Army Wife Network Selects Heart of a Military Woman as Book of the Month
Cats: Heart of a Military Woman|Army Wife Network Selects
Heart of a Military Woman as
Book of the Month
December 21, 2009
The Army Wife Network has selected the Heart of a Military Woman book as their January 2010 Book of the Month choice, announced by Book Club Chair Sarah Ikena.
In a live radio show tonight on, Ms. Ikena interviewed co-authors Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, MSgt USAF Retired and Sheryl Roush, an ex-navy wife, asking how the book concept came about. The ladies shared how they met, and how they instantly resonated creating this publication, sharing the voices of women in the military.
Sheryl Roush added there are 100 original and true short stories and tributes, 21 poems and 194 inspirational quotations in the Heart of a Military Woman Veterans Day release.
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
The archive on the entire two-hour December 21, 2009 podcast is available for free to download from Army Wife Talk Radio.