Sheryl Roush Speaks at SCORE-San Diego

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Sheryl Roush Speaks at

SCORE-San Diego

Need a booster in your marketing?
Are your promotions really working that well?
Want more business?!!!

Friday, November 13, SCORE San Diego
Women’s Networking Breakfasts
is hosting:

Solid Gold Marketing Design    
How to Create Effective Promotional Materials

with Sheryl Roush marketing design expert, author and internationally top-rated trainer on the topic (in 8 countries)

Attend and you will discover the Gold Mine of great design for your printed and on-line promotions… fliers, posters, business cards, and more! 

Learn what elements should be placed where for maximum results and why.  Walk away with Golden Nuggets to use right away! 

Program includes breakfast, visual examples, an engaging “how-to” program and 4-page handout.

Women’s Networking Breakfasts
Designed to help women in business, but men are welcome too, SCORE’s Networking Breakfasts feature outstanding guest speakers. Attendees include successful business owners eager to share their knowledge and experience, and provide timely and useful information to help your business grow.

MORGAN RUN Resort & Country Club
5690 Cancha de Golf
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091

8:00 AM until 11:00 AM

Event begins ON TIME!
Please arrive at 7:30am–30 minutes early–to complete check-in process.

SCORE Networking Breakfasts offer informative and timely program presentations along with excellent networking opportunities with more than 100 other women entrepreneurs.
One in eleven adult women in the U.S. is an entrepreneur. Yet, despite the overall success of women-owned businesses, female entrepreneurs face many early challenges. Effective networking, mentoring and guidance in early stages of business is crucial! At these Networking Breakfasts you’ll meet SCORE counselors and others who have started and succeeded in their own small businesses.

Bring your business cards and marketing materials to place on the general networking table.

Breakfast Program Agenda:
  8:00am   Registration, Networking, Exhibits Open
  8:45am   Breakfast Seating, Opening Remarks, Exhibitor Presentations, Table Networking
  9:45am   Speaker’s Presentation (see below for speaker bio) Sheryl Roush
10:35am   Exhibitor Presentations and Door Prizes
10:50am   Closing Remarks, Networking Continues 
11:00am   Program adjourns

Registration fee: $45

Speaker: Sheryl Roush
Sheryl Roush, President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., has over thirty years experience in advertising and graphic design. An 8-time entrepreneur, she has owned five graphic design studios in San Diego and is the recipient of four international design awards. Sheryl is a 13-time author and female motivational and inspirational speaker on communication and presentation skills, and boosting workplace morale. Sheryl was only the third woman in 106 countries and 4 million members to earn the “Accredited Speaker” designation from Toastmasters International. As a keynote presenter she has spoken on programs alongside celebrities including Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Art Linkletter, Robert G. Allen, Joan Lunden, Suze Orman, Gallup’s Marcus Buckingham, and countless others. She has presented over 3,000 programs in 9 countries over the past 15 years. Sheryl’s books include: Solid Gold Newsletter Design, Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Mother

  • Her next Speaking Skills and Voice Workshop is January 23, 2010.
  • Veterans Day, 11/11/2009, her new book released, Heart of a Military Woman

Follow “Sheryl Roush” on Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo and Linked In.

Speaking Skills & Voice Workshop-Sept. 26

Speaking Events| 8 Comments »

Want to be a better speaker, trainer, leader?

Need to speak up and be heard?

Time to polish up on your communication skills?

Speaking Skills

& Voice Workshop

Ideal for every level of presenter…
Whether you are in sales, training, management…

You will discover
The Voice of Success™
Sparkle When You Speak!™

Saturday, September 26, 2009  
9:00am – 4:00pm
San Diego, CA


Communication skills are critical to your self-esteem,
professional worth and financial future!

• Public speaking, training, sales and presentation skills
• Voice, projection, diction, assertiveness, voice image, dialect
• Speak to promote your business, product, services or your cause

You will learn tips to:
* Shine on the telephone and in person

* Handle your emotions calmly under pressure
* Demonstrate credible body language
* Build rapport instantly with others
* Design and deliver PowerPoint with professionalism and confidence!


Only $99 for the Full Day Workshop
Includes a 40-page Workbook loaded with exercises, worksheets, tips, and more!


Joni Wilson, a voice expert and performance coach, President of SalesTalkBiz™ Int’l, is the creator of the 3-Dimensional Voice® Training System, and author of the new book The Voice of Success: A Woman’s Guide to a Powerful and Persuasive Voice, published by the American Management Company. Learn from her amazing expertise and insight!

