Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Winter Solstice| No Comments »

Reprinted from the HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS book, by Sheryl L. Roush

by Reverend Uki MacIsaac, MA

Winter Solstice is the time when the “sun stands still,” the shortest day of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, days become shorter from June 21 on, until around December 21st, when the sun seems to rise and set in the same place for a while. Then slowly the sun begins its journey toward the south again, and the days grow longer until the peak of sunlight at the Summer Solstice.

The longest night of the year bears within itself the promise of the return of the light, the “rebirth” of the sun. Thus, the Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the darkness of the womb from which creation arises. We honor the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, the dark night of the soul and the rebirth of new hope and vision. When we move deeper into the darkness instead of avoiding it, we find the gifts the darkness holds. To some, that may mean moving into the shadow aspect of self. What needs to be released, to be brought into the light of our awareness? Even in our darkest moments we can find the seeds of growth and healing within.

The darkness of the long winter nights that culminate in the Winter Solstice is also a time to honor and celebrate the world of the unseen, of dreams, and of intuition. When we cannot see with our physical eyes, we learn to trust the inner vision, the power of insight and inner knowingness. The journey into the darkness prepares the way for celebration: in gratitude we rejoice in the return of the light, the promise of the sun/son lighting our path, the promise of new beginnings.

A Winter Solstice Meditation

Begin by taking a deep breath in and then exhaling slowly.
Relax as you release the breath.
With each breath you take, you move deeper into the silent space
within, into your inner world.
Imagine yourself now walking through a desert landscape at night.
The moon is not visible to light your path, and at first your steps are
unsure and tentative. The more you attune yourself to the silent
world around you, the more your senses begin to perceive details
along your path.
The desert air is clear and cold, fragrant with the aroma of sage.
Now you move with confidence, you can “see” with your inner eyes.
You are comfortable with the darkness that reveals its gifts:
You can hear sounds of life around you—what do you hear?
You see things you have not seen before—what do you see?
You trust your inner senses, your intuition guides you on your path.
Answers reveal themselves as you surrender to the power of the unseen.
You feel safe and protected.
A warm feeling starts to bubble up in your solar plexus.
The warmth spreads to your arms and legs, to your whole body.
A pleasant tingling sensation accompanies the warm glow that now
seems to emanate from your body, creating a field of pleasant
vibrating energy throughout and around you. The source of light
and warmth is within, always accessible, your internal sun.
You are equally comfortable with the dark as with the light.
You are balanced, in harmony with Mother Earth and Father Sky.
As you turn your eyes toward the night sky above you, a blanket of
brilliant stars illuminate the sky.
Gratitude washes over you as you open your heart to the beauty
of this sacred time and space.
A granite boulder offers a place to rest and relax.
Hours seem like minutes, a sense of timelessness prevails.
Yet, almost imperceptibly at first, you notice a change on the horizon.
The light of the stars begins to fade, and toward the east, the first light
of dawn colors the sky with shades of purple, pink, and orange.
Slowly the landscape around you reveals a new face of beauty and
Soon the radiant disk of the sun appears and bathes the desert in its
warm glow.
You are reborn to this new day, and you greet it with joy and
You can trust the sacred circles of nature that offer new beginnings.
Bless the return of the light as you have blessed the womb of
darkness that preceded it.
With your next deep breath begin to bring your awareness back to the
here and now. Feel yourself grounded, balanced, and in harmony.
When you are ready, you may open your eyes, fully back in the here
and now, bringing with you the gifts of this sacred journey.
And so it is.
Thank You God.

Bask in the glow of winter’s warmth. Celebrate the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales, original stories and poems, and quotations… Chapters include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year…


Touching the heart with music, Heart of the Holidays is a celebration of the season. Included are creative new interpretations of the traditional Chanukah songs "Mo’oz Tsur" and "Sivivon." Two original numbers written and performed by Laurie Z., "Heart of the Holidays" and "Warmth From Within" easily hold their own next to the traditional songs we all know by heart. Playful touches are included, like special guest, late actor Jack Palance singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," topping it all off with Jack Palance’s delightful reading of "The Night Before Christmas."





Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother …  Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)

Corazon de Mujer
(printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)

Radio Interview: Holiday Inspiration

Heart of the Holidays, Interviews| 1 Comment »

Radio Interview: Holiday Inspiration
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn, and Radio Show Hostess our “Our Wondrous World,” has casual conversation with business success dynamo and speaker Sheryl Roush, author of the Heart Book Series inspirational books, and Darlene Fahl-Brittian, tea-prayer-specialist, and contributor to the Heart of the Holidays book. They each share their feelings and traditions around the yuletide holidays.

Sheryl shares her favorites from the Heart of the Holidays, including:
“Family Circus Christmas” by Teri Hall
“Do You Believe?” inspired by Sheryl’s Australian niece, Alison
“Christmas Is…” by Christian poet Ginny Ellis

Darlene shares two of her sacred Tea Prayers,
“Festivi-Tea” and “Sereni-Tea.”
"You can change your life in the 10 minutes… all it takes to mindfully sip a cup of tea."

Helena, originally from Sweden, offers childhood memories growing up in Europe.

The hour-long program concludes with Sheryl offering Affirmations, with “Warmth From Within” piano music from the new Heart of the Holidays Music CD by Laurie Z.® (15-time Grammy award nominee considerations artist) playing in the background. Actor Jack Palance makes a guest appearance on the CD with "The Night Before Christmas."


Heart of the Holidays features original short stories, poems, quotations and scriptures celebrating Yuletide Around the Globe, Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Boxing Day, Military Abroad, and Ringing in the New Year’s.

