Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
Cats: BONUS DOWNLOADS, Heart of a Woman in Business, Interviews, Meet the Contributors|Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
Raven Blair Davis, hosted interviews with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, Kay Presto, and Sheryl Roush, last week for her Radio Show that aired on CNN 650 Radio News!
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez is the co-author of the Heart of a Military Woman book with Sheryl Roush, and Kay Presto, an outstanding photojournalist, is published in several of the Heart Book Series books plus the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Sheryl Roush, shares tips from behind-the-scenes from her 6-title Heart Book Series including Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer, setting up book signings, creating marketing pieces and more.
You will personally enjoy the interviews, and the depth of the dialogue, whether you are published in the series, or if you are published on your own, and want tips on marketing, publishing, advertising, public relations and much, much more! These are LOADED with ideas!
Download the Mp3 files, and listen to them at your convenience!
Feel free to contact any of us for more information, or to be interviewed by Raven in the future, as I left the email addresses intact.
Blessings to You!
Sheryl Roush
Inspirational Female Speaker
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
From: Raven Blair Davis <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
To: Sheryl Roush <>,
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez <>,
Kay Presto <>
Thanks so much ladies for sharing from the heart….I appreciate you much!
Below are the links to your interviews…….have a beautiful day!
Interview with Sheryl Roush:
Interview with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez and Kay Presto:
Raven Blair Davis
Executive Producer/Host
Empowering women over 40 to go for their dreams and visions – "Life is just beginning!"
To hear empowering and inspiring interviews of Unstoppable Women of Power, click here: