Top 11 Self-Reflection Questions for Years End
Heart of the Holidays, New Year's, Tips & Trivia| No Comments »Top 11 Self-Reflection Questions for Years End
by Michelle L. Casto, Ph.D.
1. What worked in my life this past year?
What did not work?
2. What brought me happiness/disappointment?
3. Where was I successful?
4. What were my greatest challenges/lessons?
5. What am I most proud of? What do I most regret?
6. What attitudes and actions will I take with me into the new year?
Which ones do I want to keep in this year?
7. What limiting beliefs did I shift?
What negative emotions did I shift?
8. When did I follow my intuition?
9. How did I grow, improve, and expand myself?
10. How much love did I share?
11. What do I want my intention to be for 2008?
Michelle L. Casto, Ph.D.
© 2007
Dr. Michelle helps you come up with bright ideas for your life, shine your bright light to the world, and graduate from a "default" life to your divine life, the one you were born to live. You can visit her web site at