Sheryl Roush
is a conference presenter, top-rated trainer, author, and speaking coach, with nearly 3,000 presentations given in nine countries. She brings over 30 years in sales, marketing, and graphic design to this program. Sheryl is only one of six women in the world to earn the elite Accredited Speaker designation from Toastmasters International in 106 countries and out of 4 million members, and a 12-time author, including Heart of a Woman in Business.

Both facilitators are long-term active Professional Members of the National Speakers Association, and the local San Diego and Greater Los Angeles Chapters.


Business Park
B.E.O.B. Advanced Training Institute
3954 Murphy Canyon Road
Suite D-204, 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92123   
Institute is wheelchair accessible.
Details and directions will be provided.
Located at I-15 at Aero Drive, next to San Diego Chargers.
Free Ample Parking.

Pre-register before September 24 for only $99
Register between Sept. 24-25 for $129. 
At-the-door (if available) $159.

Beverages & Treats are served at morning and afternoon breaks.
Lunch is on your own with numerous choices nearby!

Space is LIMITED to 35 attendees.
Attendees receive a 40-page loaded Workbook.

CALL 858-569-6555
Sheryl Roush, Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Checks payable to Sparkle Presentations, Inc., mailed to P.O. Box 2373, La Mesa, CA 91943
AmericanExpress, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and PayPal are welcome!

Sheryl Roush presents No-Cost Teleseminar Tonight on Sales & Communication Skills

Speaking Events| 1 Comment »

Sheryl Roush presents No-Cost Teleseminar for MLMU tonight on Sales & Communication Skills

Thursday, September 18
9:00pm Eastern, 6:00pm Pacific

7 Sales Secrets:
How to Instantly Connect with Anyone
How is your business?
And your communication skills?
Want to connect authentically with others?
Sell more products and services?

If you are active in networking marketing or a speaker, trainer, presenter, coach — this material enhances your profession!

* Discover your preferred communication style
   and the 7 natural modalities of listening.
* Learn how to easily establish rapport, gain credibility
   and authentically relate with each of the groups.

If you are not meeting people where they are, communicating as they need it, you’re missing the mark, and the business. Enhance your charisma and connection factor.
This TeleClass is based on “7 Kinds of Smart” multiple intelligence research from Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., and Howard Gardner, Ph.D., then simplified and translated into business skills to use today.
You will be able to apply these tactics immediately to your next interaction, sales call, marketing materials, presentation, coaching or training session, with great effectiveness.
Presenter Sheryl Roush has trained organizations around the globe in this information including 7-Up, Intuit’s Turbo Tax executive sales team, Stampin’ Up demonstrators, direct sales, speakers, trainers, coaches, real estate professionals and more. Sheryl has started eight companies since 16. Author of 12 books, she has been a professional speaker for 20 years, presented in 9 countries and is one of only 6 women worldwide (in 93 countries and out of 4 million people) to have achieved the honor of Accredited Speaker. She is a 20-year Professional Member of the National Speakers Association, and Past President of the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance (ICF).
Email in advance for the communication skills assessment handout,
Subject line: MLM TeleClass

and click on the SIGN UP link

Register for: Class SR-101a
The phone number to call in will be instantly emailed to you.
The class is free. The long distance phone charge is your responsibility.

15 Years Later: Toastmasters Accredited Speaker

Speaking Events| 13 Comments »

15 Years Later:
Toastmasters Accredited Speaker

Today, August 21, marks 15 years since I earned the elite designation of "Accredited Speaker" from Toastmasters International for "professionalism and outstanding achievements in public speaking." The journey to the award, and to the final judging in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was truly the journey to the depths of my core.

At that time, the marketing materials read the headline "Are You Good Enough to Be Pro?"  I challenged myself to find out – by applying the program.

This prestigious award is only presented to those of professional platform caliber, as demonstrated in communication skills of: informing, persuading, motivational, inspirational, entertainment and humor, and seminar/discussion leader.  Less than 1 in 20 ever pass, and even fewer pass the first time.

To date, there have only been 58 honorees, out of 235,000 current members (4 million members since 1924) in 93 countries, and of those 58, only 6 are women. I had the privilege of being the 3rd woman and 28th overall to be recognized, and on the first time.

