Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
BONUS DOWNLOADS, Heart of a Woman in Business, Interviews, Meet the Contributors| No Comments »Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
Raven Blair Davis, hosted interviews with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, Kay Presto, and Sheryl Roush, last week for her Radio Show that aired on CNN 650 Radio News!
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez is the co-author of the Heart of a Military Woman book with Sheryl Roush, and Kay Presto, an outstanding photojournalist, is published in several of the Heart Book Series books plus the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Sheryl Roush, shares tips from behind-the-scenes from her 6-title Heart Book Series including Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer, setting up book signings, creating marketing pieces and more.
You will personally enjoy the interviews, and the depth of the dialogue, whether you are published in the series, or if you are published on your own, and want tips on marketing, publishing, advertising, public relations and much, much more! These are LOADED with ideas!
Download the Mp3 files, and listen to them at your convenience!
Feel free to contact any of us for more information, or to be interviewed by Raven in the future, as I left the email addresses intact.
Blessings to You!
Sheryl Roush
Inspirational Female Speaker
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
From: Raven Blair Davis <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
To: Sheryl Roush <>,
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez <>,
Kay Presto <>
Thanks so much ladies for sharing from the heart….I appreciate you much!
Below are the links to your interviews…….have a beautiful day!
Interview with Sheryl Roush:
Interview with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez and Kay Presto:
Raven Blair Davis
Executive Producer/Host
Empowering women over 40 to go for their dreams and visions – "Life is just beginning!"
To hear empowering and inspiring interviews of Unstoppable Women of Power, click here:
10.5 Top Tips… for Success in Business (and Life)
Interviews, Stories, Tips & Trivia| No Comments »10.5 Top Tips… for Success in Business (and Life)
Business Success Skills:
Strategies, practical information, career-bolstering lessons, and insights
Today, I was interviewed by Angie Strader on her BlogTalkRadio show "What’s Your Bottom Line?" today. Each week, Angie has straightforward discussions about what it takes to be successful in your personal and professional life. "I pick the brains of my successful and inspirational guests. It’s like getting a free business success and motivational seminar each week!" she commented.
Catch the entire hour loaded with content here.
10.5 Top Tips for Succcess in Business (and Life).
1. Bring your talents with you.
2. Share your spirit. (enthusiasm, energy, playfulness, fun)
3. Stretch your skills. (continue to grow, attend training)
4. Acknowledge your uniqueness. (be authentic)
5. Be positive whenever possible; Pragmatic as needed.
6. Focus on solutions. (not on problem or blaming)
7. Celebrate your successes. (by yourself, and with others)
8. Listen to your heart; Be true to yourself. (inner compass)
9. Read inspiration that nurtures your soul.
10. Maintain your balance. (faith, sleep, family, work)
10.5. Keep a good sense of humor.
Sheryl Roush is an entrepreneur to her core, starting 8 businesses since the age of 16. With 35 years in marketing, advertising, graphic design and communication, she is an internationally top-rated trainer. An inspirational speaker, she has 3,000 presentations under her designer belt, in 9 countries. Toastmasters International honored her as the 3rd female to earn their elite Accredited Speaker designation, out of 4 million members in 106 countries. She speaks on conference programs on business and inspirational topics, boosting morale and skills.
Sheryl is the creator of the Heart Book Series, which includes: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Military Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman, in Spanish), Sparkle-Tudes!, and Heart of a Woman in Business.
Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the global workplace. This here’s how, sisters-sharing-with-sisters book shares their authentic stories, and offers here’s how and I did it, you can too! Selections offer strategies, practical information, career-bolstering lessons, insights, affirmations, poems, prayers and quotations. Whether you already own a business, planning to start one, or working in a job you love.
Contact Sheryl Roush at Sparkle Presentations, Inc. to speak at your event, meeting, conference or retreat. Call Toll Free 1-800-932-0973.
Internationally Top-Rated Speaking Coaches Host Speaking Skills Workshop for Women on June 6
Speaking Events| No Comments »Internationally Top-Rated Speaking Coaches
Host Speaking Skills Workshop for Women
on June 6 in San Diego
Two national speaking and performance experts are training women in business necessary skills to gain greater confidence, project composure and command respect, with a ONE DAY WORKSHOP — Saturday, June 6, in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter!
This workshop is for anyone (ages 16 and up) who uses their voice!
