Heart of a Woman SPANISH Version receives Rave Reviews
Cats: Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Woman|Corazón de Mujer
Heart of a Woman SPANISH Version receives Rave Reviews
Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Woman, captures eloquently and beautifully the myriad aspects of a woman’s nature and thoughts. Sheryl Roush shows her emotional and intellectual depth in this carefully selected collection of quotations and beautiful writings for, about, and by women.
I was mesmerized beyond words by her cleverness in organizing the varied sources of material in a way that made sense and made it easy to enjoy. Her Heart Book Series (Heart of a Mother and Heart of the Holidays) lives up to its title. It’s brimming with heart!
Utterly refreshing, Corazón de Mujermade me laugh and cry, moved me and touched me, and made me aware of things that, both in women and in myself, I didn’t know about. This collection is a celebration of womanhood. Every woman in my life deserves a copy!
-Miguel Ángel
May 7th, 2008 at 2:39 pm
Libro del Corazón
Today I received my 3 books. OUR three books “From the heart.”
I read it and almost cried.
When my two daughters came home (with my grandson) I gave one book to them and read my poems. My husband was proud and all were happy to see my name in the book.
Thank you very much, Sheryl, for you had time to sign them. Thanks a lot, Elisa, for sending the invitation to collaborate in this wonderful and positive book.
-Silvia Zamora.
May 7th, 2008 at 10:08 pm
Hello dear Soco:
Congratulations! I just read your collaborations for Sheryl’s book “Corazón de Mujer”.
You really are a good communicator!
Your thoughts are deep and tender. Your short story about your nephew and the extraordinary wisdom of children is tender. Now, as a grandmother, I can feel the same when my dear EMILIANO touches my face and hands. This is the paradise!
Congratulations! Because our thoughts and feelings are in the same book.
Big Hug,
May 8th, 2008 at 4:40 am
Thanks for including my poems. I am really excited. I hope many women are touched by my words. It shows my life. How did I started a new life. I wrote it in 1998 when I was taking a psychological therapy.
I gave the first book to my youngest sister who is bipolar. This is very meaningful to me.
It is a privilege to be on the first page “Corazón de Mujer”.
Elisa Castañeda, the translator, is a wonderful woman. I learned from her. And I realized how can women help each other.
I read a question which is written on the book. What do you love best about you? This is my favorite part.
Best regards,
Consuelo Sánchez.