POEM: Happy Thanksgiving
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »Happy Thanksgiving
The turkey is cooking; we’ve all been to church,
Our grandparents soon will arrive.
The table is set; the best linen is used,
What a grand day to be alive!
There’s a nip in the air; we’re planning on snow,
We kids have new scarves and new muffs.
The cat, a new bell—the dog, a new bow,
And the phone is ringing for us.
“Hurry up, kids! Talk to great Uncle Joe,”
Who lives a long ways away.
Then we’ll call Cousin Jo and dear Auntie Flo,
And wish them joy today.”
Oh, something special there is in the air,
And not just good smells from the oven.
The holiday feeling is felt everywhere,
“Come on, darlin,’ give Mama some huggin.’”
The kitchen door opens; the food is brought in,
We kids all race to the table.
Napkins are snugly tucked ‘neath our chins,
We are hungry, willing and able.
Dad starts to carve, right after grace,
Then my brother shouts, “Dibs on a leg!”
Mom has a special smile on her face,
Our dog sits at Dad’s knee and begs.
“Please pass the beans.” “Where are the yams?”
“Does anyone want a roll?”
“That turkey is almost as big as I am.”
“Who emptied the gravy bowl?”
So the feast moves on straight to the pie,
I rub my tummy; it’s so full.
But I’m no piker—oh no—not I,
“Whipped cream, if you please, a big spoonful.”
So, with warmth and laughter and much good cheer,
For this day, we send thanks above.
We’re grateful we’ve all been together this year,
“Thank You, Dear Lord for such love.”
~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007
Published in Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!
POEM: Heart of the Holidays
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS
With praise, we welcome the Holidays,
We express our love for God and man,
We celebrate each special date,
In the very best way we can.
One God . . . one world . . . for us all,
Yellow or Black or White or Brown,
Joined in spirit, mind, and heart,
Holiday Time . . . our common bond.
Thanksgiving turkeys, cranberry sauce,
Hanukkah candles, Christmas tree lights,
Ring out the Old! Ring in the New!
Heart of the Holidays . . . God’s delight!
~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© July 2005
Written for Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Borders Long Beach features Heart Book Series Signing June 19
Book Signings| No Comments »Saturday, June 19, 2010, Southern California co-authors to the Heart of a Military Woman book will be signing copies of the keepsake collection at two Borders Stores locations in Long Beach, California.
Borders, At the Pike
101 S. Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802
Borders, Los Altos Market Center
2110 N. Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90815
Heart of a Military Woman shares 99 true short stories and tributes to those who serve our country, plus 21 poems and 194 quotations. There are 120 contributors, from all branches of active and retired service members, their spouses and families, sharing sentiments and pride as only they can.
Co-Authors Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, retired Master Sergeant USAF 23 years and Los Angeles resident, and former Navy wife San Diego resident Sheryl Roush will be joined by: Lanie Adamson, Loni Anderson, Sarah Arnold, Virginia Ellis, Dharlene Marie Fahl, Becky Palmer, Mary Lenore Quigley, Judy Turner and Denise Yamada.
Montel Williams endorsed the 2009 Veteran’s Day release during his Montel Across America radio interview with Sheryl Roush. Montel served in two branches of the US Armed Forces for a total of 23 years of service. Heart of a Military Woman was selected as the January 2010 Army Wives Network Book of the Month, and received the 2009 Best Spiritual – Inspirational Book from the San Diego Book Awards Association.
Other books in the HEART BOOK SERIES by Sheryl Roush, include:
Heart of a Woman
Heart of a Woman in Business
Heart of a Mother
Heart of a Mother with Bonus Music CD
Heart of the Holidays
Heart of the Holidays with Bonus Music CD
Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish).
Additional published contributors in the series signing at these events are: Marjorie Benesh, Soraya Deen, Carol Grabowski, Jack Nichols, Beverly Roush, Serina Roush, Consuleo Sanchez, Rhoberta Shaler and Linda Ulrich.
Sheryl Roush Interviewed by Montel Williams
Heart of a Military Woman, Interviews, Patriotism| 4 Comments »Sheryl Roush Interviewed by Montel Williams
Friday, December 4, 2009
Montel Williams interviewed San Diegan Sheryl Roush on his live national MONTEL ACROSS AMERICA radio show this morning.
A former Navy wife, Sheryl just released the Heart of a Military Woman book, co-authored with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, USAF Retired Master Sergeant, on Veterans Day this year.
