Amazon Book Reviews for Heart of a Woman in Business

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 Amazon Book Reviews for
Heart of a Woman in Business

Heart of a Woman in Business:
Stories, Strategies and Skills for Business Success

In conversational tone, this book is loaded with all original and authentic stories, poems and quotations, offering encouragement and igniting the spark for today’s woman in the workplace. Experts, coaches, speakers, trainers, and retirees share their top tips, secrets and advice. Loaded with masterful writing from over 80 contributors, the book by Sheryl L. Roush is 288 pages, for $16.95

Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the global workplace. This here’s how, sisters-sharing-with-sisters book shares their real stories, and offers here’s how and I did it, you can too! Selections offer practical information, career-bolstering lessons, organizational tips, insights, affirmations, poems, prayers and quotations. Whether you already own a business, planning to start one, or working in a job you love.

The 6×7" book features top talent and experts, including: celebrity personal trainer Jeanie Callen Barat; international business speaker Debbie Allen, author of Skyrocketing Sales, financial alchemist Morgana Rae; fulfilling your heart’s desire by Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula; presentation skills from Juliet Funt (daughter of Candid Camera’s Alan Funt); having a leap of faith, from Sharon Wilson of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction; Hill Street Blues costume designer Karen Hudson; Helen Blanchard, the First Lady of Toastmasters International and author of Breaking the Ice; Marcia Reynolds, Psy., author of Outsmart Your Brain; and Sheva Carr, founder of Fyera!. Quotations of inspiration include: Mary Kay Ash, Debbie Fields, Steve Forbes, Michael Gerber, Louise Hay, Kathy Ireland, Andrea Jung of Avon, Anthony Robbins, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump, Madam C.J. Walker, first black female millionaire; Marianne Williamson and Oprah Winfrey; plus the Founders/CEOs of, Apple, Craig’s List, Dell Computer, Google, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Starbucks; The Body Shop, Virgin Airlines, and Wal-Mart.

About the Author
Sheryl Roush is an internationally top-rated corporate trainer, inspirational speaker, and 8-time business entrepreneur since the age of 16. As a conference speaker she has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Joan Lunden, Marcus Buckingham, Mark Victor Hansen, Howard Putnam, Robert G. Allen and Suze Orman. She has authored 12 books, including the Heart Book Series. Reader Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars
More Than Expected, October 16, 2008
I expect books in the Heart Book series to be compelling, evocative, inspirational and useful. Heart of a Woman in Business is even more. Tightly edited (lots of contributors didn’t make the cut), each story has its own punch and vitality. It’s women speaking with, and to, women in both a very personal way and as kindred professionals. It’s worth reading and worth keeping close as a ready reference for those moments when…
– John Reddish, Get Results, CMC-Certified Management Consultant

5.0 out of 5 stars What A Treat for My Soul, December 2, 2008
Just flipping through this book for a few minutes I picked up some great business tips, felt uplifted and now can’t wait to dig in and read more of the wisdom that the contributors have to share. A great gift for any heart centered woman.
– Coach Laura,

5.0 out of 5 stars
Heartfelt and Inspiring!, December 3, 2008
Once again, Sheryl Roush has come through with another uplifting, inspiring and supportive book in her Heart Book Series. Heart of a Woman in Business is full of great tips and practical tools to use in not only growing your business but keeping you moving forward when faced with challenges. The straight-from-the-heart sharing from so many wonderful business women is a testament of their generosity and desire to help other women be as successful as possible. Women in the workplace do have special needs and this book addresses those needs and so much more!
– Linda Salazar, Author of Awaken the Genie Within

Heart of a Woman in Business Book Review by Coach Laura at Women in Joy

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"Heart of a Woman in Business"
Book Review
by Coach Laura
at Women in Joy

November 12th, 2008

Blog post at Women in JoyAsk Coach Laura.

Once again sparkling speaker and author Sheryl Roush has compiled a beautiful collection of wisdom for women in business. Recently, her book, Heart of a Woman in Business was released.

Whether you want to be inspired or informed, this book is a compilation of tremendous wisdom and creative writing. Sheryl Roush has outdone herself. She has put together a group of amazing women and their body of knowledge for every working woman. Just by flipping through the book I’ve already learned how to take a better photo, leadership tips and Benjamin Franklin’s Thirteen Virtues, how to be a more effective leader, learn to cultivate abundance,  to simply reminding you why you are an incredible woman. There are inspirational quotes, communication tips and more. Pick up this book because it may have just the tip you need.

