Heart of a Woman in Business Book Review by Coach Laura at Women in Joy
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Book Review
by Coach Laura
at Women in Joy
November 12th, 2008
Blog post at Women in Joy – Ask Coach Laura.
Once again sparkling speaker and author Sheryl Roush has compiled a beautiful collection of wisdom for women in business. Recently, her book, Heart of a Woman in Business was released.
Whether you want to be inspired or informed, this book is a compilation of tremendous wisdom and creative writing. Sheryl Roush has outdone herself. She has put together a group of amazing women and their body of knowledge for every working woman. Just by flipping through the book I’ve already learned how to take a better photo, leadership tips and Benjamin Franklin’s Thirteen Virtues, how to be a more effective leader, learn to cultivate abundance, to simply reminding you why you are an incredible woman. There are inspirational quotes, communication tips and more. Pick up this book because it may have just the tip you need.
It is an honor to be a contributor amongst so many other brilliant women–80 contributing authors. Look for my story entitled, "Rejuvenating the Heart of a Success Oriented Woman."
This is an incredible book. Once you have it, you’ll want a copy for each of your friends. So check it out today…
Through Amazon.com order here.
"Coach Laura"
Laura Rubinstein is helping women around the world embrace their feminine power and create the relationships they desire. Laura is passionate about creating great relationships and helping women make joy a number one priority their lives. When women understand that joy is their birthright and they have the power to create it, their lives turn around, relationships flourish and success happens.