Montel’s introduction overview of the book was eloquent, and commenting about supporting the families of the active military member too. Sheryl read the opening poem "Military Women" by Virginia Ellis. Montel and Sheryl agreed that whether we support the decision to send more troops or not, we need to support our troops — there and here on the homefront.
The program aired LIVE then are archived at
Today’s podcast is posted here:
Sheryl Roush is the President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and author of the Heart Book Series. As an inspirational speaker, she boosts morale and attitude, creating positive work environments and rekindling the spirit in organizations. Her other titles in the series include: Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays and Corazon de Mujer (Spanish).
Montel Williams is passionate about his country, his issues, and his audience. After a 17-year run as Emmy-winning host of his own daily daytime television program, Montel turned to radio as his new forum. His daily program features unique insight on social, political, and economic issues along with information on health and wellness for his listeners. Montel Across America is often broadcast from cities across the country and around the world, as Montel seeks to get up close and personal with his listeners and the issues he features.
Williams began his career when he enlisted in the US Marine Corps in 1974, and followed that with an appointment to the Naval Academy, where he studied Mandarin Chinese and developed a specialty in cryptology. An accomplished author, Williams has published eight books to date, four of which were New York Times Bestsellers. His latest release Living Well Emotionally hit bookstores on January 6th, 2009 and has received critical acclaim.
Heart of a Military Woman Book Contributors Announced!
Heart of a Military Woman| 17 Comments »Heart of a Military Woman
Book Contributors Announced!
After one year as a concept, the Heart of a Military Woman book becomes a reality!
It all started when Eldonna Lewis Fernandez met Sheryl Roush, who was autographing her Heart of a Woman books (next to Robert Kiyosaki and Bernadette Peters) at the Book Expo America in Los Angeles, California, last summer. As she personally inscribed Eldonna’s copy, Sheryl mentioned her forthcoming title, Heart of a Woman in Business, suggesting Eldonna contibute. She did, and her story, "Creative Success" was accepted to be published.
Later that Autumn, Eldonna suggested a collaboration for the book honoring our active military and veterans. After one year of brainstorming and collecting true short stories, poems and tributes, Heart of a Military Woman went to press yesterday, co-authored by the two women.
An abundance of submissions were received from 140 contributors, totaling over a 106,000 word count. Surviving five rounds of cuts, selections were made, congratulations notices were sent, and here are the results:
Lorri Allen
Loni Anderson
Patty Anderson
Anne Armstrong
Sarah Arnold
Lee A. Barron
Marjorie Benesh
Lisa Black
Kathie Bobbitt
Sandy Borum
Nancy Canfield
Jeanne Cassidy
Angela Cody-Rouget
Dave Coulie
Roy Crawford
Ruth Decker
Kara Vichko DeFrias
Dee Dees
Emily "Emmylou" DeShazo
Rose Dommer
Karen Doolittle
Judith Duran
Tina Erwin
Dolly Garnecki
Peggy Gigstad
Karriann Graf
Capt. Adam J. Gravseth
Pegine Echevarria
Virginia Ellis
Dharlene Marie Fahl-Brittian
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
Marissa Fernandez
Nicole Fetick
Shirley (Sisko) Harkins
Tonya Helman
Colleen Hensley
Rosemary Heredy
Kathie Hightower
Jackie Merck Hlastan
Valerie Hodgson
Cindy Hogan
LaMonda Hopman
Antoinette Izzo
Norene Jensen
Susan Katz Keating
Kathy K. Kirk
Rhonda M. Lawson
Lisa Lockwood
Adria Manary
Eileen McDargh
Tina McHargue
Phyllis Zimbler Miller
Kelley Upchurch Moore
Eilene M. Nielsen
Kathy Nelson
Larrie Noble
Norm Nomura
Lana Noone
Elizabeth "Libby" Oberg
Norah O’Neill
Kerry Pardue
Darcy Lovgren Pavich
Judy Peebles
Angela Perez
Jennifer Pigeon
Christina Piper
Sue Pollard
Kay Presto
Mary Lenora Quigley
Maria Quinonez
Julia Borchardt Rasmussen
John Reddish
Sarah Byrn Rickman
Debra Ann Ristau
Kristin Rondeau-Guardiola
Sheryl Roush
Michele Ruppert
Raquel Santiago
Melissa Seligman
Laurie Sheppard
Gina Simmons
Carin Smith
Linda C. (Lee) Smith
Angela Strader
Deborah Tainsh
Judy Turner
Suzan Tusson
Major Van Harl
Dawn Vogel
Jolita Wagoner
Lyn R. White
Pamela Wilson
Susan D. Wiseman
Mary L. Wooldridge
Judy H. Wright
Denise Yamada
Kenneth Zapp
Click here to order copies of the Heart of a Military Woman book.
