki Lawrence and more. She served as the Director of Training for the US Olympic Training Center, coaching Olympians in speaking skills, and is coaching the award-winning San Diego Charger Cheerleaders for her ninth year. Sheryl is an eight-time business owner since age 16, and 12-time published author, including Heart of a Woman in Business.
Affirmations for Presenters
Heart of a Woman in Business, Tips & Trivia| No Comments »Affirmations for Presenters
Read out loud before your presentation.
I let go of anything that has happened today which does support me to be my best NOW.
I put my ego aside and serve this audience to the best of my abilities.
I remain balanced and centered and am capable of handling anything.
I have credibility in this topic and present this message in a way which is easily understood and by all.
I am professional and respected.
I gave thanks that my thoughts flow easily and effortlessly.
My words flow smoothly and in a logical manner.
I am safe. I am confident. I visualize success.
I am authentic, genuine and real.
I easily establish and hold rapport with my audience.
I am connected with my audience and shift to respond with them.
I create ways to involve the audience.
I empower interaction among and with the audience participants.
I deliver a dynamic presentation.
I am amazing. I am courageous.
I am an outstanding speaker.
I take my material seriously and delivery lightly.
I use my talents.
I have fun, and they have fun.
I am worthy to deliver this message.
I am grateful for the privilege to serve them.
I give thanks that I meet and exceed expectations of all present.
I give thanks that I reach each listener on their level.
Published in Heart of a Woman in Business.
Sheryl Roush
Professional Speaker
Speaking Coach
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Heart of a Woman in Business Book Helps Prepare for Speech Next Day
Heart of a Woman in Business| 1 Comment »Heart of a Woman in Business Book Helps Prepare for Speech Next Day
I want to thank you for arranging to have the new Heart of a Woman in Business books delivered on time for my presentation tomorrow. I received the books this afternoon, and immediately opened up the box to see my story in print! You are right, it’s a wonderful experience.
I just browsed through the book and it looks to be a wonderful collection!
I randomly turned to page 67, Affirmations for Presenters, in the Polishing Up on Business Skills Chapter, and read through the suggestions. I will read this again before I begin my presentation tomorrow. What wonderful words!
Best to you on this book,
Jan M. Smith
Inland Management Group