Purchase the Heart of the Holidays book with the Bonus Music CD ($19.95 US), before Christmas Day, and receive the eBook by Sheryl Roush, Sparkle-Tudes! Inspirational Quotations for Creating Sparkling Attitudes, emailed as a PDF to you for FREE. (Value $14.95) Order directly from to receive this offer, with secure payment on-line through PayPal. Email with autographing instructions.

Dr. Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn is ranked one of the world’s top four spiritual healing coaches. She is a top-rated inspirational motivational speaker and a leading authority in the field of spiritual personal transformation and healing of body and mind. Helena is the author of Constant Awakening. She has a way to reach your inner self without complicated rules and steps how to do it. Even during a motivational lecture, you’ll learn and be inspired by her exciting inspirational power-meditation techniques for clarity and added life success. 

Listen to more radio interviews with Helena here:

Darlene Fahl-Brittian

Sheryl Roush

“Heart of the Holidays” Book Review by Angela England

Christmas, Hanukkah, Heart of the Holidays, New Year's, Thanksgiving, Winter Solstice| No Comments »

“Heart of the Holidays”
Book Review
by Angela England

Type-A Mom Gift Guide – Gifts for Moms
Monday, 10 November 2008
Click here to see original post.

The perfect size for giving, a woman who enjoys reading could not get a better gift book for the Yuletide Holidays than this charming book, Heart of the Holidays: Holiday Inspirations Yuletide Treasures and Traditions by Sheryl Roush.

This delightful book came at the perfect time for me as I begin to look forward to the holidays and felt the stress of Thanksgiving preparation creeping up on me. Heart of the Holidays: Holiday Inspirations Yuletide Treasures & Traditions is written by Sheryl Roush and was published by Sparkle Press. As I curl up on the couch to feed my newborn, this holiday collection is easy to thumb through for a few minutes.

Not too heavy or bulky, the easy-to-read format of Heart of the Holidays, makes this book the perfect present to tuck into a stocking, present as a hostess gift for Thanksgiving and Christmas parties, or give on one of the days of Hanukkah. It makes the perfect book for bedroom end table, bathroom magazine rack, or to read just in bits and pieces if you are as busy as I am.

What Readers Will See in Heart of the Holidays

Heart of the Holidays presents readers with over 225 pages of delightful poems, quotes, stories, excerpts, songs, and inspiring sayings in six categories: Thanksgiving; Christmas; Yuletide Around the Globe; Hanukkah; Winter Solstice; and Ringing in the New Year.

I appreciated the range of quotes that were included by Sheryl Roush, covering the range from proverbial sayings, to traditional historic figures, to humorous quips by modern celebrities. For example, in the Thanksgiving section she quotes Oprah Winfrey saying, "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

Not just quotes and songs, Roush has brought together the best of the holiday stories and essays available and gathered them altogether in one place. One of my favorites of these was in the Yuletide Around the Globe chapter, an excerpt from Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn, who says in a portion of Christmas in Sweden, "Even if you happen to live in a huge country mansion with a large dining room, on Christmas Eve you always eat in the kitchen together with those who mean something to you. Even if you are very sick you should appear for this meal to show the spirit of Christmas. Because at Christmas there are no barrier and no separations."

These thoughtful and uplifting samples are only a taste of what Heart of the Holidays by Sheryl Roush has to offer as a charming gift for a book lover, or harried housewife alike.

Where to buy Heart of the Holidays: Holiday Inspirations Yuletide Treasures & Traditions

JUST RELEASED: Heart of the Holidays the book plus the Heart of the Holidays BONUS MUSIC CD…. for only $19.95.

Christmas Story: Do You Believe?

Christmas, Heart of the Holidays| No Comments »

Christmas Story: Do You Believe?

The family attended Christmas Eve service together, bringing my nephew Peter, and niece, Alison, to their first Christian services, since moving from Australia to the US. When the minister invited the small children forward to hear the story of the birth of Christ, little 3-year-old Alison went to the front of the pulpit and attentively listened.

Back to the pews, we stood and sang numerous hymnals, followed by the outdoor candle lighting service and more songs. Driving back to my parents house in a quiet moment Alison broke the silence with her precious Aussie dialect, “Auntie Sheryl, do you believe in Jesus?”  “Yes I do.”  With self-assuredness she replied, “I thought so!” (I silently gasped for air to keep myself from crying deeply at this momentous occasion.)
~Sheryl Roush, Speaker, Author, Proud Aunt

Published in Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl L. Roush.
Order here for autographed gift copies.

Authors Share Their Original Stories in New Holiday Book

Christmas, Hanukkah, Heart of the Holidays, New Year's, Thanksgiving, Winter Solstice| 1 Comment »

Authors Share Their Original Stories in New Holiday Book

Previously published authors sharing previously unpublished original stories and poems are featured in the November 1 release of Heart of the Holidays: Yuletide Treasury and Traditions. Readers embrace touching tributes celebrating Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Boxing Day,  Yuletide Around the Globe, Winter Solstice, and Ringing in the New Year.

Authors include: Lorri V. Allen, Lee A. Barron, Lillian Berman, Cynthia Brian, Marilyn Dalrymple, Lisa Delman, Virgina Ellis, Darlene Fahl-Brittian, Jerry Gitchel, Carolle Jean-Murat, Jan Mills, Selena Parker, Kay Presto, John Reddish, Marcia Reynolds, Karen Robertson, Sheryl Roush, Jennifer Rousseau Sedlock, Reta Taylor, Terri Marie, Joni Wilson and Judy Wright.

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