Sheryl Roush on SaturdayMorningCEO Radio Show
Interviews, Sparkle-Tudes!| No Comments »Denis Nurmela, founder of SaturdayMorningCEO interviewed Sheryl Roush, President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc. on July 27th. The invigorating topics addressed having a positive attitude in life and business, the release of her next book.
An active member of Toastmasters in Menifee, California, Denis is a story contributor being published in the Heart of a Toastmaster book. The program begins with Sheryl sharing with how she ended up at a much-needed Toastmasters Club, and the long-lasting benefits to her business.
She offered fun insights into the Table of Contents of the book, and stories behind the stories, including Lee Robert, daughter Cavett Robert, Founder of the National Speakers Association.
Denis asked Sheryl to share what most businesses are challenged with these days, to which she replied: morale, communication and lack of employee engagement. She offered the 5 common types of attitudes, and how to bring Stephen Covey’s Whole-Person Paradigm into the workplace for intrinsic motivation and greater results.
The interview was held over Google+ Hangouts, from Denis in the studio and Sheryl in her San Diego office.
View the Radio Show here, or cut-and-paste this link into your browser,
Heart of a Toastmaster: Chief Executive Officer’s Message
Heart of a Toastmaster| No Comments »Heart of a
True stories by, for and about members of Toastmasters International
After 23 years of working for Toastmasters International, I still get excited about what Toastmasters can do for people. Members gain the confidence and competence to transform their lives. They veer outside their comfort zone, stretch their skills, learn about themselves, and fulfill their personal and professional goals.
Heart of a Toastmaster offers many compelling stories of such
transformative experiences. Members from around the world write of the communication and leadership skills they have developed through Toastmasters, and the new opportunities they have encountered as a result; they tell of pushing past their initial fears and the pride they feel in their growth and accomplishments; they reveal inspiring examples of overcoming personal adversity with the help of their fellow members; they speak of friends and mentors, of speech-contest thrills and International Convention memories.
All of that is part of the Toastmasters experience.
Through their journeys, members become leaders, able to use their new skills to positively impact others—whether at work, at home or in their communities. This is the great gift of Toastmasters: In becoming a confident leader, you enrich the lives of other people, which, in turn, is deeply enriching to yourself.
As Past International President Gary Schmidt once said, “Confidence and leadership culminate in serving others. When we serve others, we ultimately serve ourselves.”
Heart of a Toastmaster: Be touched by personal stories
Heart of a Toastmaster| No Comments »
Heart of a Toastmaster
True stories by, for and about members of Toastmasters International
You will be touched and inspired reading these personal stories—as you share the pride, spirit, and Heart of a Toastmaster!
Enjoy 145 submissions from 133 Contributors in 256 pages, from around the globe, compiled by Sheryl Roush, DTM, Past District 5 Governor, Accredited Speaker.
Order your copies now, click here.
- A Catalyst for Change
- Benefits Galore
- Celebrating Professional Success
- Convention Magic
- Facing the Fears of Public Speaking
- Giving Back
- Living the Dream
- Our Global Family of Support
- Overcoming Adversities
- Relying on Toastmasters Skills
- Stepping Into Leadership
- Tributes
- Using Skills to Serve the Community
- Where Leaders Are Made
There were 210 submissions, accounting for over 60,000 words, received from members around the globe.
Dilip R. Abayasekara Frank S. Adamo Lanie Adamson Valerie Adolph Val Albert Scott Alexander Sandra Amelino Jody Bailey Rita Barber Emi Bauer Edwin Bernard Helen Blanchard Monique Blokzyl Deborah Bogdon Gladys Boutwell Douglas Brinker Marlene Cain Ross Campbell Sandy Weaver Carman Carol Carter Roz Carter Elbia Quiñones Castillo Jim Chamberlin Laura Clancy Paul
Lois Camp Cole Jo Condrill Roy Crawford Santanu Das Sharma Gena Yuvette Davis Laura De Anda George E. Deliduka Dena DeLuco Tom Dowd Wendy Fedan Eldonna Lewis Fernandez Maria Victoria “Vicky” Ferrer Joyce Feustel Charles Fleisher Andrea Foy Melanie Ghazarian Ethel Goatee Michael Goforth Chris Gregory Lynda Hammond Steve Hansen Lydia Harris Carol Harrison Craig Harrison Azizah Abu Hassan Bob Hooey Jeff Hubbard Mohamed Isa Connie Jameson Tom Jameson Vijaya Jayaraman Anita Jefferson Marilyn Jess Pat Johnson Ron Johnson Emmy Jones Prakash Kabe Sathya Kannan Sheila M. Kelly Linda Kersey Jackie Klooserboer Ruth Koepp May-chen Kuo Sharon Kuroda Dennis Kwan Darren LaCroix Bev LeBlanc Rona Lewis Kathy J. Loesberg Dina H. Loomis Kathryn MacKenzie Linnaea Mallette Dr. Ken Malmberg Rebecca Marzec Phyllis May Earl McLaughlin Coral McVean Amanda Meeker Tammy A. Miller Jan Mills Glenn Miya Greta Evans Morgan Simone Morris Kristin Nickells Jack Nichols Kathie Nirschl Denis Nurmela Michael Osur Margaret Page Becky Palmer Gwyn Pinto-D’Mello Kay Presto Mark S. Rauschenbach Deborah S. Reisdorph Angela Reterstorf Rochelle Rice Lee Robert Jean Bailey Robor Jack Rolfe Rena Romano Ruth Rooney Sheryl Roush Carol Sauceda Olivia Schofield Amanda Sebastian Theresa A. Shaver Liz Andra Shaw Genny Ong Gek Siew Birgit Starmanns Ryan Sullivan Naomi Takeuchi Wekie Tay Shel Taylor Jordana Tiger Karen Twichell Angel Vallejo Jan Vecchio Michelle Vera Paul E. White Douglas Wilks Woody Wilson Haydee Windey Richard Wira JoAnn Wismer June Wolfe Maureen Zappala Jane Zumot
Heart Book Series … welcomes Kindle eBooks by Sheryl Roush
Heart of a Military Woman, Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Kindle eBooks| No Comments »This week, we welcome TWO new KINDLE version eBooks to the printed collection by speaker/author Sheryl Roush!