Sheryl Roush, creator of the Heart Book Series, is a female motivational speaker, specializing in keynotes, conferences, and workplace motivation. For more information, go to Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Radio Interview: Holiday Inspiration
Heart of the Holidays, Interviews| 1 Comment »Radio Interview: Holiday Inspiration
INTERVIEW on BlogTalkRadio.com
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn, and Radio Show Hostess our “Our Wondrous World,” has casual conversation with business success dynamo and speaker Sheryl Roush, author of the Heart Book Series inspirational books, and Darlene Fahl-Brittian, tea-prayer-specialist, and contributor to the Heart of the Holidays book. They each share their feelings and traditions around the yuletide holidays.
Sheryl shares her favorites from the Heart of the Holidays, including:
“Family Circus Christmas” by Teri Hall
“Do You Believe?” inspired by Sheryl’s Australian niece, Alison
“Christmas Is…” by Christian poet Ginny Ellis
Darlene shares two of her sacred Tea Prayers,
“Festivi-Tea” and “Sereni-Tea.”
"You can change your life in the 10 minutes… all it takes to mindfully sip a cup of tea."
Helena, originally from Sweden, offers childhood memories growing up in Europe.
The hour-long program concludes with Sheryl offering Affirmations, with “Warmth From Within” piano music from the new Heart of the Holidays Music CD by Laurie Z.® (15-time Grammy award nominee considerations artist) playing in the background. Actor Jack Palance makes a guest appearance on the CD with "The Night Before Christmas."
Heart of the Holidays features original short stories, poems, quotations and scriptures celebrating Yuletide Around the Globe, Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Boxing Day, Military Abroad, and Ringing in the New Year’s.
Purchase the Heart of the Holidays book with the Bonus Music CD ($19.95 US), before Christmas Day, and receive the eBook by Sheryl Roush, Sparkle-Tudes! Inspirational Quotations for Creating Sparkling Attitudes, emailed as a PDF to you for FREE. (Value $14.95) Order directly from www.SparklePresentations.com to receive this offer, with secure payment on-line through PayPal. Email Sheryl@SparklePresentations.com with autographing instructions.
Dr. Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn is ranked one of the world’s top four spiritual healing coaches. She is a top-rated inspirational motivational speaker and a leading authority in the field of spiritual personal transformation and healing of body and mind. Helena is the author of Constant Awakening. She has a way to reach your inner self without complicated rules and steps how to do it. Even during a motivational lecture, you’ll learn and be inspired by her exciting inspirational power-meditation techniques for clarity and added life success.
Listen to more radio interviews with Helena here:
Darlene Fahl-Brittian
Sheryl Roush
Rave Reviews for Heart of a Woman in Business book!
Heart of a Woman in Business| 5 Comments »Rave Reviews for Heart of a Woman in Business book!
First> Your Heart of a Woman in Business arrived in today’s mail, and of course, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Second> It is a handsome, eye-catching, compelling book … and that’s just from the outside! I have already read several excerpts from it, just by quickly leafing through it, and I found it hard to put down. I haven’t worked full time for a number of years now, Sheryl, and I must say that the little bit I read makes me regret getting out of the rat race and makes me ‘almost’ long to get back into it. I could identify with many of the first hand experiences some of your authors described. Thanks for stirring up some great memories of my past working days.
Third> You’ve got a winner here for sure, my friend. A lot of people will enjoy this book … not ‘just’ working women. As a matter of fact, even some business men could gain some worthwhile and needed insight into their female cohorts’ and associates’ thinking. I’m sure it could do a lot of guys a lot of good!
And finally> All success to you, my friend. You have done a magnificent job!
-Virgina Ellis, www.poetrybyginny.com
Turkey Dinner (humorous poem) by Ginny Ellis
Heart of the Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »
Turkey Dinner (humorous poem) by Ginny Ellis
I had a dream the other night,