Meet the Contributors: Debra Snider

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Meet the Contributors: Debra Snider

The new Heart of a Woman in Business book, authored by Sheryl Roush, boasts over eighty professional women as contributors, sharing their original short stories, poems, quotations, insights and business tips.

Meet contributor Debra Snider!
Two of her works are showcased in the Heart of a Woman in Business book:
"The Nature of Leadership and Personal Ambition," is an excerpt from her novel
A Merger of Equals."  Suit Yourself and Become a Star" offers a detailed bulleted list of tips in the chapter entitled Best Practices, Strategies & Ideas.

Debra Snider is an author, speaker, no-longer-practicing lawyer and former financial services senior executive.  Her novel A Merger of Equals has been called "the thinking woman’s dream–a fun story chock-full of important and inspiring lessons about the true nature of personal and professional success." 

Debra has two grown children with her husband of 31 years and is a relatively recent transplant from Chicago to Henderson, Nevada. In addition to being a swimmer and a blackjack player, Debra is on the Executive Council of Reading In Motion, an innovative arts-based literacy program dedicated to improving literacy in Chicago’s most disadvantaged kids. She is also a member of The Chicago Network, Chicago’s premier group of businesswomen, and on the Advisory Board of The Corporate Legal Standard, Inc.

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Women to Lead the Way

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Women to Lead the Way
Characteristics of Women Managers

Even though equality in the workplace has been around for many years now, in some of the larger firms, mid-level and executive management positions are still doled out to members of the “good-ol’-boys” club.  Women have had to overcome the stigma to even be recognized for their accomplishments, to earn the right to compete for these positions.  Once there, they possess and offer what no man can.

Newer thinking firms embrace women in management positions and acknowledge they bring compassion, nurturing, and determination to the table. Compassion underlies the understanding that both the firm’s employees and its clients are human beings first and an “entity,” second. Nurturing is that innate mothering instinct that helps ensure that everyone is encouraged to do their best, they are taught to be independent, and provide a working environment that is conducive to both the employee and the firm. Determination means that she will stop at nothing to protect what is hers, with the veracity and ferociousness of a mother tiger, but with tenderness to encourage those in her care to prosper and be productive. 

The "good-ol’-boys" will always be part of the "good-ol’-boys" club, but firms wanting to move ahead in today’s market will look at women to lead the way.

– Linda Ulrich

Tips: Being Present At Work

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Tips: Being Present At Work

Being present at work begins before we even go to our place of employment. It starts with our intention to bring consciousness into everything we do, including those activities we do for money. Whether you are a secretary who files papers all day, a janitor who cleans the local high school, or a nurse caring for children, there is much to be gained by fully engaging in the tasks at hand. When you decide to bring your presence into your work activities, you may find that the entire experience of working is filled with new energy and life.

Sometimes we believe that when we step through the doors of our workplace, we cease being ourselves and start being someone else’s employee. Though our employer may depend on us to perform certain tasks, the truth is that we never stop being ourselves.

The commitment to being a conscious, empowered person of integrity doesn’t stop and start with a time clock. Our decision to be present for our own lives is what weaves together all of our experiences from the moment we wake up, throughout our entire workday, and to the moment we turn off the lights at night.

Before leaving for work today, you can clear your energy and choose to step out with your best foot forward. Setting an intention in the morning can even help you stay present as your day unfolds. You might decide to find joy in every activity, complete all of your projects on time, or be truly helpful to your coworkers.

By being fully present, you will begin to radiate and people may begin to notice; they may even want to follow your lead. Whether you run a company or hold a sign outside a deli, do it with pride and be the best you can be.

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