As I reflect on what the award meant to me then and means to me now, it’s about courage to boldy go, to push myself harder and higher than I ever have before, constantly raising my own bar of performance levels, and more so, of authenticity. My speech title that afternoon, "Perc-U-Lating Power: The Magic of Having More Passion and Purpose in Your Life" still rings true for me personally today (as is one of my two top keynote presentations). In the process of preparing for this final level, I prayed for guidance and meditated on what message would God what the world to hear. The energy-charged presentation received 12 minutes of standing ovation, and the International Director needed to request people finally be seated to proceed with the program. I opened with magic (which I’d done before) and ended with singing (which I’d never done before either). Today, I still maintain that level of trust in my Maker.

Receiving the award gave me a new found confidence in my skills, deepened my level of trust in what I am doing, confirmed use of my gifts, as well as increased credibility in the field of speaking. To do well in the field of speaking and training, one must be whole-heartedly committed to it!

As I review what I have done SINCE receiving the award…

With increased confidence, I applied to SkillPath Seminars and CareerTrack Seminars, and was accepted by BOTH companies as a contract trainer… becoming the top-rated international trainer in marketing communication skills in eight countries for seven consecutive years, was awarded "Most Interactive Trainer" and the "Rising Star Award." As a result, CareerTrack asked me to co-author two full-day presentation skills and train-the trainer seminars, then serve as Lead Trainer for them. What a joy!

Sharing my expertise in marketing communication and graphic design, I wrote a business "how-to" book, Solid Gold Newsletter Design, which is now a coursebook at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and presented on the topic in eight countries. Also authored numerous seminars, CDs, DVDs, videos and more…

Being a student and teacher of inspiration, helping people and organizations rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement, I’ve written a series of inspirational books…Sparkle-Tudes! (quotations by and for women), Heart of a Woman (and translated into Spanish, Corazon de Mujer), Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, and releasing next month Heart of a Woman in Business.

As a result of having the designation, I’ve been asked to share what I’ve learned about speaking with others, and invited to present in the Arabian Gulf last year – addressing 1,000 people from 7 nations, and was the only woman on the entire 3-day conference, complete with a formal press conference.

I served as District 5 Governor for Southern California and Baja California, and was the first woman elected to that leadership position in 10 years, responsible for 128 Clubs and 2,800 members, and 970 Officers.

Doors have opened that I had never even considered; I’ve been to places I’ve needed to find on a global map; I’ve met amazing people from different cultures and belief systems; and I am grafteful.

Thanks to Toastmasters! I never would be doing the service I do today, nor at the level at which I have the privilege of serving.

For any member of Toastmasters even CONSIDERING pursuing the Accredited Speaker designation: YES!  Do it. Order the free application and program information, Code #1208 from Toastmasters.

Here’s to 15 amazing years – and simply the best communication and leadership program, literally, in the world!

Sheryl Roush, DTM, PDG, A/S
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.

How to Bring Eloquence to your Presentation Skills

Heart of a Woman in Business, Tips & Trivia| 1 Comment »

Published in Heart of a Woman in Business, releasing October 1, 2008

Which Words?
How to Bring Eloquence to your Presentation Skills

Eloquence is lean. But, I didn’t know that when I started speaking 7 years ago. I used weighty language, and for the wrong reasons. In retrospect I can see innocence in the mistake. I was a woman and often younger than my mostly male clients. My expertise had been acquired through an eclectic route and bore no degrees or designations to fortify surety in myself. So I used three-dollar words to sound credible, content-ful and smart. The more nervous I got, the more tiles disappeared from my scrabble bag.

A breakthrough came while a consultant was preparing me for a radio interview on parenting, the topic of which was to be a concept I call “The Trophy Child.” In our practice session, I kept saying the problem of using our children to gain status was systemic, and she kept saying the word systemic was inaccessible and preventing me from connecting with the audience. She was right and this “a-ha” lead to the development of a mental filter. A little bell began to go off when the wrong motive was behind a lavish word. Now I work to make impact without pomp. I have found simplicity and brevity are harder.

The tendency to be verbose can come from other roots. Many industry and business experts are so familiar with their own jargon, they cannot see how thick and impenetrable it is to the listener. Professorial trivia buffs have trouble with arcane references that create separation and leave folks behind (seen any Dennis Miller lately?).

Does this mean that we should shy away from using colorful or interesting words? Au contraire! But, we must be sure our selections are mindful, and strive to elevate the message, not ourselves.

Each of us have some verbal shortcomings and big words may not be your issue. You may have trouble putting your thoughts together in a clear way; you may be a 20/30 something for whom “like”, “you know” and “totally” have infected your delivery; you may have a hard time feeling confidant in front of any size group and find that this internal experience corrupts your ability to speak well. Let’s face it, we can all turn up the heat on purposeful word choice. There is work to do. The first task is to reflect.

