Thanksgiving Gratitude Candle Ceremony

We all know the importance of expressing daily gratitude, although we sometimes forget, and Thanksgiving Day provides us with the perfect opportunity to experience gratitude at an even deeper level than you may have in the past.

1. In advance of Thanksgiving Day, begin by thinking of all the people that you would like to have with you at your dinner table on Thursday that, for whatever reason, cannot be there. Include those who are unable to travel, who you are unable to visit and those who are no longer with us. Make a list of their names and count how many there are.

2. Then, buy a small candle for each person on your list and at your Thanksgiving dinner light each one, honoring your gratitude to them for whatever gift they brought to your life. Let their presence be with you as you include them in your Thanksgiving celebrations.

Robert Silverstone
Silverstone Consulting