Heart of a Military Woman and Heart of the Holidays
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Sheryl Roush presents Communication & Leadership Workshop – July 28, 2012
Speaking Events| No Comments »SPECIAL WORKSHOP
presented by Sheryl Roush
hosted by
Project Management Institute – Los Angeles Chapter
and Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
7 Secrets to Connect with Anyone
Simple tips to improved communication and leadership in all areas of your life
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Program 8:00am-Noon
Registration 7:30-8:00am
Huntington Hospital, Braun Auditorium, 100 West California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105
In this tailored and high-content special workshop, you will:
• Assess your current communication style and what it reveals
• Discover how to connect instantly and easily with others
• Explore ways to generate authentic rapport and influence
• Glean insights into public speaking skills and giving effective briefings
• Gain confidence and credibility in your voice, image and projection
• Enroll employee engagement, teamwork and cooperation
• Boost your interpersonal skills … ideal for training, speaking, managing, leading (and parenting)
*** PMI Members receive 4 PDUs toward your PMP certification for attendance.
Regular Prices (July 1-27)
Member: $69 ……….. Non-Member: $79
At the Door (July 28)
Member: $79 ……….. Non-Member: $89
Registration Contact:
Onsite registration will only be by cash or check that day.
Online Registration:
Online registration will accept credit cards or PayPal.
Sheryl Roush, President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., is an internationally top-rated trainer with over 3,000 presentations delivered in 9 countries. With 35 years in communication, she is a 13-time published author. A Professional Member of the National Speakers Association, she was honored with the "Member of the Year" from both the San Diego and LA Chapters. She is a past President of the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance. Toastmasters honored her as the 6th woman (28th overall) to receive the elite Accredited Speaker designation for outstanding presentation skills in five categories. To date, only 63 have earned the award out of 4.4 million members in 116 countries. Sheryl has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Howard Putnam, Suze Orman, and Marcus Buckingham. Clients include: 7-Up, Abbott Labs, Amtrak, BoozAllenHamilton, County of Los Angeles, Gen-Probe Technologies, HM Electronics, IBM, Intuit, LA Unified Schools, Mitsubishi, San Diego Zoo, Sheraton, Sony, Southwest Airlines, UCLA, Union Bank, US Census Bureau, US Navy, and Verizon Wireless.
For course information or questions, email the speaker
There is Free parking 1.5 blocks from the Auditorium.
Paid parking in the North Parking lot at the main entrance and enter at the Hospital Lobby.
Valet parking at the main entrance, and enter at which will be emailed to you upon registration and before event.
Hospital telephone: 626-397-5000
Download JPG flyer here
Gold Star Families: The Knock on the Door When a Military Member Dies…
Heart of a Military Woman| No Comments »in the photo-video story of military families receiving the KNOCK when a loved one has died while in service to our United States Military. It shares the importance of Gold Star family connections in the wake of THE KNOCK, as well as education for those outside the circle of Gold Star family grief.
Heart Of A Hawk: One Family’s Sacrifice and Journey Toward Healing
Also included is the lovely poem, "Please Don’t Knock."
Whether you are a military family, know of one, know of a person serving in the US military service (any branch), you will be touched by this message.
An excerpt from Heart of a Hawk:
There was only one reason for two men in Army dress greens to be standing at the door in the still dark morning. They were bringing a horrid message not worthy of sunlight. But this couldn’t be possible. Just yesterday Dave had called Allstate to reinstate Patrick’s car insurance. He had mailed a check to Fort Polk to the captain’s wife to help buy soap and shaving cream to put in the barracks for the guys when they arrived home next month. But at that moment, Deborah knew death had truly appeared at their door like a thief in the night. It was 6:00 a.m., February 12th, 2004.
During the notification officer’s announcement, "Sir, I’m sorry to inform you…," Deborah’s mind replayed a flood of memories. She and Dave had just discussed the trip to Fort Polk to meet the unit when they arrived in another fifty days or so. They had planned the trip to Disney World. The Christmas tree was still in front of the dining room windows with Patrick’s gifts beneath it. Now, was someone actually telling them the sun would no longer rise? That overnight, the earth had stopped spinning on its axis? That gravity no longer existed? Deborah fell to her knees on the floor, her hands cupped to her face, catching the flood of tears. Dave stood in silence, his arms crossed in front of his chest as though the posture would repel the horrible truth.
RECIPE: Orange Beets-Carrots
Recipes| No Comments »Recipe for Orange Beets/Carrots:
(I use fresh organic goodies from my garden, but you could also use a drained 1-pound canned beets, or carrots)
Boil your beets and/or carrots until soft (in separate pans). Peel the beets after boiling…
"Secret Sauce"
In a large frying pan, combine:
3 Tablespoons Sugar (or alternative)
1-1/2 teaspoons Cornstarch
1 Teaspoon Salt (or substitute)
Slowly stir in 1/2 cup Orange Juice (I squeeze a fresh orange).
Cook over medium heat, stirring, until thick.
Add 1 Tablespoon Butter (or margarine).
Add cooked veggies, and serve warm! YUM!
I multiply the "Secret Sauce" per each 2 cups of cooked beets.
Makes 4-5 servings.
Sheryl Roush
Inspirational and Business Speaker
Author of Heart of a Woman, and now an organic gardener
Women’s Leadership Conference Online 2011
Speaking Events| No Comments »
How do you think women in leadership can change the world today?
Do you find it challenging to schedule time for training while juggling commitments at work and at home?
Do you struggle with keeping your energy vitalized each day?
Now more than ever, you have unlimited potential when it comes to what you can achieve. All it takes is the right attitude, the right plan, the right opportunities and the right tools. Getting it "right" is exactly what is unique about The Women’s Leadership Conference Online. It’s specifically designed to give you the powerful information and profound insights that will make a lasting, positive impact on your life.
Join professional women from around the world, to invest quality time with some of the most inspiring people you will ever meet – your conference presenters. These highly experienced and acclaimed experts will move you to action in ways you’ll never forget.
This illuminating conference is filled with 6 practical, idea-packed sessions. This weekly series of six one-hour online seminars begins on March 3rd through April 7th, from 12 Noon – 1:00pm Pacific. Between workshops you will have the chance to network with participants and presenters through Facebook and Twitter communities. As a part of your registration receive 7 – FREE BONUSES!
Sessions feature professional speakers, top-rated trainers, topic experts, coaches, consultants, authors and thought leaders in their fields:
President of Feisty Women Productions. Ava loves her role as a Women’s Success Strategist and Passionista™. She focuses on giving women the inspiration, motivation and tools they need to live their lives with success, joy and passion.
Nationally renowned LinkedIn speaker, trainer and consultant, working with business professionals sharing the secrets and strategies of using Linkedin effectively.
CEO and Managing Director of The Human Factor, Inc. Holly helps business leaders and their companies achieve higher levels of performance and profitability.
An internationally top-rated trainer and conference speaker, 13-time author and President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc. An 8-time entrepreneur, SherylHeart of a Woman in Business and Sparkle-Tudes!® started her first business at age 16. Her books include:
Business productivity expert who speaks for organizations that want to inspire their people to achieve their goals and perform at their best every day. Tricia is the author of “Divine Wisdom at Work: 10 Universal Principles For Enlightened Entrepreneurs” and the “CRAVE Your Goals!” ebook.
