Heart of the Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »

I’m thankful for my eyes—
that I might see spectacular sunsets, lovely flowers of spring, the sweet face of a child.

I’m thankful for my ears—
that I might hear the birds’ sweet songs,
children’s infectious laughter, glorious music that uplifts the soul.

I’m thankful for my lips—
that I might help kiss away a child’s tears,
whisper words of love, share encouragement and praise.

I’m thankful for my hands—
that I might help a neighbor in need,
hold hands with loved ones, give a warm hug or pat on the back.

Most of all, I’m thankful for my mind—that holds all these
memories—so that, when I feel sad or discouraged, I can once again
recall all these wonderful gifts with which I’ve been blessed.

– Connie Jameson

Published in Heart of the Holidays; Yuletide Treasures & Traditions, by Sheryl L. Roush






Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother …  Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)

Corazon de Mujer
(printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)

POEM: Happy Thanksgiving

Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »

Happy Thanksgiving

The turkey is cooking; we’ve all been to church,
Our grandparents soon will arrive.
The table is set; the best linen is used,
What a grand day to be alive!

There’s a nip in the air; we’re planning on snow,
We kids have new scarves and new muffs.
The cat, a new bell—the dog, a new bow,
And the phone is ringing for us.

“Hurry up, kids! Talk to great Uncle Joe,”
Who lives a long ways away.
Then we’ll call Cousin Jo and dear Auntie Flo,
And wish them joy today.”

Oh, something special there is in the air,
And not just good smells from the oven.
The holiday feeling is felt everywhere,
“Come on, darlin,’ give Mama some huggin.’”

The kitchen door opens; the food is brought in,
We kids all race to the table.
Napkins are snugly tucked ‘neath our chins,
We are hungry, willing and able.

Dad starts to carve, right after grace,
Then my brother shouts, “Dibs on a leg!”
Mom has a special smile on her face,
Our dog sits at Dad’s knee and begs.

“Please pass the beans.” “Where are the yams?”
“Does anyone want a roll?”
“That turkey is almost as big as I am.”
“Who emptied the gravy bowl?”

So the feast moves on straight to the pie,
I rub my tummy; it’s so full.
But I’m no piker—oh no—not I,
“Whipped cream, if you please, a big spoonful.”

So, with warmth and laughter and much good cheer,
For this day, we send thanks above.
We’re grateful we’ve all been together this year,
“Thank You, Dear Lord for such love.”

~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007

Published in Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!

POEM: Heart of the Holidays

Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »


With praise, we welcome the Holidays,
We express our love for God and man,
We celebrate each special date,
In the very best way we can.
One God . . . one world . . . for us all,
Yellow or Black or White or Brown,
Joined in spirit, mind, and heart,
Holiday Time . . . our common bond.
Thanksgiving turkeys, cranberry sauce,
Hanukkah candles, Christmas tree lights,
Ring out the Old! Ring in the New!
Heart of the Holidays . . . God’s delight!
~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© July 2005

Written for Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!




Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother …  Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)

Corazon de Mujer
(printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)

POEM: Vegan Thanksgiving

Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »

Vegan Thanksgiving

It’s sacred Thanksgivin’, and all through the house,
Nothing’s overnight baking, not Lamb and not Grouse.
Making plans for the morning, health-conscious are we,
Jotting it down, while sipping White Green Tea.

We’ll start with Wheatgrass – a 2-ounce shot,
Toasting healthy bodies with no meat in the pot.
Most thankful are we as we pause to say grace,
Not getting caught up in the commercial rat race.

Sparkling Pomegranate Juice in a wine glass,
Light up the stove – we’re cookin’ with gas!
Pita chips and hummus are starter pre-meal,
Carrots, Jicama, Bell Peppers – the natural deal.

Fresh garden salad, sunflower seeds and sprouts,
There’s enough for everyone – so no one pouts.
Simmer a pot of Cous Cous, or Basmati Rice,
Baked Butternut Squash would surely be nice.

Raw Sugar Snap Peas, and baked Yummy Yam,
Doing well avoiding Duck, Turkey and Ham.
Brown Rice Bread, Lentil Veggie soup, too.
Wow – without meat and dairy – there’s so much you can do!

Chocolate Tofu Mousse Cake – well-chilled,
With graham cracker crust, I’m not that strong-willed!
Organic Pumpkin Pie – served piping hot.
Maybe Turkey next year?  I think NOT!