It is an honor to be a contributor amongst so many other brilliant women–80 contributing authors. Look for my story entitled, "Rejuvenating the Heart of a Success Oriented Woman."

This is an incredible book. Once you have it, you’ll want a copy for each of your friends. So check it out today

Heart of a Woman in Business:
Stories, Strategies and Skills for Business Success

Through order here.

"Coach Laura"
Laura Rubinstein is helping women around the world embrace their feminine power and create the relationships they desire. Laura is passionate about creating great relationships and helping women make joy a number one priority their lives. When women understand that joy is their birthright and they have the power to create it, their lives turn around, relationships flourish and success happens.

“Heart of a Woman in Business” Book Review by Amy Lupold Bair

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“Heart of a Woman in Business”
Book Review
by Amy Lupold Bair

Click here for original article posting

Type-A Mom Gift Guide – Gifts for Moms
November 7, 2008

Books have always been a favorite holiday and birthday present both for me to give and receive, but some books tend to make better gifts than others. Heart of a Woman in Business by Sheryl L. Roush is one of those books. As a stay-at-home mom who just recently launched an online business, this book could not have entered my life at a better time. This small, square bedside tome makes for perfect evening reading.

Buy Heart of a Woman in Business here

Divided into fourteen sections with headings such as “Inspirations for the Heart,” “Light Moments,” and “Best Practices, Strategies & Ideas,” this work not only provides enjoyment for any woman who has struggled to combine work and family, worked hard to excel in her career, or launched a business of her own, but it also offers valuable tips and advice from one woman to another.

Author Sheryl Roush shares with the reader not only her best practices and suggestions, but she has also assembled a marvelous collection of inspirational quotes and wonderfully written passages from highly successful men and women.  One such passage that I’ve found particularly inspirational is from Kimberly Anne’s “What is Your Occupassion?”  She writes,

I remember one of my girlfriends in elementary school who said that she wanted to be a flight attendant when she grew up…She still loves being a flight attendant.  It’s what I call her ‘occupassion.’  We’re not all like that, though.  I certainly wasn’t.  I didn’t realize my calling, so to speak, until I was forty-two years old.  I used to secretly think that there was something wrong with me because I’d start looking for something else whenever I was in a position for a few years.  The realist in me seemed to always pursue jobs within the same field, but that thing in me that wanted to feel fulfilled by the work I did still yearned for something – something it wasn’t getting.

This work is not only something that I have been able to relate to, but have found to be simultaneously inspirational.  I highly recommend checking out this book as well as the others in the Heart Book Series for the women who hold your heart this holiday season.

Heart of a Woman in Business is written by Sheryl L. Roush, an international speaker and author. Her website is You can purchase the book here : $16.95 for paperback.

RISK = Results by Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez

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RISK = Results

September 1, 2008 post
by Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez, MSgt USAF Retired

Toastmasters is an international non-profit education organization with local clubs where a person can learn how to speak in front of an audience in a safe and supportive environment.  As a member you are given a book with 10 speeches to complete in order to receive your Competent Communicator award.  The speeches are timed and an evaluator provides feedback after each speech.  A mentor is assigned to each member to help them prepare their speeches and practice outside the club. Public speaking ranks as the number one fear in the minds of most people.  It even exceeds the fear of death or disease in most cases! For many, joining a Toastmasters club is a huge risk to undertake.  I joined Toastmasters in November of 2006 to improve my speaking skills. 

Most Toastmasters know Sheryl Roush.  Her story is like many who step out of their comfort zone and take a risk to change their lives.  She joined Toastmasters and began to do the speeches in the Competent Communicator manual.  She cried through her first 3 speeches but she kept coming back and continued to try.  Today she is a highly sought after and amazing international speaker.  I met Sheryl at Book Expo America (BEA) in May of this year.  She was doing a book signing for her book Heart of a Woman and I was one of the first in line to get a copy.  She is an inspiration to me.  She is someone who took a risk and used the skills that Toastmasters taught her to live her dream and become a professional speaker.  When it was my turn I mentioned I was in Toastmasters too and she recognized me from the District One competition last year.  She signed a copy of the book for me and gave me a card with some information about submitting a write-up for her next book “Heart of a Woman in Business.” I had about a month until the deadline for submission.  I went home excited about the possibility of submitting something about my experiences in business.