A baby boomer with a message for women of all ages, has transitioned through five careers: elected official, director of a non-profit national organization, four corporations, higher education, and independent business owner and author. She is the master of change and has many insights to share and tools to use to help you leap from one stone to the next in a sea of sharks.
Click here to register, and receive there are 7 free bonus items!
Also view the 2011 Women in Leadership Report.
Sharpen your skills!
Local Authors Speak to Students at Rancho Bernardo High School
Speaking Events, Stories| No Comments »San Diego Authors Address Rancho Bernardo High School Students
On Friday, March 11, 2011, local San Diego authors and poets will visit Rancho Bernardo High School students in San Diego, CA, discuss their books, what inspired them to become writers and their latest publications. Authors’ books will be on sale. Here is the order of appearance.
Judy Bernstein – They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky is three boys’ account of an unimaginable thousand mile journey across Sudan. With the candor and the purity of their child’s-eye-vision, Alephonsion, Benjamin, and Benson recall how they endured hunger and illnesses. How they dodged life-threatening predators-lions, snakes, crocodiles and soldiers-that dogged their footsteps. How they grappled with a war that threatened continually to overwhelm them. Their story is a captivating portrait of a childhood lost to war, and of the perseverance of the human spirit. Now in their mid-twenties, they live in San Diego, work, and speak at schools and universities. BIO: In her capacity as a mentor with the International Rescue Committee, in 2001 Judy met co-authors, Benson Deng, Alephonsion Deng and Benjamin Ajak. Awed and deeply touched by their tragic childhoods, epic journey, and heroic survival, she turned her attention to helping them develop their poignant stories. "They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky: The True Story of Three Lost Boys of Sudan" was published in June 2005.
Joan Brady – God on a Harley – This is the story of Christine Moore, a young nurse with a less-than-perfect figure, a disappointing and almost non-existent love life, and a world-class case of burnout. And, oh yes, she now has lost faith in the idea of a loving God. That is, until she meets a handsome stranger on the beach one night – one who rides a Harley Davidson motorcycle and who seems to know every single detail about her life. Christine has no idea who the mysterious man is … or that he is about to change her life in ways she never dreamed possible. BIO: Joan Brady worked as a registered nurse for twenty-two years before publishing her debut novel, "God on a Harley." Having never taken a writing course in her life, "God on a Harley" (the story of a burned-out nurse who does some serious soul-searching) became an international best seller that was translated into seventeen languages. Film rights were sold to Mimi Polk Gitlin, co-producer of the blockbuster hit, "Thelma and Louise." Joan is an internationally recognized speaker whose presentations are informative and humorous, while encouraging introspection and self-growth. She lives here in San Diego with her dog, "Harley." Website:
Adolph Brostrom – One Sailor’s Journey: Tales from WWII – Perspective! This young man is catapulted into the journey of a lifetime and you are there. When Pearl Harbor was attacked, his good life was forever changed — in its place, new excitement and experiences. The Navy turned his world upside down – from boot camp, the Hollywood Canteen, Treasure Island, even a near brush with death, to work and play on a small island in the South Pacific. Written with humor and compassion, join this young sailor in his adventures in New Caledonia and Australia. In a world now passed, meet movie stars, famous musicians, submarines, barracudas, hurricanes, and sabotage. Enjoy the journey! BIO: Dolph Brostrom, if anything, is versatile. After a lifetime of activity and accomplishment, at 88 he decided to write a book, One Sailor’s Journey: Tales from WWII. Two years in the South Pacific, then, Japan and Korea in 1951. He left the Navy on disability as a Chief Aviation Metalsmith, and was then a fire fighter for twenty-seven years in Oakland, California. He was a carpenter, opal importer, and stone yard owner, prospector, skin diver for gold, private detective, realtor, investor, and renovator. Dolph loves his wife, family, music, fishing, and traveling. He was born in 1921, in New Castle, Australia, but is American, through and through.
Charlie Capazzoli – Run to Win, Love and Sacrifice is a true story about a young boy who grew up in New York, was inspired by his parents to always do his best, that "love is what really matters." With their encouragement, he became one of America’s greatest distance runners, winning in the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland, at 21 years of age; 57 years later, in April 2009, he was inducted into the NYAC Hall of Fame, along with Teddy Roosevelt and 2008 Beijing Olympians. – "If Only I Had Known" is about family, love, and forgiveness. – "A Love Story, Patrick and Shannon" – Two neighborhood children grow up in Ireland. Shannon, born blind, inspired Patrick to achieve miraculous things in his lifetime.
Judy Duarte – Mulberry Park – When a seven-year-old orphan pens a letter to God and places it in a tree with branches that reach all the way to Heaven, a woman grieving the loss of her son–and her faith–finds it and answers the heartfelt plea. Her response sets motion to a miracle that touches the lives of 9 strangers, offering each of them a second chance at happiness–if they’ll take it. BIO: Judy Duarte always knew there was a book inside her, but since English was her least favorite subject in school, she never considered herself a writer. An avid reader who enjoys a happy ending, Judy couldn’t shake the dream of creating a book of her own. That dream became a reality in 2002, when Silhouette released her first Special Edition. Since then, more than thirty of her books have hit the shelves. Judy, a two-time Rita® finalist with MULBERRY PARK (2009) and ENTERTAINING ANGELS (2010), has won two Maggies and a National Reader’s Choice Award for her heartwarming stories.
Curt Erler – Southside Kid – It’s all here, baseball, movie matinees, young love and Friday night dances. You’ll find yourself surrounded by Rock and Roll and the sounds of Chicago’s jazz joints. Music always played a big part in "The Kid’s" life, and he provides an unparalleled written soundtrack that is bound to provoke happy memories. A wonderful and wildly fun journey down a memory lane filled with laughter and high jinks. Everyone should have a childhood that is this much fun and a life that is this rich. For Curt it isn’t a life, it is a celebration and it is what makes this memoir alternately so touching and so hilarious. BIO: – Curt Erler was born and raised on Chicago’s Southside. Curt and his wife Kathleen recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They have three daughters and four grandchildren. As an adventurer and business executive, Curt has traveled extensively. With a career in marketing management with two major corporations and is a veteran, having served in the U.S. Army. Curt’s interests include record collecting, gourmet cooking, writing his stories as well as musical lyrics and is an avid baseball fan. Curt has had three titles published: "Southside Kid" ~ "Mantilla Lady Visits Baseball’s Purgatory" and "Heaven Bound In The Dead Of Winter"
Marjorie Hart – Summer at Tiffany – Two college girls arrive in New York City from the University of Iowa hoping to find summer positions. Turned away from every department store, they miraculously find jobs at Tiffany & Co. becoming the first women to be employed on the sales floor as pages. There they rub elbows with the rich and famous, pinch pennies to live, experience nightlife and dance away the weekends with handsome guys. A true story in 1945. BIO: Marjorie Hart is the former chairman of the Fine Arts Department at the University of San Diego and a professional cellist. "Summer at Tiffany" is a New York Times best seller.