Speakers, trainers, coaches, consultants, voice-over talent, career women, attorneys and executives, teachers and preachers, professionals, small business owners, all stage-frightened individuals…
This workshop for women is facilitated in a supportive and nurturing environment with easy-to-do-“how-to’s” for immediate application.
Need to speak in front of groups?
Want to have greater confidence with others?
Does your voice ever crackle—or feel weak?
Time to improve your communication skills?
You will learn core skills to use immediately!
Skills including positive voice image, vocal care, handling emotions, telephone skills, running meetings, public speaking and training skills, impromptu speaking, body language, assertiveness, rapport-building interpersonal and sales tactics.
Have a deadline, a slide presentation or project that needs help?
Bring it – get coaching specific to your needs.
You are lovingly instructed by experts Joni Wilson, President of SalesTalkBiz™ International, and Sheryl Roush, President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc..
You will learn how to craft, design and deliver effective, persuasive and compelling presentations. Both are small business owners in San Diego, seeing the need to serve other women in business.
Joni Wilson, a voice expert and performance coach states, “From office and world politics, to relationships and family matters, today’s woman is loudly demanding her equal ‘voice.’ Whether she is in a courtroom, a classroom, in an office or on a stage, too many women go through their entire lives frustrated and unhappy with the sound of their voices.” Ms. Wilson is the creator of the 3-Dimensional Voice® Training System, and author of several books—including Amazon’s #1 for business books (above The One-Minute Manager). Joni’s new June release of The Voice of Success: A Woman’s Guide to a Powerful and Persuasive Voice, is published by the American Management Company. A professional singer, she is famous around San Diego (and once opened for Elvis), and prepares contestants for shows and American Idol.
Sheryl Roush is a 12-time published author, an internationally top-rated trainer and speaking coach. Known for her Sparkle When You Speak!™ programs, she has presented nearly 3,000 presentations in nine countries and earned the highest awards from both the National Speakers Association and Toastmasters International. She was only the third woman in the world (93 countries and of 4 million members) to earn Toastmasters’ elite Accredited Speaker designation for outstanding professional presentation skills. As a conference speaker, she has presented on programs alongside celebrities including Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Joan Lunden and Suze Orman. As a professional speaking coach, she trained executives, sales teams, Olympians and the San Diego Charger Cheerleaders. Sheryl is a Past President of the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Registration 8:30-9:00am
Program 9:00am-5:00pm
The luxurious Victorian style
Horton Grand Hotel
in the Gaslamp Quarter
Regal Ballroom
311 Island Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110
Pre-register before June 3 for only $139, and get a FREE copy of Joni’s book The Voice of Success, and Sheryl’s Heart of a Woman in Business book! Autographed!
Register at-the-door on June 6 for $159, without the book bonus.
BRING 3 friends who register–and YOU attend the Workshop for FREE–and get the BOOKS!
CALL (858) 569-6555 to PRE-REGISTER!
Sheryl Roush at Sparkle Presentations, Inc., or email
American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and PayPal are welcome.
Sheryl Roush presents Sparkle When You Speak!™ Workshop at AICI International Conference May 14
Speaking Events| No Comments »Sheryl Roush presenting
Sparkle When You Speak!™ Workshop
at AICI International Conference
Thursday, May 14
Want to authentically connect better with others?
Need to polish up on your public speaking skills?
Ready to present with more confidence and credibility?
Internationally top-rated professional speaker and trainer Sheryl Roush is presenting a special 3.5 hour Pre-Conference Workshop entitled Sparkle When You Speak!™ from 8:30am-12 Noon on Thursday, May 14 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine, CA. The workshop launches the annual conference of the AICI – Association of Image Consultants International, running May 14-17.
Sheryl’s interactive workshop helps women have business and personal success to stand up, speak out and shine! Ideal for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed with nervousness, panic or anxiety — they can fear no more! Whether speaking in front of a small or large group – whether a beginner or expert – participants discover simple tricks, tips and treasures to use immediately!
