New Title in the Heart Book Series Announced!
Cats: Heart of a Military Woman|New Title in the Heart Book Series Announced!
JANUARY 6, 2009
Sparkle Press, a division of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., announced today the forthcoming title in the popular and quickly growing Heart Book Series, created only three years ago.
Heart of a Military Woman will be released before Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2009 and join the series of inspirational gift books by Sheryl Roush: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Heart of a Woman in Business, and Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish).
Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez is co-author of Heart of a Military Woman. Passionate about touching the lives of female veterans and being a retired veteran with 23 years of honorable service in the United States Air Force, Eldonna is teaching women how to take more RISK in their lives for maximum results. When she enlisted in October 1980, women made up only 8% of the military and today although more than doubled still only 20%. Professionally, Eldonna is a contract specialist in purchasing, negotiation and administration of government contracts. She is the President of Dynamic Vision International, based in Redondo Beach, California.
Personally, she’s a single mother of two, an award-winning speaker, on the board of the Women’s Peace Campaign and a certified master results coach. Even more personally, Eldonna shares her story in Heart of a Woman in Business, "I was a high school dropout who was told by my teachers and parents that I would never amount to anything. Born to two alcoholic parents, I grew up neglected and abused. The military was my saving grace and I fought hard again that ‘loser’ expectation, excelling in my military career. I became a leader, manager, and networking expert. I earned two associates and a bachelor’s degree while on active duty (and raising two children on her own) as well as the highest level of professional certification in my field."
Eldonna co-authors with Sheryl Roush, the author of the book series, a noted professional speaker, and is herself an ex-Navy wife, compassionate to those choosing a military lifestyle and grateful to their incredible dedication.
Submissions are welcome to this inspirational collection of original short stories, poems and quotations…. regarding ANY active or retired military.
Due August 15, submissions may be up to 1,200 words long, and are to emailed to:
Indicate "Book Submission" in the subject line.
Email in text, or attach a Word.doc.
Mail submissions to:
Sparkle Press
Attn: Heart of a Military Woman Book
P.O. Box 2373
La Mesa, CA 91943-2373 USA
There are no fees to contribute, and no fees paid for published works.
For more details:
January 10th, 2009 at 7:55 pm
At last! A tribute to women in uniform … a tribute long overdue. Not only is she the: daughter, sister, wife, mother, nurse, cook, keeper of the house and all chores attached to making her house a home, she gladly undresses, slips into another uniform, another life of protection and service, straightens her cap, proudly walks out the door and prays to return unscathed. My hat’s off to each and every one of them! God bless.
Mary Lenore Quigley
Author, Indelible Ink, God Danced, By Fools Like Me
January 11th, 2009 at 12:29 am
[…] book (page 191), and approached me about co-authorship on this title. ANNOUNCEMENT STORY: […]
January 11th, 2009 at 6:29 am
[…] FORTHCOMING TITLE: Heart of a Woman in Uniform DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: March 4, 2009 (Sheryl’s birthday) WORD COUNT: Up to 1,200 words per submission NEED: Short stories, poems, quotations (your own or cited) IDEAS: Active and veteran military branches; active and retired “uniform” careers… fire, law enforcement, emergency teams, paramedic, medical, dental, service fields… CO-AUTHORS: Sheryl Roush and Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, MSgt USAF Retired EMAIL TO:, or READ MORE: Eldonna is published in the Heart of a Woman in Business book (page 191), and approached me about co-authorship on this title. ANNOUNCEMENT STORY: […]
January 17th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
1. Does the author of your requested writings need to be a woman? Can a man submit something about a woman?
2. I realize no monies will be rewarded the author, but the author does retain “First Rights” to republish their submissions elsewhere, right?
cell 720-984-8796
January 21st, 2009 at 1:54 am
1) You are welcome to submit a tribute or story about a woman in the military – active or retired.
2) The contributor retains all rights to republish elsewhere.
Thank you! Looking forward to your submissions!