Hither & Yahn (aka: Bob Lundy & Elizabeth Yahn Williams) – SUMMATION 2008 & SUMMATION 2009 – An anthology of Ekphrastic Poetry, which is poetry written to or inspired by a work of art in some other medium, such as painting or sculpture. Robert Lundy (Hither) is a retired Demographer and Software Engineer. He acted in community theater for 20 years, is a volunteer instructor in wilderness survival with the Sierra Club, and has been writing and editing poetry seriously for the last 7 years. Elizabeth Yahn Williams is a former lawyer, judge, and high school English teacher who left the law to concentrate on writing and performing poetry 20 years ago. She and Bob Lundy have been writing and performing as the team of Hither and Yahn for 4 years.
Tom Kirkbride – Gamadin (Series) – Book I – Word of Honor Sixteen-year-olds Harlowe and Matt ditch school to bodysurf killer waves, when they encounter a yacht capsizing off the coast. After saving movie star Simon Bolt and half-alien socialite Leucadia Mars, Fate sends the boys on the greatest ride of their lives. Book II – Mons – Millawanda has parked Harlowe and his friends on a planet with no life, no breathable atmosphere, no beaches and no In-N-Out Burgers at the edge of the solar system’s largest extinct volcano. Book III – Distant Suns – Homesick and eager to find a date and a few waves, Captain Harlowe Pylott and his new Gamadin crew are minutes from touchdown when their homecoming is interrupted by a distress call that sends them on a perilous journey light-years from home. BIO: Tom Kirkbride grew up on the beaches of Southern California, where his GAMADIN saga begins. Tom was a lifeguard, world traveler and an avid surfer. The artwork on the book website is his. GAMADIN evolved from a love of sci-fi and the desire to write a thrill-packed, character-driven story for young adults.
Marshall Lubin – From Boys 2 Men – is the audacious tale of two young boys, age seventeen, that leave their parents nest to embark on a surfing safari to Hawaii. Dissatisfied with the poor surfing conditions on Oahu in 1964, they search out better waves in American Samoa, a place they had never before heard of. They leave Samoa on a 78’ inter-island cargo boat and later join a 56’ ketch owned by twenty four year old John. The three youngsters had the sailing adventure that young men only dream of. BIO: Marshall Lubin grew up in the Los Angeles area beginning in water activities as a junior lifeguard at Venice Beach. Later he became a surfer and traveled to Hawaii to live his surf dream. A serendipitous turn of events led to surfing in Samoa, travel to Fiji on an inter-island cargo boat and then sailing on a 56′ ketch half way around the world. Marshall has traveled in South America including the Amazon jungle, Mexico and Canada. He currently lives in Encinitas.
Linda Thomas Sundstrom – Barbie & the Beast – Dear Reader… To what lengths might a twenty-something, single female high-school teacher go when confronted with the desire for a really good date, and big diamond ring? For Barbie Bradley, the answer might lie somewhere in the dark, creepy pathways of an old graveyard. Named after the Mattel toy, Barbie has spent her entire life trying to live down the name. But after one meeting with a cemetery watchman who is much more than he seems, she is about to end up with something the doll never had a werewolf. BIO: Linda Thomas-Sundstrom is an award-winning author of paranormal romance and urban fantasy novels. Published with major New York publishers, Kensington and Dorchester, Linda is currently writing werewolf and vampire stories for Harlequin Nocturne. She is a teacher at a major California university, and juggles teaching, writing, family, and caring for a big stretch of land. She lectures at several writer’s conferences, speaks at Comic-con International, and is VP of Programming for the Romance Writers of America’s San Diego chapter.
Erica Miner – FourEver Friends – As JFK’s 1960 presidential campaign heralds revolutionary social changes in the American landscape, JESSICA, a talented high school music student, establishes roots of friendship with TOMA, RACHEL, and MARG, who share Jessica’s passion for music and angst over raging hormones. Their inner city Detroit high school is a cultural melting pot of race and ethnicity where students are judged by their intellect and talents, not the color of their skin or religious background. When Jessica’s parents forbid Jessica to date GUNTER, who is five years older, she depends on Toma for an escape and Rachel for advice on sex; but she always looks to Marg for unconditional love. BIO: Former Metropolitan Opera violinist Erica Miner turned to writing as her creative outlet when injuries suffered in a car accident forced her to give up her musical career. She has since won awards for her screenplays, novels and poetry, including the Fiction Prize in the Direct From The Author Book Awards for her romance novel, Travels With My Lovers. Her recently published thriller novel Murder In The Pit has earned rave reviews. Erica has become a household name through radio and online interviews, book signings and speaking engagements, and has been named a ‘top-rated’ lecturer for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.
Sheryl Roush – Author of the Heart Book Series – Quotations, true short stories and poems. Heart of a Woman (also translated into Spanish: Corazon de Mujer) celebrates the strength, humor, love and intuition–of women of all ages. Heart of a Military Woman – featured by Montel Williams on Montel Across America, WINNER: 2009 Best Inspirational Book from the San Diego Book Awards Association – is a keepsake collection of historical and current military honoring our active and retired service members and families. Heart of a Mother: Tributes to expecting and new mothers, Mothers and Grandmothers. Sparkle-Tudes!® A-Z Chapters and quotations, inspirational and for reference. BIO: Sheryl Roush is a native San Diegan, an internationally top-rated inspirational female speaker, an 8-time business entrepreneur and a 13-time author. Known as the Sparkle-Tude!® Expert, she speaks to corporations, schools and universities around the globe. Sheryl was twice crowned "Ms. Heart of San Diego" for community service. She was the third female honored by Toastmasters International to earn their Accredited Speaker designation, from 4.3 million members in 113 countries. She also received their International Presidential Citation in 2009, for enhancing global communication and leadership, selected from 253,000 members. and Email:
Antonio F. Vianna – Second Son – Second Son is a suspenseful thriller that examines the extent of birth order’s role in determining the character of the second boy in a family, how far that influence is taken and whether it is a matter of life or death. The second son seeks love from his parents and older brother, but settles for tolerance. Upon reaching adulthood he continues to seek love, including the priesthood, but finds that to be disappointing as well. Finally, his older brother asks him a favor that would violate his sacred vows. The second son struggles between good and evil. BIO: Antonio is endowed with the gift of "literary gab"; an adaptation of his talent as a phenomenal storyteller. A graduate of Union College in New York and Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Business, he has published 17 books—both fiction and non-fiction—since 2003. Writing with zest and insight, Antonio sets a quick pace with his dramatic language. A frequent radio and television guest offering strategies about changing careers or becoming a published author, Antonio lives in Carlsbad, CA.
