Mattel Toys – Donating to Needy Children

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Mattel Toys – Donating to Needy Children

For charitable giving only– getting toys to donate to needy kids for the holidays.

Mattel Toy Store’s Charity Sales Program supports charitable purchases this holiday season. A charity customer can include almost anyone, as long as the toys purchased are then given to help children in need, or to programs that support children in need. Charity customers will receive a 30% discount on toys that are regular-priced, and sale prices are as is.

Mattel runs seven retail toy stores in Southern California, Wisconsin and Texas, as well as two seasonal stores. For store locations and information, please log onto

Additionally, for any interested groups who do not live near one of these stores, Mattel has a list available with special charity pricing. Customers can review the list and photos and for a nominal shipping fee, Mattel can mail the toy order to any destination of your choice in the US. This list is not published on Mattel’s website, but staff is happy to provide it should anyone like to see it. Contact Trish Procectto directly.

Trish Procetto, Charity Sales Manager, Mattel Toy Store
333 Continental Boulevard M1-0604
El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone 310.252.4236

Fax 310.252.2174
www.matteltoystore. com

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