A few days after BEA I started to work on the write-up.  It had to be 1200 words or less.  I had a rough draft going when I started three weeks of intense coaching certification training and had no time to work on it until the last few days of June.  The submission was due 1 July and I worked on it every night those last few days until 30 June.  I reviewed it a few times and let it sit for most of the day on 1 July, then reviewed it one more time and made some final adjustments.  I was taking a risk just submitting it.  I felt like I was basically an unknown and what if it gets turned down?  Then I re-framed my thinking and set the intention that it would be accepted and took a deep breath and hit send.  I decided taking the risk and stepping out of my comfort zone was a better choice than to not submit anything and always wonder what would have happened if I’d just taken the chance.  I have a dream to be a published author, professional speaker and television/movie personality.  It’s only a dream unless I take some action to move it forward. I decided to make choices instead of excuses.  It’s easy to tell yourself you won’t make it so why try or you don’t want to risk getting rejected but I decided to take the RISK 4 maximum results.

I got confirmation the same day I sent in the submission that it had been received and they would be reviewing it and getting back to me.  A couple weeks after that I received an e-mail asking for my website information and the title of my write-up.  I got a little excited wondering if it had made the cut. I didn’t hear anything else for over a month.  I knew the book was coming out in October so I let it go for the time being.  Around mid-August my curiosity was getting the best of me.  Did they accept it?  I re-read what I wrote and felt confident it sounded book worthy.  I sent an e-mail asking if my submission had been accepted. To my delight and utter excitement the answer was YES!  My write-up will be published in the Heart of a Woman in Business book to be released on 1 Oct 08! <The book released EARLY on 9 Sept 08>

I am so excited to be a contributor to this wonderful book and that the book is going to be published with my write-up included in it.   I took a risk by sending my submission in.  I could have made the choice to not submit the write-up so I didn’t have to risk the possibility of rejection.  Instead I took that risk and now am glad I did.  Not only will my contribution help people who read this book, it also is an example of what can happen if you take a risk in your life and put yourself out there to accomplish your dreams.  It also gives me encouragement to take more risks as I manifest my empire of change to make a difference in others lives.

If you’ve taken a risk in your life and gotten some positive results, I’d love for you to share your comments at the end of this post.  You can share your experience, strength and hope with others and show them that they too can achieve maximum results if they have the courage to take a risk today.

Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez, MSgt USAF Retired
Dynamic Vision Intl, Speaker & RISK 4 Results Coach
Harley Riding Bad Biker Chic, Ex Military, Girlie Girl in PINK!

Order your copy of Heart of a Woman in Business here.

National Authors Day: Celebrated by North County Authors & Poets in San Diego

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National Authors Day:
Celebrated by North County Authors & Poets in San Diego

National Authors Day was celebrated yesterday in San Diego County’s northern-most area of Oceanside, next to Camp Pendleton’s Marine Corp Base, as the North County Authors and Poets (NCAP) hosted a full-day free event, themed "So You Want to Be An Author!"

Covered in its entirety by local television station KOCT-TV (, The Oceanside Channel, and reporter Faamasani S. Unutoa, the special story will air mid-November. KOCT is a non-profit Corporation that provides public, educational and government access programming and services on Cox Communications Channels 18 and 19, as well as on AT&T.

to the public free of charge and hosted at the Oceanside Civic Center Library, the event featured 32 local published authors and poets, reading from their works, sharing tips and offering inspiration for those wanting to become authors and know more about the publishing business. The Community Room was filled to capacity with eager attendees sponging up the information shared.

Library Director Deborah Polich welcomed everyone to the event, and congratulated the NCAP members and guests, adding her thanks for keeping the passion for reading and writing alive and healthy. She was followed by Anna McElroy, Head Librarian, making her welcoming remarks, and introducing the day’s Moderator, Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams.

PUBLISHING: Then-and-Now
Keynote presenter was Dr. Robert Goodman, owner of Silvercat, a San Diego based publishing firm. His comments  addressed publishing then-and-now, with all the changes that have occurred in the industry, and technology’s part in that. Twenty years ago, some 70,000 books were published each year, whereas in 2007 there were 412,000. "Marketing has become a major challenge…the average shelf-life of a book in stores is three weeks. There are fewer bookstores, replaced by megastores (CostCo, WalMart) which carry books." He also addressed eBooks, On-Demand printing, On-Line Readers (Amazon’s Kindle), On-Line Review Journals, and Virtual Book Clubs. Boldy predicting "The bookstore of the future, in 10-15 years, will be a vending machine," with much of the audience agreeing with him. Goodman is the
co-founder and past president of Publishers & Writers of San Diego, co-founder and faculty member of the La Jolla Writers Conference, and a Board Member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), formerly the Publishing Marketing Alliance (PMA).