Attendees will:
* Identify your authentic communication style
* Discover the 7 multiple modalities in any group
* Connect instantly with and retain audience attention
* Develop skills to mind map, craft and organize your presentation
* Design effective presentations using professional visual aids
* Use visual aids including props and slide presentations
Expert speaker Sheryl Roush has presented nearly 3,000 presentations in 9 countries over the past 20 years, to groups as intimate as 5 and large as 5,000. President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., Sheryl is a top-rated trainer in eight countries as selected by attendees for engagement, content, interaction, tailoring and impact. She has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Jane Seymour, Geena Davis, Suze Orman, Vicki Lawrence and more. She served as the Director of Training for the US Olympic Training Center, coaching Olympians in speaking skills, and is coaching the award-winning San Diego Charger Cheerleaders for her ninth year. Sheryl is an eight-time business owner since age 16, and 12-time published author, including Heart of a Woman in Business.
Sheryl Roush Speaks at CalSAE Regional Luncheon May 13
Speaking Events| No Comments »Sheryl Roush Speaks at CalSAE San Diego
Regional Luncheon May 13
International speaker Sheryl Roush is the San Diego Region Luncheon keynote speaker this Wednesday, May 13 at CalSAE – the California Society of Association Executives – at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Mission Valley, San Diego, CA.
Communicating and Connecting
During Critical Times
This keynote session is designed for senior management and experienced sales team members. In the current environment of changing economics, expanding technology and increasing work life demands how much would even one new technique be worth to improve your communication skills?
This presentation will assist in reviewing your own communication techniques while outlining the critical elements of connecting with others – including members, employees and peers. It will also assist you in leading and maximizing communication efforts in your organization! Cut through the noise and get to the point in this fun, high-level, interactive session!
Topics covered include:
- Improve listening skills, minimize mistakes, and decrease stress for you and your team
- Practical ideas to assist in building team morale and increasing cooperation
- “Can’t miss” opportunities to really connect with a new member or potential customer
- Tips on staying sane and lighthearted in stressful times
Luncheon Registration opens at 11:30am and is open to non-members, $50
Crowne Plaza Hotel
11:30am – 1:30pm
Peacock Room
2270 Hotel Circle North
Mission Valley
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 619-297-1101
Mothers Celebrated at Soul Shine Books
Book Signings, Heart of a Mother| No Comments »Mothers Celebrated at Soul Shine Books
Sunday, May 3, 2009
International speaker and 12-time author Sheryl Roush, of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., presented an inspirational message today celebrating Mother’s Day next Sunday.
Attendees at the Mother & Daughter Tea Celebration at Soul Shine books and wellness boutique in Del Mar, California were treated to unique hot and cold tea blends from India, and decadent healthy desserts, while San Diego resident Sheryl Roush guided the group in conversation of cherished memories of their mothers, sprinkled with tears and outbreaks of humor.
Some attendees brought their family members to share this event, in early tribute, and as a treat to their loved ones, as Mother’s Day shouldn’t be "limited" to only one day a year!
Featured at this event, were several of Sheryl’s gift books from the Heart Book Series, including: Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, and the Heart of a Mother Music CD. After the presentation, Sheryl autographed gift copies.
Sheryl was joined by Carlsbad resident Adria Manary, contributor to the Heart of a Mother book, and author of Mommy Magic, and More Mommy Magic. Pictured here on the sundeck overlooking the Del Mar view of the ocean, with attendee Ester Berry.
Soul Shine owners, Kymberly and Melanie host events for the community with guest speakers on a regular basis. For more information on upcoming author events and wellness sessions, go to
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Chargers Fans on The Price is Right TV Game Show – Feb. 26
TV Appearances| 1 Comment »Chargers Fans on The Price is Right
TV Game Show – February 26
On January 13th a bus load of 43 women (and 2 men) drove from San Diego to Studio City, California for two morning tapings of the Dr. Phil Show at Paramount Studios, then over to CBS for the afternoon taping of The Price is Right at CBS Studios. Arrangements were made by Michele Dixon, The Organizing Doctor, professional organizer.
Being proud San Diego Chargers football fans, and having just won the Division Championship… and playing the Steelers in the Playoffs, it was unanimously decided our TV Game show matching “Team Shirts” would be the CHARGERS shirts.
Audience members are "interviewed" before the show by staff, for about 15-30-seconds. Since we had a busload, chances were good that one person would be “selected” to be on the show as a Contestant.
It’s so LOUD in the 350-person studio you can’t hear anything…so the stage crew hold up a sign with the next Contestant’s name on it at the time it’s announced!
Ester Berry was called as the FIRST Contestant called. Wearing her blue Chargers shirt, she did great at the bidding stand and went up on stage, and even had a chance to spin the wheel with show emcee Drew Carey.
