Yuletide Poem: A Time, by Sheryl Roush
Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Poems| No Comments »Yuletide Poem: A Time, by Sheryl Roush
Published in Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
A time of Celebration,
Bringing closure to the old year,
Setting resolutions for a better life,
Making goals for the next year.
A time of Gratitude,
Expressing to those near and dear to us,
A special fondness in our hearts.
A time of Hope,
Hope for a better future.
Hope for deeper meaning on our lives.
Hope for strengthened family ties.
A time of Forgiveness,
Letting by-gones by truly by-gone.
Starting anew with fresh, clean slates.
A time of Peace,
A deeep longing for harmony.
Reunion, collaboration, trust.
A time of Spirit,
Celebrating our soul’s profound wisdom of the ages.
Rekindling our uniqueness and collectiveness
as we are ONE on the planet.
We are the Family of God.
A time of Reconnection,
Being back in touch with those we’ve not seen/heard
from in ages, and picking back up the conversation
right where we left off.
A time of Hearts,
Bonding for the first time.
Reuniting from separation.
Deepening in trust.
Pure, innocent, Divinely connected.
Connections so deep, it’s beyond words.
A time of Humor,
Laughing over advertises won.
Telling our tales of tribulations.
Seeing the irony of it all.
Sharing stories of our life’s adventures.
Recognizing our common journeys.
A time of Love,
Express candidly.
Sharing more openly to others of our true feelings.
Knowing that we are truly loved.
Not for what we have, or for presents given, or promises made.
Just because.
Unconditional, non-judgmental.
The love that connects us all – one heart to the other.
Our Divine umbilical cord soul to soul.
Heart to Heart.
(C) 2007 Sheryl L. Roush
Author of Heart of the Holidays
Speaker, Author, www.SherylRoush.com
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)