Passing of Star Trek’s “First Lady” Majel Barrett-Roddenberry

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Passing of Star Trek’s "First Lady"
Majel Barrett-Roddenberry

Actress Majel Barrett Roddenberry, beloved star of sci-fi phenomenon Star Trek passed away after a short battle with Leukemia, on Thursday, December 18, 2008, surrounded by family and friends in her Bel-Air home.

Majel had a recurring role in the original "Star Trek" as Nurse Chapel.

Barrett first appeared in Star Trek (The Original Series) first pilot which aired in 1964. Her role as the Enterprise’s first officer (referred to simply as "Number One") did not fair well with NBC execs, who could not see a woman in leadership, and was later changed to Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock. When the series was retooled, Barrett eventually returned in a new role as the blonde Nurse Chapel.

Barrett’s adored flamboyant role as Betazoid royalty and "Lwaxana Troi" and telepathic mother of Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) on Star Trek: The Next Generation demonstrated her compassion, creativity, and comfort with bearing-it-all.  She is also the voice of the USS Enterprise computer in Star Trek: TNG, ST: Deep Space Nine, and ST: Voyager.

It was the love affair between her and her "Imzadi," the late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry that earned her the title "The First Lady of Star Trek." Over the course of their more then quarter-century love affair, she became not only Gene’s soulmate, his partner, and his creative muse. Majel helped Gene expand the Star Trek film, even after his passing. Majel brought two more of Gene’s visions to life: Earth: Final Conflict, and Andromeda (hand-picking stars Kevin Sorbo and Lexa Doig).

Before "Trek," Barrett had roles on several television shows, including "The Lucy Show," "Bonanza," "Leave it to Beaver" and "The Untouchables." She also appeared in 1958’s "The Black Orchid," 1963’s "The Quick and the Dead," and 1966’s "A Guide for the Married Man."

She is survived by her only son Eugene "Rod" Roddenberry Jr…. and millions of adoring Fans throughout the Galaxy.

-Sheryl Roush
Fan since the beginning

Sheryl Roush presents “Star Trek and Toastmasters: Parallel Universe”

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Sheryl Roush presents "Star Trek and Toastmasters: Parallel Universe"

Saturday, June 7, 2008, professional speaker Sheryl Roush presented a most unique program to a full house at the western Regional Conference of Toastmasters International, at the Anaheim DoubleTree Hotel. With her 60-minute program entitled "TO BOLDLY GO," Sheryl addressed the "Parallel Universe" between the creation and philosophies of both Star Trek and Toastmasters International.

The first three minutes of the slide program–set to theme songs from Star Trek–sited historical references to John F. Kennedy’s challenge to place a man on the moon, starting with black and white images, building to color images from the space station and Hubble photographs of cosmos, into Star Trek: The Original Series, complete with black-and-white photos of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and the bridge crew. Slide sequences followed in color, highlighting Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager; and Star Trek: Enterprise.

Both "visionaries" were spotlighted and paralleled: Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, founder of Toastmasters International, the world’s largest non-profit educational organization; and Gene Roddenberry, creator of the globally recognized science fiction, blockbuster movies, and Starfleet Academy.

Both popular in culture, philosophies, mission, vision, peace-seeking movement and enlightenment, Toastmasters has served 4 million people in 93 countries since 1924… Star Trek, countless millions "believers," with 46 million website references.

Both "movements" are dedicated to the advancement of mankind, through communication and leadership, as Ms. Roush highlighted these parallels including their top three leadership positions, officer insignias, organizational structure, and the chain of command.

Roush paralleled Roddenberry’s early Star Trek "Communicator" with today’s flip-open cellphone, as well as the "Tricorder" device to today’s iPhone technology. She stated that unlike most "science fiction," Star Trek and Roddenberry’s ideas were "science fact" that were either medically or scientifically proven–or could be–created. True enough. "Phaser pistols" became today’s laser technology.

Medical tricorders have been created. Worm hole theory proven. Voice-activated computers and translation technology are now actively in use. Roddenberry actively consulted with NASA, the Armed Forces, and the medical professions.

As a global movement for better listening, thinking and speaking skills, Toastmasters just chartered a new Club in Iraq in May, proving "peaceful resolution."

And just so you know how powerful the Toastmasters program is, Eugene W. Roddenberry III, "Rod" joined Club in San Diego, California. "Star Trek presents us with a possible future where we as a species have outgrown our old-world beliefs and insecurities. Having seen the beauty in our uniqueness and diversity, we will have found the commonality that binds us all. In this possible future, we will come together as a species and work for the betterment of all life. I believe knowledge is the key to this future and we must continually challenge ourselves by questioning what we know and reaching into the unknown. Toastmasters allows me to challenge myself and for that, I am grateful."

As with Toastmasters, Gene’s work also continues, and the legacy lives on. Rod is directing "Trek Nation" a documentary tribute about Trekkees, Trekkers and the life of his father.

Even if you are "not into" Toastmasters or Star Trek, just remember this…
"Resistance IS futile. You will be assimilated!"

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