Diane Lee Wilson – Raven Speak – Asa is the daughter of a Viking chief whose clan is struggling to survive a never-ending winter. All the able-bodied men head to sea in search of food, leaving behind the children, the elderly, the sick—and Jorgen the skald, the wise man who will stop at nothing to take over the clan. When Asa learns the skald wants to kill and eat her beloved horse, she runs away—but soon realizes she must return and try to save her mother and clan. When she meets a strange, one-eyed woman who talks to her ravens, Asa’s adventures really begin… BIO: Diane Lee Wilson is the author of five award-winning novels, including I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade (California Book Award for Juvenile Fiction), Black Storm Comin’ (Spur Award, Booklist Editor’s Choice, Top Ten Social Studies book) and Firehorse (Top Ten Mystery/Suspense, Amelia Bloomer Project selection). She has always ridden horses and includes them in her historical fiction novels for young adults. She lives in Escondido, CA
John "Jack" Wolf – Benny Plays the Blues – New York City born and bred Benny Hager and his father can’t face each other after the way Benny’s mother died. Benny goes to Las Vegas to make it as a saxophone player. His family roots are in music and clubs. Problem is, Benny gets tangled in a very special robbery and murder, which is really difficult to show he didn’t do it. Benny runs. Police, tough guys, recording moguls, and one curious woman are all tracking him down. The story is about reconciliation with his past, passion for the future, and the love of music. The crime plays out as a surprising sequence of exciting twists. Benny, well, he learns to play the blues. BIO: John Wolf, author of five exciting adventure stories and television producer for the public access series The Writer’s Loft, writes for the enjoyment of the reader. He is also a local musician and is just as comfortable in a coffee bar playing a guitar.
Bettie B. Youngs – Taste Berries Series – Taste Berries for Teens #4 – Inspirational Short Stories and Encouragement on Being Cool, Caring and Courageous. This national best-seller (2 million copies in print!) of inspirational stories BY TEENS for Teen offers encouragement and insight about understanding oneself and friends and parents and teachers, and how to be a part of making good things happen for everyone, every day. 365 Days of Inspiration for Teens – Each page is a Thought for the day. Taste Berries for Teens Journal: My Thoughts for Life, Love and Making a Difference; Taste Berries for Teens #3: Inspirational Short Stories & Encouragement on Life, Love, Friendship & Tough Issues. BIO: Bettie Youngs is a former Teacher of the Year and the author of 36 books published in 28 languages, including the best selling series for teens, "Taste Berries for Teens"…a series of 14 books written for teens.
Mary Lenore Quigley – Indelible Ink – A journey into the world of adoption from the perspective of the one adopted and from that of the parents who adopt. Your heart will be moved by this story and by the poignancy with which Mary portrays her life and the lives of those whom she cares about. Mary draws you into the events of her life and makes you companions on her journey. BIO: Mary, founder of NCAP-North County Authors & Poets (2004), an organization that promotes San Diego authors and poets, is the author of two novels: God Danced and her memoir Indelible Ink; one book of poetry, By Fools Like Me and several chapbooks. Mary and author/poet Elizabeth Yahn-Williams co-chair two major annual events: National Authors’ Day (NAD) hosted by the Oceanside Public Library each November and National Poetry Month (April) each year with the Escondido Public Library. In both NAD and NCAP events they promote local talent as well as students from nearby Colleges in the departments of: Communication, Language, Drama, English and Creative Writing. and
Reflections on 2010
Book Signings, Speaking Events, Stories| No Comments » Reflections on 2010
by Sheryl Roush, December 23, 2010
As I look back at this year, I reflect upon the "most interesting" events of this year, both personally and professionally, and share some highlights here. The immediate metaphor that comes to mind is a ROLLER COASTER. There’s been much joy and matching sadness, still with gratitude throughout.
Speaking Engagements:
As an inspirational speaker and business skills trainer it’s a pleasure to be of service for repeat clients (County of Los Angeles, Healthcare Financial Management Association, Lake Elsinore Outlets, Parks & Recreation, Project Management Institute, the Women in Business Symposium, and the World Famous San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal "Safari" Park) as well as new organizations (California Ass’n of School Board Officials, Global Boating Women, National Ass’n of Quick Printers Business Owners, and Welk Resorts).
Emcee for a most unique (and global) event, Del Mar Kiwanis hosts The Ugly Dog Contest in March at the County Fairgrounds (I’m a cat lover). Videos went international and made the news.
I opened the San Diego Summer Pops, for a Lincoln Military Housing sponsored 4th of July Concert for enlisted service members and their families, with the distinct honor of introducing famed conductor and award-winning songwriter Marvin Hamlisch.
While keynote closing the state Dept. of Mental Health in January, I got snowed in with attendees for 3 days at the Embassy Suites in Norman, Oklahoma… and ended up speaking to the hotel staff in the kitchen complimenting their attitude and shining service through it all.
On September 14, I had the pleasure of opening the Central California Womens’ Conference to 3,500 women, delivering the morning keynote on "Sparkle-Tude!® The Heart of a Woman" on a theatre stage in the Fresno Convention Center. Marie Osmond (spokeswoman for Jenny Craig, Dancing With the Stars) graciously commented that she was MY closing act! (We also did a live 6am TV interview.)
Locally, this was my tenth consecutive year coaching the San Diego Charger Girls cheerleaders (28 on the squad) in their public speaking and media interviewing skills.
Radio Shows and Interviews:
Still on a high from Montel Williams endorsing my Heart of a Military Woman book on his show in November 2009, I was also interviewed on The Coaching Show, Raven Blair Davis, Skills Radio with Brian Olds, Purpose Guy, Catrice Jackson, Minoshia Gail Humphrey, Army Wives Network, "Bringing Your Heart to Work" on Robin Hardy, Dr. Helena Steiner Hornstyn, Deb Simpson, Red River Writers, Jean Bailey Robor, Angie Strader’s What’s Your Bottom Line?, Fresno KYNO…
While we’re on the topic of books… my Heart of a Military Woman book received the 2009 Best Spiritual & Inspirational Award (nonfiction) from the San Diego Book Awards Association.
Book Signings:
Contributors to the 6-title Heart Book Series signed copies with me in California at BORDERS in Long Beach, and at the Book Warehouse at Lake Elsinore Outlets, including Hollywood Blockbuster recording artists Penka Kouneva and Kirstin Vogelsang, and Charger Girl cheerleader Tonya Helman (Founder of Sweethearts for Soldiers. My Heart of a Woman book was purchased for international publishing rights in Mexico, fully translated into Spanish, as Corazón de Mujer.
Since active in my 23-year membership and support of Toastmasters International, I spoke at several Districts throughout the US this year, as well as at the International Convention, then was quoted in a couple issues of the Toastmaster Magazine.
Several notable events in this category. My brother Steve rebounded from Stage 4 Melanoma Skin Cancer, at this this writing, scans show no traces whatsoever! (Prayers and Laughter work!) Cousin Janet and Paul Stannard hosted a joyous celebration at their home for 30 relatives to see Steve and his wife Mary from Hawaii.
Mom turned 80 years old in June, with a SURPRISE PARTY — with a SAN DIEGO PADRES Baseball theme! Keeping the dinner a complete surprise from her was a notable accomplishment for all family and friends present! (Pictured: Hiram, Beverly, and me)
December 11th, we celebrated Dad’s 83rd Birthday… a toasty 80 degrees outside and 20 local family members present, we warmed up my new house, without setting off the new smoke alarms. My oldest brother Rick (a Dean at the University of Melbourne) and his 15-year-old daughter, Ali, came to visit California from Australia for three weeks before Christmas. Ali stayed with me for a lovely ten days, watching every episode I had taped of Stargate SG:1.
Such is the circle of life… after 14 remarkable years, my orange Tabby kitty, Tigger, passed November 17, from a tumor on his brain. This brilliant feline helped me write five books and was the subject of many of my stories and speeches. I cried to the depths of my soul; yet thankful that I recorded his purring on my iPhone months ago.
Dear friend, business adviser and speaking colleague, John Reddish, passed at 64, to Lymphoma cancer. He expanded my thinking, focused my creativity and guided my direction. Mine was only one of thousands he touched in the National Speakers Association.
Uncle Laurence A. Weisser, II, passed on December 9, at 96. He was my school bus driver not retiring until my graduation from high school. His bride, Wardene (my father’s sister), had asked me to officiate the funeral years ago for both of their services, which I was truly honored to do. His favorite upbeat "cowboy" music (Bob Wills, Rex Allen) was played as loved ones entered and left the celebration… with laughter and applause between shared tears and shared stories.
Sci-Fi Fun:
With Comic-Con International San Diego being hosted in my native town, I was asked to "handle" (shuttle, coffee and food needs) Sci-Fi stars again this year, including Stan Lee "Spiderman," James Marsden "Spike" on Buffy, The Vampire Slayer, Kevin Sorbo Hercules and Andromeda… plus Star Trek cast members Brent Spiner "Data," Marina Sirtis "Counselor Troi," Michael Dorn as the Klingon"Worf," and LeVar Burton "Geordi LaForge."
New this year, I worked with the Warehouse 13 cast: Eddie McClintock "Pete," Saul Rubinek "Artie," and CCH Pounder "Mrs. Fredrick" and the sage village woman in Avatar. (Last year I was personal assistant to "Mr. Spock" Leonard Nimoy for 4 amazing days.) A personal thrilled was meeting the adorable Colin Ferguson "Sheriff Carter" from Eureka backstage before his panel, offering opening jokes for his appearance.
Wedding Celebration:
April 13th, my dear friend, Debbi McGill married Peter Alexis… Peter’s Greek Orthodox uncle was sick and unable to conduct the services–and with less than 12 hours notice–Debbi asked if I would officiate the ceremonies. What an honor! Overlooking the Pacific Ocean at La Jolla Shores and pelicans flying above head, it was truly a lovely occasion. (Not sticking to the script, I ad-libbed, with the congregation breaking into laughter.) Their surprise gift from me was ELVIS (since Peter had mailed an invite to Graceland), with James Kruk, an award-winning Tribute Artist, performing a private concert for the reception guests. Amazing talent!
Living "Green"
After nine months of looking for a new house (only 4.3 miles from my parents), we finally found it — or it found me! It’s a completely rebuilt "brand-new 1960" 3-bedroom house with garage (for my new Hybrid car) and yards. All new high-efficiency applicances, tile, cabinets, water heater, toilets, carpet, etc. Adorable, cozy and pristine. Dad has cleaned up the yard, trees and hedges, and we hung gutters to capture rainwater to conserve water. Brother Steve and wife Mary from Hawaii bought and planted five dwarf fruit trees in the backyard. Dad is currently building the frame for my vegetable garden.
What Matters:
Reflecting over this year, it’s indeed been a "Roller Coaster" — up’s and down’s — twists and turns — yet it’s been one exciting "ride." But I’ve not been alone on this… and cherish dearly each person on the ride with me. Family and Friends, Clients, Audiences… Life is good! Count your blessings. I know I do! Here’s to 2011!
Christmas, Heart of the Holidays| No Comments »
by Lorri V. Allen, Speaker, Author
My husband-to-be had a bleak view of church when we first met. His overriding memory of Sunday school was being punished at age three for coloring Jesus purple.
What the teacher saw as disrespect was more likely a foreshadow of Mark’s artistic talent. Do you think Jesus minded being purple? I don’t. Every culture depicts Jesus a little differently. I have seen fair-skinned, blue-eyed Jesuses (or is it Jesi?), black ones, Asian ones, and in my friend Ellen’s nativity scenes from Mexico, a beautiful brown-eyed, toasty-skinned baby Jesus.
In reality, Jesus probably sported a swarthy complexion, with dark eyes and black hair, like many of the Middle Easterners we see today. But what is more important than color is size. There is no doubt Jesus was an infant. So, next time you see a child, think about Jesus, and how much he loved us to become a baby that burped and spit up. Think about how he might have said his first words or taken his first step.
The color of Jesus’ skin doesn’t matter because if he lives in our hearts, he does look just like we do.
By the way, Mark still isn’t exactly wild about Sunday school, but he likes purple. Best of all, he loves Jesus!
Reprinted from the HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS book, by Sheryl L. Roush
Bask in the glow of winter’s warmth. Celebrate the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales, original stories and poems, and quotations… Chapters include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year…
Touching the heart with music, Heart of the Holidays is a celebration of the season. Included are creative new interpretations of the traditional Chanukah songs "Mo’oz Tsur" and "Sivivon." Two original numbers written and performed by Laurie Z., "Heart of the Holidays" and "Warmth From Within" easily hold their own next to the traditional songs we all know by heart. Playful touches are included, like special guest, late actor Jack Palance singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," topping it all off with Jack Palance’s delightful reading of "The Night Before Christmas."
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
POEM: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Poems| No Comments »Reprinted from HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS, book by Sheryl L. Roush
The Greatest Story Ever Told
By Rebecca Brinck
Do you remember?
Have you ever known
Of that night in December
When the brightest star shown?
Have you heard the story told
Of that fateful night of old?
The Virgin Mary, the unborn baby,
Looking for a place to stay.
“There is no room in the inn,”
They heard time and time again;
One had compassion, an older fashion,
And led them to the stables.
A newborn babe laid his head,
With a manger for a bed;
The star twinkled bright, with eternal light,
On the baby laid in hay.
Shining angels came to talk;
To shepherds that watched their flock
“I have tidings great,” angels did dictate,
“And news of great joy tonight.”
Bask in the glow of winter’s warmth. Celebrate the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales, original stories and poems, and quotations… Chapters include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year…
Touching the heart with music, Heart of the Holidays is a celebration of the season. Included are creative new interpretations of the traditional Chanukah songs "Mo’oz Tsur" and "Sivivon." Two original numbers written and performed by Laurie Z., "Heart of the Holidays" and "Warmth From Within" easily hold their own next to the traditional songs we all know by heart. Playful touches are included, like special guest, late actor Jack Palance singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," topping it all off with Jack Palance’s delightful reading of "The Night Before Christmas."
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Winter Solstice| No Comments »Reprinted from the HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS book, by Sheryl L. Roush
by Reverend Uki MacIsaac, MA
Winter Solstice is the time when the “sun stands still,” the shortest day of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, days become shorter from June 21 on, until around December 21st, when the sun seems to rise and set in the same place for a while. Then slowly the sun begins its journey toward the south again, and the days grow longer until the peak of sunlight at the Summer Solstice.
The longest night of the year bears within itself the promise of the return of the light, the “rebirth” of the sun. Thus, the Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the darkness of the womb from which creation arises. We honor the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, the dark night of the soul and the rebirth of new hope and vision. When we move deeper into the darkness instead of avoiding it, we find the gifts the darkness holds. To some, that may mean moving into the shadow aspect of self. What needs to be released, to be brought into the light of our awareness? Even in our darkest moments we can find the seeds of growth and healing within.
The darkness of the long winter nights that culminate in the Winter Solstice is also a time to honor and celebrate the world of the unseen, of dreams, and of intuition. When we cannot see with our physical eyes, we learn to trust the inner vision, the power of insight and inner knowingness. The journey into the darkness prepares the way for celebration: in gratitude we rejoice in the return of the light, the promise of the sun/son lighting our path, the promise of new beginnings.
A Winter Solstice Meditation
Begin by taking a deep breath in and then exhaling slowly.
Relax as you release the breath.
With each breath you take, you move deeper into the silent space
within, into your inner world.
Imagine yourself now walking through a desert landscape at night.
The moon is not visible to light your path, and at first your steps are
unsure and tentative. The more you attune yourself to the silent
world around you, the more your senses begin to perceive details
along your path.
The desert air is clear and cold, fragrant with the aroma of sage.
Now you move with confidence, you can “see” with your inner eyes.
You are comfortable with the darkness that reveals its gifts:
You can hear sounds of life around you—what do you hear?
You see things you have not seen before—what do you see?
You trust your inner senses, your intuition guides you on your path.
Answers reveal themselves as you surrender to the power of the unseen.
You feel safe and protected.
A warm feeling starts to bubble up in your solar plexus.
The warmth spreads to your arms and legs, to your whole body.
A pleasant tingling sensation accompanies the warm glow that now
seems to emanate from your body, creating a field of pleasant
vibrating energy throughout and around you. The source of light
and warmth is within, always accessible, your internal sun.
You are equally comfortable with the dark as with the light.
You are balanced, in harmony with Mother Earth and Father Sky.
As you turn your eyes toward the night sky above you, a blanket of
brilliant stars illuminate the sky.
Gratitude washes over you as you open your heart to the beauty
of this sacred time and space.
A granite boulder offers a place to rest and relax.
Hours seem like minutes, a sense of timelessness prevails.
Yet, almost imperceptibly at first, you notice a change on the horizon.
The light of the stars begins to fade, and toward the east, the first light
of dawn colors the sky with shades of purple, pink, and orange.
Slowly the landscape around you reveals a new face of beauty and
Soon the radiant disk of the sun appears and bathes the desert in its
warm glow.
You are reborn to this new day, and you greet it with joy and
You can trust the sacred circles of nature that offer new beginnings.
Bless the return of the light as you have blessed the womb of
darkness that preceded it.
With your next deep breath begin to bring your awareness back to the
here and now. Feel yourself grounded, balanced, and in harmony.
When you are ready, you may open your eyes, fully back in the here
and now, bringing with you the gifts of this sacred journey.
And so it is.
Thank You God.
Bask in the glow of winter’s warmth. Celebrate the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales, original stories and poems, and quotations… Chapters include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year…
Touching the heart with music, Heart of the Holidays is a celebration of the season. Included are creative new interpretations of the traditional Chanukah songs "Mo’oz Tsur" and "Sivivon." Two original numbers written and performed by Laurie Z., "Heart of the Holidays" and "Warmth From Within" easily hold their own next to the traditional songs we all know by heart. Playful touches are included, like special guest, late actor Jack Palance singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," topping it all off with Jack Palance’s delightful reading of "The Night Before Christmas."
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Heart of the Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »I’m thankful for my eyes—
that I might see spectacular sunsets, lovely flowers of spring, the sweet face of a child.
I’m thankful for my ears—
that I might hear the birds’ sweet songs, children’s infectious laughter, glorious music that uplifts the soul.
I’m thankful for my lips—
that I might help kiss away a child’s tears, whisper words of love, share encouragement and praise.
I’m thankful for my hands—
that I might help a neighbor in need, hold hands with loved ones, give a warm hug or pat on the back.
Most of all, I’m thankful for my mind—that holds all these
memories—so that, when I feel sad or discouraged, I can once again
recall all these wonderful gifts with which I’ve been blessed.
– Connie Jameson
Published in Heart of the Holidays; Yuletide Treasures & Traditions, by Sheryl L. Roush
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
POEM: Happy Thanksgiving
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »Happy Thanksgiving
The turkey is cooking; we’ve all been to church,
Our grandparents soon will arrive.
The table is set; the best linen is used,
What a grand day to be alive!
There’s a nip in the air; we’re planning on snow,
We kids have new scarves and new muffs.
The cat, a new bell—the dog, a new bow,
And the phone is ringing for us.