The morning’s readings were offered by authors and poets: Roger Conlee (Counterclockwise), Jennifer Kise (The Birthday Surprise), L. Curt Erler (Southside Kid & Mantilla Lady); Janie Lancaster (Julie & The Lost Fairy Tale); Teresa Gonzalez-Lee (Love Was Born During The Dance); and Sheryl Roush (Heart Book Series).

Native San Diegan author Sheryl Roush, internationally recognized inspirational speaker, and 12-time published author shared her process for creating her for
Heart Book Series (five books in the past two years, featured in Borders). The series has also added Music CDs to accompany the titles for Heart of a Mother and Heart of the Holidays. Sheryl is the President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and a member of the IBPA.

Sheryl invited Dharlene Fahl-Brittian to the stage to read her touching Tea Prayers published in Heart of a Woman in Business and Heart of a Mother. Dharlene, "The Tea Lady," and expert, is also the author of Take Up the Cup, and a line of inspirational laminated Tea Prayer cards.

Sheryl then invited Mary Lenore Quigley read her poems published in the Heart of a Woman in Business and Heart of a Woman, including one dedicated to her retired husband, Patrick, who was delightfully surprised, seated in the audience. Mary is also the author of Indelible Ink: A Memoir.

Dr. Teresa Gonzalez-Lee, Professor at Mira Mesa College, eloquently translated and read in Spanish the opening poem to Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman), "Renacimiento de una mujer" penned by Consuelo Sanchez.

Following the mornings readings, the wealth of knowledge panel included
Poet: Marjorie Stamm Rosenfeld
Collaborative: Composer David Lewis (Director-San Luis Rey Chorale); Author/Poet Dr. Bob Lundy(Partners-In-Rhyme-Hither & Yahn); Author/Editor Rose E. Magyar (Mira Costa College); Artist Marion Wong;  Author/Poet Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams (Partners-In-Rhyme-Hither & Yahn)
Editor: Lois Winsen (Editor-On-Tap) with "Helpful Do’s and Don’ts for New Writers"
Resources: Author/Teacher Marie Giordano (Mira Costa College)
Translators: Professors Dr. Teresa Gonzalez-Lee (Mira Costa College);
and Dr. Edith Jonsson-Devillers (UCSD)
Marketer: Karla Olson (Owner of BookStudio), offered valuable tips and a handout for a Marketing Plan/Proposal Template

Pictured here, KOCT-TV reporting assistant holding some of the BOOKS published by those at the event!

The afternoon’s readings were offered by authors and poets: Carol Ann Lindsay (Songs From a San Diego Morning); Glenn Jacobs (The Samson Process); Marie Giordano (I Love You Like A Tomato); David Valley (The General’s Women); Maggie Chantiloupe (Iraq-The War That Shouldn’t Be-You Decide); Barbara Deming (The Quilt Maker); and Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams and Robert T. Lundy (Hither & Yahn).

Faamasani S. Unutoa of KOCT-TV shown here interviewing Moderator Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams, regarding the success of the event, and future plans of the North County Authors & Poets.

October 20-24 is National Business Women’s Week®

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National Business Women’s Week®
A Business and Professional Women/USA Signature Event

October 20-24, 2008 is National Business Women’s Week®

Since 1928 Business and Professional Women/USA (BPW/USA) has sponsored National Business Women’s Week®. Each year during the third week of October, BPW/USA’s members across the country take the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishments of workingwomen.

The objectives of National Business Women’s Week® (NBWW) are:

  • To promote full participation and equity for women in the workplace;
  • To publicize the achievements of business and professional women on the local, state and national level;
  • To publicize the objectives and programs of BPW/USA as they relate to the millions of business and professional women across the country.

    Over the years, National Business Women’s Week® has become an event widely recognized by public and private institutions and local communities. In the past, the President of the United States, at the request of BPW/USA, has declared the third full business week in October as National Business Women’s Week®. On state and local levels, governors and mayors issue similar proclamations. Each state and community tailors events and activities to meet its needs. Activities include WOMENomics Forums, Woman of the Year Awards, Women Joining Forces programming, Employer of the Year Awards, displays and exhibits, dinners and educational programs.

The History
The idea for the National Business Women’s Week® (NBWW) originated with Emma Dot Partridge, Executive Secretary of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs from 1924 – 1927. The first annual observance was held April 15-22, 1928, when Business and Professional Women/USA President Lena Madesin Phillips opened NBWW with a nationally broadcast speech. In her remarks, she stated that the purpose of the week was "to focus public attention upon a better business woman for a better business world."

BPW Local Organizations implemented daily programs designed to call attention to the mission and achievements of BPW/USA. Reports about activities for those early observances tell of many successful events throughout the country including: Legislative Day devoted to national, state and local legislation of interest to women; Education Day emphasizing the need for equitable educational opportunities; Club Rally Day for prospective new members; Community Day honoring leaders in the community; and Goodwill Day devoted to working with other women’s organizations.

From this early effort, NBWW has grown into a nationwide salute to all workingwomen, as well as an opportunity to spotlight issues of importance to workingwomen. In more recent years activities have included Women of the Year Awards, Employer of the Year Awards, Individual Development workshops, and issue panel discussions.

NBWW was moved to the third full week of October in 1938 so that Local Organizations could use NBWW as a springboard for their new year’s programs. U.S. President Herbert Hoover was the first president to issue a letter recognizing NBWW and the contributions and achievements of workingwomen. Presidents since then have always issued a letter acknowledging the important role women play in the nation’s economy.

For more information and membership, see Business and Professional Women’s site.

Click here for information on the newly released book, Heart of a Woman in Business by Sheryl L. Roush.

Submissions due July 14 for Heart of a Woman in Business Book

Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of the Holidays, Share Your Story| 4 Comments »

Stories, Strategies and Skills for Business Success

Deadline for submissions —- July 14, 2008.

Supporting today’s women in business and her unique needs, professional speaker and internationally top-rated trainer Sheryl Roush is accepting submissions for the forthcoming publication in the Heart Book Series, entitled: Heart of a Woman in Business.

Sheryl is the President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in San Diego, working with organizations around the globe to improve morale, boost attitude, and increase productivity through communication and customer service skills. Her conference keynote programs and on-site trainings, rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement.

The Heart of a Woman in Business book is “sisters sharing with sisters” at its core…. lessons learned, tips, insights… those precious conversations.

“If I knew then what I know now!”
How to get started in business… how YOU got started
How you found your ideal niche, clients and industry
How you are using your unique talents and gifts in service
How you nurture your mind, body and spirit
How your business has changed/evolved over the years, and why

Contributors are encouraged to submit success stories, tips, ideas… You will join colleague Business Owners, Managers, Supervisors, Employees, Speakers, Trainers, Coaches, Mentors, Entrepreneurs, Self-Employed…

   • Original Women in Business Stories, up to 1,200 words
   • Original Poems, Cherished Scriptures/Proverbs, Quotations
   • Advice, Anecdotes, Philosophies, Ideas, Suggestions, Quick Tips
   • Best Practices, Insights, Sage Wisdom, and?Success Stories


  • Attitude and Boosting Morale
  • Customer Service, Sales, Marketing and Dealing with Difficult People
  • Communication Skills
  • Creativity & Innovation Tips
  • Diet, eating healthfully at the office, snacking suggestions
  • Dressing up your office (personalizing your area)
  • Exercise for Busy People, Quick Tips
  • Funny things that have happened
  • Interviewing Tips, Recruiting New Team Members
  • Giving back…the heart of charity, mentoring others
  • How to keep the passion alive for what you love
  • How to Re-Center Your Energy throughout the Day
  • Keeping Employees Happy
  • Lessons Learned from being in business
  • Life Balance (work and personal)
  • Networking from authenticity
  • Professional Play-novelties, toys, hats, shoes
  • Public Speaking Tips, using your voice in today’s marketplace
  • Retreats, Special Celebrations, Holidays, Traditions
  • Stress Reduction & Relaxation Techniques (easy things you can do at your desk)
  • Supervising others, Teamwork, Cooperation, Trust
  • Tips for working with someone very different than yourself
  • Travel Tips and Favorite Places to Rejuvenate
  • Using Creative Visualization, Guided Imagery, Meditation, Treasure Mapping
  • Youth/Seniors in business – getting started at any age

Suggestions from YOUR perspective?
What would YOU want to read about, being a woman in business?

EMAIL your text or Word.doc to, before July 14, 2008.
Include your company name (optional), position/title (optional), website (company or your own), a potential title and suggested chapter in the book.

Contributors maintain all copyrights to submissions. If reprinting your original submission with permission from another publication, indicate name of publication. There is no fee to participate, and no royalties are paid for submissions.

SCHEDULED RELEASE:  October 1, 2008.

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