By Sheryl Roush
Inspirational Speaker
Author of Heart of the Holidays





Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother …  Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)

Corazon de Mujer
(printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)

Thanksgiving Tips: Save Your Sanity with Sheryl Roush

Heart of the Holidays, Interviews, Thanksgiving| 3 Comments »

Thanksgiving Tips: Save Your Sanity

Interview with Sheryl Roush

Lorri Allen, the Producer/Host of FamilyNet Television & Radio, interviewed Sheryl Roush, author of Heart of the Holidays today, on "Mornings with Lorri & Larry," broadcast from Atlanta, Georgia.
Sheryl shared tips to save your sanity over Thanksgiving, including these good reminders:

  • Get plenty of SLEEP.
  • Eat healthy, and drink wisely.
  • Get outside for a short walk.


To enjoy the most of the holiday, she added these tips:

  • Set positive intentions for the day/event.
  • Be optimistic and stay flexible… plans change.
  • You reserve the right to say NO to invitations.
  • Schedule OPEN TIME on your calendar for YOU.
  • Have your meal catered…. or potluck/buffet style….
  • Have a "relief" staff to clear the table, and do the dishes.
  • Plan the meal ahead of time, to avoid procrastination and stress.
  • Serve dessert 1-2 hours after the meal, in another room.
  • Focus on the “together-ness time” not the doing-ness tasks.
  • Cherish the quality and sacred time.
  • Bring fresh flowers to your hostess.

BONUS: Larry’s Sour Cream Pound Cake recipe (and his special secret), from Savannah Georgia

Sheryl read a couple of quotes by Erma Bombeck and Oprah Winfrey, and a short poem, “The Last Piece of Pie” by Lillian Berman published in from Heart of the Holidays.

Check out archived podcasts and forthcoming guests at
"Mornings" airs from 6-9 am Eastern on Sirius Satellite 161, and from 7-9 am Eastern on FamilyNet Television.


Sheryl’s Heart Book Series are available at:,, Borders stores,
Order personally autographed copies from Sheryl Roush at

POEM: Vegan Christmas

Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »

Vegan Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
Nothing’s overnight baking, not Lamb and not Grouse.

Making plans for the morning, health-conscious are we,
Jotting it down, while sipping White Green Tea.

We’ll start with Wheatgrass – a 2 ounce shot,
Toasting healthy bodies with no meat in the pot.

Most thankful are we as we pause to say grace,
For not getting caught up in the holiday rat race.

Sparkling Pomegranite Juice in a wine glass,
Light up the stove – we’re cookin’ with gas!

Pita chips and hummus are starter pre-meal,
Carrots, Jicama, Bell Peppers – the natural deal.

Uncork the vintage Sauvignon Blanc,
Segura Viudas Spanish bubbly you can take to the bank!

Fresh garden salad, sunflower seeds and sprouts,
There’s enough for everyone – so no one pouts.

Simmer a pot of Cous Cous, or Basmati Rice,
Baked Butternut Squash would surely be nice.

Raw Sugar Snap Peas, and baked Yummy Yam,
Doing well avoiding Duck, Turkey and Ham.

Brown Rice Bread, Lentil Veggie soup, too.
Wow – without meat and dairy – there’s so much you can do!

Chocolate Tofu Mousse Cake – well-chilled,
With graham cracker crust, I’m not that strong-willed!

Organic Pumpkin Pie – served piping hot.
Sugar-free, you ask?  I think NOT!

Author of Heart of the Holidays, Sheryl Roush,

Turkey Dinner (humorous poem) by Ginny Ellis

Heart of the Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »










Turkey Dinner (humorous poem) by Ginny Ellis

I had a dream the other night,

About Thanksgiving Day,
The situation was reversed.
A Pilgrim was the bird of prey.
I saw some turkeys gathered ’round,
For their strange and sumptuous, feast,
They brooded, as they feuded,
Over which would get which piece.
The Pilgrim lay upon a platter,
Stretched out in full array,
Surrounded by potatoes,
A sight for a gourmet.
An apple stuffed into his mouth,
His boots of licorice black,
A gravy colored jacket,
And a charcoal tinted hat.
How to carve him – how to serve him?
A dilemma for the birds,
Was the frantic sound I heard.
"Let’s roast him," cackled one old hen,
"Saute’ his innards and his heart."
"Boiling’s good," another said.
"Let’s serve him ala carte."
"Oh my," I thought, when I woke up,
"How rude those turkeys were!"
Then I hastened to the table,
To polish off my turkey bird.
Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
Copyright November 2002 ~ 2003 ~ 2006
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