“Hurry up, kids! Talk to great Uncle Joe,”
Who lives a long ways away.
Then we’ll call Cousin Jo and dear Auntie Flo,
And wish them joy today.”
Oh, something special there is in the air,
And not just good smells from the oven.
The holiday feeling is felt everywhere,
“Come on, darlin,’ give Mama some huggin.’”
The kitchen door opens; the food is brought in,
We kids all race to the table.
Napkins are snugly tucked ‘neath our chins,
We are hungry, willing and able.
Dad starts to carve, right after grace,
Then my brother shouts, “Dibs on a leg!”
Mom has a special smile on her face,
Our dog sits at Dad’s knee and begs.
“Please pass the beans.” “Where are the yams?”
“Does anyone want a roll?”
“That turkey is almost as big as I am.”
“Who emptied the gravy bowl?”
So the feast moves on straight to the pie,
I rub my tummy; it’s so full.
But I’m no piker—oh no—not I,
“Whipped cream, if you please, a big spoonful.”
So, with warmth and laughter and much good cheer,
For this day, we send thanks above.
We’re grateful we’ve all been together this year,
“Thank You, Dear Lord for such love.”
~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007
Published in Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!
POEM: Heart of the Holidays
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS
With praise, we welcome the Holidays,
We express our love for God and man,
We celebrate each special date,
In the very best way we can.
One God . . . one world . . . for us all,
Yellow or Black or White or Brown,
Joined in spirit, mind, and heart,
Holiday Time . . . our common bond.
Thanksgiving turkeys, cranberry sauce,
Hanukkah candles, Christmas tree lights,
Ring out the Old! Ring in the New!
Heart of the Holidays . . . God’s delight!
~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© July 2005
Written for Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Thanksgiving Thoughts: Over The Years
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »THANKSGIVING: THEN AND NOW
Dad carving the hard-crusted turkey with electric knife, nibbling
as he goes.
Dad carving the moist, baked-in-the bag turkey, without the
electric knife, still nibbling as he goes.
Mom cooked up real cranberries (too lumpy for me).
Sheryl brings jellied cranberry sauce with pickled beets.
Never decorated the house for the fall holiday.
Decorate with autumn leaves, real pumpkins, and golden garlands.
Showed up in time to eat, everything was fixed by mom, departed
early with leftovers in Tupperware and plastic baggies.
Arrive early, set the table, bring healthy food choices to add to the
menu, clear the table after the meal, and wash the fine china, stay
late just to hang around and have meaningful conversations.
From Heart of the Holidays: Yuletide Treasures and Traditions, by inspirational speaker Sheryl Roush, which features 67 original short stories, 36 poems, and 193 quotations and scriptures from 71 contributors.
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
What did you do in World War II?
Heart of a Military Woman| No Comments »Veterans Day 2010
Sat down with my father this afternoon, having cake at the dining room table, and asked a simple question: "Dad, what did you do in WWII?"
WOW! So glad I grabbed my iPhone and hit RECORD… for the next hour he told me! I had NO IDEA he was in 19 helicopter crashes while doing his job in the Army Corps of Engineers, and as a recalled Reservist. What an amazing man. At a perky 83, the stories flowed from him as if they happened yesterday! The detail. The places. The pride.
We need to HAVE those conversations! Thank YOU to ALL who serve(d).
-Sheryl Roush, Author of Heart of a Military Woman
Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
BONUS DOWNLOADS, Heart of a Woman in Business, Interviews, Meet the Contributors| No Comments »Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
Raven Blair Davis, hosted interviews with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, Kay Presto, and Sheryl Roush, last week for her Radio Show that aired on CNN 650 Radio News!
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez is the co-author of the Heart of a Military Woman book with Sheryl Roush, and Kay Presto, an outstanding photojournalist, is published in several of the Heart Book Series books plus the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Sheryl Roush, shares tips from behind-the-scenes from her 6-title Heart Book Series including Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer, setting up book signings, creating marketing pieces and more.
You will personally enjoy the interviews, and the depth of the dialogue, whether you are published in the series, or if you are published on your own, and want tips on marketing, publishing, advertising, public relations and much, much more! These are LOADED with ideas!
Download the Mp3 files, and listen to them at your convenience!
Feel free to contact any of us for more information, or to be interviewed by Raven in the future, as I left the email addresses intact.
Blessings to You!
Sheryl Roush
Inspirational Female Speaker
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
From: Raven Blair Davis <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
To: Sheryl Roush <>,
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez <>,
Kay Presto <>
Thanks so much ladies for sharing from the heart….I appreciate you much!
Below are the links to your interviews…….have a beautiful day!
Interview with Sheryl Roush:
Interview with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez and Kay Presto:
Raven Blair Davis
Executive Producer/Host
Empowering women over 40 to go for their dreams and visions – "Life is just beginning!"
To hear empowering and inspiring interviews of Unstoppable Women of Power, click here:
Borders Long Beach features Heart Book Series Signing June 19
Book Signings| No Comments »Saturday, June 19, 2010, Southern California co-authors to the Heart of a Military Woman book will be signing copies of the keepsake collection at two Borders Stores locations in Long Beach, California.
Borders, At the Pike
101 S. Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802
Borders, Los Altos Market Center
2110 N. Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90815
Heart of a Military Woman shares 99 true short stories and tributes to those who serve our country, plus 21 poems and 194 quotations. There are 120 contributors, from all branches of active and retired service members, their spouses and families, sharing sentiments and pride as only they can.
Co-Authors Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, retired Master Sergeant USAF 23 years and Los Angeles resident, and former Navy wife San Diego resident Sheryl Roush will be joined by: Lanie Adamson, Loni Anderson, Sarah Arnold, Virginia Ellis, Dharlene Marie Fahl, Becky Palmer, Mary Lenore Quigley, Judy Turner and Denise Yamada.
Montel Williams endorsed the 2009 Veteran’s Day release during his Montel Across America radio interview with Sheryl Roush. Montel served in two branches of the US Armed Forces for a total of 23 years of service. Heart of a Military Woman was selected as the January 2010 Army Wives Network Book of the Month, and received the 2009 Best Spiritual – Inspirational Book from the San Diego Book Awards Association.
Other books in the HEART BOOK SERIES by Sheryl Roush, include:
Heart of a Woman
Heart of a Woman in Business
Heart of a Mother
Heart of a Mother with Bonus Music CD
Heart of the Holidays
Heart of the Holidays with Bonus Music CD
Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish).
Additional published contributors in the series signing at these events are: Marjorie Benesh, Soraya Deen, Carol Grabowski, Jack Nichols, Beverly Roush, Serina Roush, Consuleo Sanchez, Rhoberta Shaler and Linda Ulrich.