May 10, 2008 Presentation and Book Signing: Mother-Daughter Luncheon
Cats: Book Signing Events, Book Signings, Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Mother's Day 2008 Book Signings|May 10, 2008 Presentation and Book Signing
Mother-Daughter Luncheon
Sheryl Roush will be presenting "The Heart of a Mother" the keynote program for the annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon at the University Christian Church in San Diego, California on Saturday, May 10 from 11:00am-2:00pm.
Sheryl is a native San Diegan, yet an internationally recognized top-rated speaker in nine countries around the globe. President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., she is an 11-time published author, with her series including: Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman (in English and Spanish), Heart of the Holidays (Yuletide traditions), and Sparkle-Tudes!™ quotations and scriptures for women.
Copies of the books listed here will be available for purchase at a special reduced price at the event.
Following her program she will be signing copies of Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays and brand new Corazón de Mujer for attendees, before a multi-author book signing event at BORDERS bookstore in Eastlake, Chula Vista.
Contributors present for book signing include: Maria Carter, author of Falling In Love With Your Life; and Laura Rubinstein, author of Transform Your Body and the Feminine Power Cards, and Founder of Women in Joy.
For information and reservations to attend the Luncheon, contact Sharon McHenry, at (619) 284-4034. Tickets are $6.00 including program. Luncheon served by the MEN at Noon. Program 1:00-1:30pm, with book signing following.
University Christian Church
3900 Cleveland Avenue
Hillcrest area, near Richmond Street
across the street from the DMV and Post Office
San Diego, CA 92103
May 9th, 2008 at 7:24 pm
I’m excited to share the Heart Books and feminine wisdom with the wonderful women at this Mother’s Day Weekend Luncheon.