“Heart of a Mother” Book Review by Annie Mueller
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Book Review
by Annie Mueller
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Type-A Mom Gift Guide – Gifts for Moms
Monday, 10 November 2008
When I agreed to review this book, I was thinking of my own experiences as a Mom (two young children and a third due in April). I didn’t stop and think about the fact that I lost my own Mom to cancer last year, and every single thought in this book would bring it all back.
Still, I’m glad I got to read it. I cried all the way through the “Loss and Grieving” section, and the “A Mother’s Love” section, and especially through “Mom’s Pink Robe.” They got me: those collections of stories, personal and real; the poems that somehow captured my exact feelings; the quotations that succinctly and beautifully summed it up in a line or two.
Heart of a Mother is written by Sheryl L. Roush, an international speaker and author. Her website is www.SherylRoush.com. You can purchase the book here : $16.95 for paperback.
More Details
The book begins with a section called “10 Ways to Open Your Heart to Your Mother,” and it’s an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to deepen and improve the Grown-Up Child-Mom relationship. The rest of the book is divided into sections which are arranged alphabetically, from “Adopted with Love” to “Making a Difference” to “Raising Spiritually-Centered Kids” to “Worthiness.” At the very back of the book is a section of Journaling Worksheets; there is space to write directly on them in the book, or they could easily be copied.
This is a great collection for any Mom – for your mother-in-law, your daughter who just had her first baby, your grandmother, your Mom, or even for yourself. It’s the kind of book that you can flip through on a whim and find yourself crying and laughing within ten minutes of reading time. There is a spiritual element within the book, but most is not “religion-specific,” so to speak, so the book easily accommodates people of all faith.
The Bottom Line
The best recommendation I can give is this: if my Mom were still with me, this book would definitely be one of my gifts to her this Christmas.
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)