Step one is external. We must have truth reflected back at us, as in a mirror. Seek feedback on your presentations through video, coaching, honest words of colleagues, and evaluations. Now take these numerous and thorough points of view and see how they reflect your eloquence. Are you hearing “to the point”, ”articulate” or “really kept my attention?” How many said “seemed a bit long” or “couldn’t quite follow.”

Step two is internal. Usually a critical mass of data is building around us to help reveal blind spots, and if we are quiet we will begin to notice themes in our own professional flaws. Become a watcher to your own play and try to actually listen to yourself while you speak. This will take some time but soon you will actually be pulled out of your own presenter trance when your words sound over-the-top, meandering or dull. You will notice when you drone on during your A to a short Q. Speaking of Q’s…asking yourself reflection questions can help. “Am I saying exactly what I mean?” “What portions of this presentation don’t really add anything relevant?” “What would it look like to be in complete command of this room?”

Step three is eternal. As our presentation careers progress our word choice becomes more perfect and more natural. Eventually we move from Thermometer to Thermostat. A thermometer constantly checks to see what the room feels like. A thermostat hovers at the right mark by making constant adjustments automatically.
And after all of this reflection; Redesign! Here are a few tips to get you started…

12 Stops on the Road to Eloquence

Upgrade your Source: Don’t stop at your computer thesaurus. Purchase The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale and Nancy LaRoche. This juicy tome is the difference between the spatula aisle at Vons and William Sonoma.

Off your Offspring: Writers fall in love with their own words. But, when it comes to editing the common thought is, you must “kill your children.” Go through your presentations and edit listening for overkill, showing off, repetition and repeating.

WWMAD: What would Maya Angelou do? If I were one of the great masters of clarity blended with poetry, how would I say it?

Practice Makes Perfect:
Don’t feel strange about rehearsing what you are going to say whether it is to an audience of 1, 3 or 1000. Nerves can hijack your eloquence in a heartbeat unless they are tamed by practice. Use this discipline especially when speaking in front of anyone that is particularly intimidating to you or who presses that Daddy/ Big Brother/ Hot-Guy-Who-Rejected-You button.

Go Low: Ladies, be aware of when you are chattering away in your high register. To empathize with the male perspective on this sound, try calling to mind the last time your children were whining. Use your low tones. Then give yourself positive and affirming self-talk to add the confidence to back them up.

Follow Through: You know how to follow through in sports. Do the same in speaking. Once the perfect eloquent words are in your speech infuse them with good full breaths. Let your weight drift forward to the balls of your feet. Linnnger slightly on the right consonants and exlooore your vowels.

Cut That Out: When striving for eloquence on paper try to cut out the word “that” whenever you can. It is unnecessary 90% of the time.

Write It- Edit It: You have 100 words to make a point to a man. Any more and you venture into the territory I like to call “The Avalanche;” pouring tons and tons of info into their very action-oriented minds. Try this- write out everything you want to say and then edit it down to 100 words. When you read it back you will get the felling of the brevity and directness that makes men listen.

Go Easy on Quotes: If you crave more splash in your words, don’t borrow them too liberally to meet this need. Too many quotes in a presentation smacks of amateurishness. They came to hear you.

Drop the Cookbook:
I love to bake because it is an opportunity for instinct and nuance. A good recipe partway through is abandoned, like a guidebook that at some point is tossed to the tour-bus floor so one can run off and explore. The point is…Improvise a bit; even through content you have already written.

Identify your Recipe: One more baking analogy and then I am going to have to go whip up a lemon bundt cake so I can get back to concentrating. There are different flavors of eloquence. Ask yourself, what is your eloquence recipe? A spoon of wisdom? A pinch of sweetness or sarcasm? Just a dash of subtlety?

Warm Up: Why write it if your lips can’t say it? The most beautiful words need a warm and flexible vocal instrument to be heard. You can sing scales. You can hum a note, sliding up and down. Don’t forget the tongue twisters. My favorite; “She stood on the balcony inimitably mimicking him, hicupping and amicably welcoming him in.”

Welcome to today’s words. “Punked” is a verb and Paris Hilton a role model. We need every well-spoken syllable we can find. So don’t give up the fight. Carrying the torch of moving and relevant language is, as it always has been, up to you, to me and the occasional odd guy on a box in a public square.

-Juliet Funt, Speaker, Author

Juliet Funt is the owner of Talking on Purpose, Inc. Her hilarious, lively and idea-packed presentations may just be the most fun thing about your next meeting or training day. Check out for more info or contact Juliet at 323 854 8855 or

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