The show went along fine… changing of the prize sets, commercial breaks, etc., then the final Contestant was called… Sheryl Roush… seated on the TOP row in the very back! Wearing her gold Chargers shirt, she was seated in the Steelers fan section… but assertively held her own! (after all.. she proudly trains the Charger Girl cheerleaders in their speaking and interviewing skills!)
The Charger Fans show airs on Thursday, February 26th, on CBS (Channel 8, 10:00-10:30am Pacific).
Ester Berry is a Senior Recruiter of The Wellspring Group, Inc. She specializes in advanced technology searches across multiple industries for both Fortune 500 and mid-sized business sectors with the goal of matching the right people with the right job opportunities.
Sheryl Roush is an international speaker and top-rated trainer, specializing in boosting attitudes, creating positive work environments and stellar service skills.
New Title in the Heart Book Series Announced!
Heart of a Military Woman| 5 Comments »New Title in the Heart Book Series Announced!
JANUARY 6, 2009
Sparkle Press, a division of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., announced today the forthcoming title in the popular and quickly growing Heart Book Series, created only three years ago.
Heart of a Military Woman will be released before Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2009 and join the series of inspirational gift books by Sheryl Roush: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Heart of a Woman in Business, and Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish).
Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez is co-author of Heart of a Military Woman. Passionate about touching the lives of female veterans and being a retired veteran with 23 years of honorable service in the United States Air Force, Eldonna is teaching women how to take more RISK in their lives for maximum results. When she enlisted in October 1980, women made up only 8% of the military and today although more than doubled still only 20%. Professionally, Eldonna is a contract specialist in purchasing, negotiation and administration of government contracts. She is the President of Dynamic Vision International, based in Redondo Beach, California.
Personally, she’s a single mother of two, an award-winning speaker, on the board of the Women’s Peace Campaign and a certified master results coach. Even more personally, Eldonna shares her story in Heart of a Woman in Business, "I was a high school dropout who was told by my teachers and parents that I would never amount to anything. Born to two alcoholic parents, I grew up neglected and abused. The military was my saving grace and I fought hard again that ‘loser’ expectation, excelling in my military career. I became a leader, manager, and networking expert. I earned two associates and a bachelor’s degree while on active duty (and raising two children on her own) as well as the highest level of professional certification in my field."
Eldonna co-authors with Sheryl Roush, the author of the book series, a noted professional speaker, and is herself an ex-Navy wife, compassionate to those choosing a military lifestyle and grateful to their incredible dedication.
Submissions are welcome to this inspirational collection of original short stories, poems and quotations…. regarding ANY active or retired military.
Due August 15, submissions may be up to 1,200 words long, and are to emailed to:
Indicate "Book Submission" in the subject line.
Email in text, or attach a Word.doc.
Mail submissions to:
Sparkle Press
Attn: Heart of a Military Woman Book
P.O. Box 2373
La Mesa, CA 91943-2373 USA
There are no fees to contribute, and no fees paid for published works.
For more details:
Meet the Contributors: Debra Snider
Heart of a Woman in Business, Meet the Contributors| No Comments »Meet the Contributors: Debra Snider
The new Heart of a Woman in Business book, authored by Sheryl Roush, boasts over eighty professional women as contributors, sharing their original short stories, poems, quotations, insights and business tips.
Meet contributor Debra Snider!
Two of her works are showcased in the Heart of a Woman in Business book:
"The Nature of Leadership and Personal Ambition," is an excerpt from her novel A Merger of Equals." Suit Yourself and Become a Star" offers a detailed bulleted list of tips in the chapter entitled Best Practices, Strategies & Ideas.
Debra Snider is an author, speaker, no-longer-practicing lawyer and former financial services senior executive. Her novel A Merger of Equals has been called "the thinking woman’s dream–a fun story chock-full of important and inspiring lessons about the true nature of personal and professional success."
Debra has two grown children with her husband of 31 years and is a relatively recent transplant from Chicago to Henderson, Nevada. In addition to being a swimmer and a blackjack player, Debra is on the Executive Council of Reading In Motion, an innovative arts-based literacy program dedicated to improving literacy in Chicago’s most disadvantaged kids. She is also a member of The Chicago Network, Chicago’s premier group of businesswomen, and on the Advisory Board of The Corporate Legal Standard, Inc.
For more information, check out: