Mother interviewed regarding Daughter’s new book
Cats: Heart of a Mother, Interviews|Mother interviewed regarding Daughter’s new book
Beverly Roush, proud mother of author Sheryl Roush, was interviewed at the book release party of Heart of a Mother, celebrating 100 authors present. Click HERE to download and/or listen to the interview podcast by Deb Simpson.
The event was graciously hosted at the Rancho Santa Fe estate of Catherine Tilley, and Take Up the Cup Tea Lady Darlene Fahl-Brittian. In attendance included contributors from across the US: Terri Hall and her two teenage daughters, Bryce Whiting and wife Erin (now due with twin girls), Adria Manary and her four children, Becky Palmer, Darrell Zeller, Ruth Koepp, Catherine Tilley, Patrice Baker, Mary Marcdante, Maria Carter, Tina Mertel, Beverly Weurding, Shirlie Cunningham, Helice Bridges, Tina Rubin, Soraya Dean, Sandy McVey, Jodi Seidler, Gloria VanDam, Emma Lavonne Upton, Nancy Canfield, and cover artist Suzan Tusson-McNeil. Contributors signed each others books throughout the afternoon, while delightfully enjoying each others company and chocolate dipped strawberries. Mother and Daughter contributors included Lee Barron and mother Kay Presto. The youngest contributor to sign books that day was Patty Anderson’s 9 year-old daughter, Halihannah.