Dec 02
Noted Author Kay Presto featured at Rancho Cucamonga book signing
Cats: Book Signing Events, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays|Kay Presto, daughter Lee A. Barron (and her daughter) contributing authors to Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, and Sparkle-Tudes™! books by Sheryl Roush, autographed copies at BORDERS, at the brand new Victoria Gardens shopping center in Rancho Cucamonga, California, on Sunday, December 2, from 2:00-5:00pm.
Kay is also published in Wake Up…Live the Life You Love — Giving Gratitude, which went to No. 6 on Barnes & Noble’s Best-seller List last year. She is also published in Chicken Soup for the NASCAR Soul, and will also be published in the forthcoming Chicken Soup for the Coffeelover’s Soul.