Toastmasters Members Published in Holiday Book
Cats: Heart of the Holidays|Toastmasters Members Published in Holiday Book
Members of Toastmasters International from around the globe are published in the new release of Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush, a past international officer in the organization and one of only six women in the world holding their elite Accredited Speaker award for professional speaking.
Toastmasters International is the world’s leading non-profit educational organization (90 countries), dedicated to enhanced communication and leadership skills ( Celebrating those skills, individuals submitted original stories and poems for consideration of being published in the Heart Book Series.
Twice as many submissions were received for the third book in the series, Heart of the Holidays, releasing November 1st in Borders, and on Those who passed the editing team and proudly published in the 240 page treasury are: Celly Adamo, Patty Anderson, Lee A. Barron, Carolynn Bramlett, Michael Bruce, Shirlie Cunningham, Marilyn Dalrymple, Emily DeShazo, Darlene Fahl-Brittian, Carol Grabowski, Connie Jameson, Blanche Katz, Lauren Kelly, Teresa Kuffel, Rev. Uki MacIssac, Terri Marie, Tina Mertel, Jan Mills, Jacqueline Moses, Becky Palmer, Kay Presto, Karen Robertson, Sheryl Roush, Belinda Sanders, Jennifer Sedlock, Terry Sweeney, Judy Tejwani, and James Tucker.
October 26th, 2007 at 8:33 pm
Congratulations Sheryl for bringing us stories that uplift and pass along the “spirit” especially the glorious holiday spirit. Well done.