Valentine’s Movie: Great Love

Movies, Valentine's Day| No Comments »

Valentine’s Movie: Great Love

Happy Valentine’s Day!

This short movie is created by Terri Marie, White Wing Entertainment, one of the contributors to my Heart Book Series of inspirational gift books.

Valentine’s Movie: Great Love

A touching Valentine’s Day Movie appropriate to send to anyone.
The experience of Great Love – a powerful and joyful way to experience life.
The most amazing power we all have is free.

Father’s Day Movie Greeting Card

Fathers, Movies| 1 Comment »

Father’s Day Movie Greeting Card

This touching tribute to fathers is created by Heart of the Holidays book contributor, Terri Marie Whitewing, of White Wing Entertainment.

Thank You Fathers

She invites you to pass this along as an electronic greeting card.

From my heart to yours,
Sheryl Roush

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