New Title in the Heart Book Series Announced!
Heart of a Military Woman| 5 Comments »New Title in the Heart Book Series Announced!
JANUARY 6, 2009
Sparkle Press, a division of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., announced today the forthcoming title in the popular and quickly growing Heart Book Series, created only three years ago.
Heart of a Military Woman will be released before Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2009 and join the series of inspirational gift books by Sheryl Roush: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Heart of a Woman in Business, and Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish).
Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez is co-author of Heart of a Military Woman. Passionate about touching the lives of female veterans and being a retired veteran with 23 years of honorable service in the United States Air Force, Eldonna is teaching women how to take more RISK in their lives for maximum results. When she enlisted in October 1980, women made up only 8% of the military and today although more than doubled still only 20%. Professionally, Eldonna is a contract specialist in purchasing, negotiation and administration of government contracts. She is the President of Dynamic Vision International, based in Redondo Beach, California.
Personally, she’s a single mother of two, an award-winning speaker, on the board of the Women’s Peace Campaign and a certified master results coach. Even more personally, Eldonna shares her story in Heart of a Woman in Business, "I was a high school dropout who was told by my teachers and parents that I would never amount to anything. Born to two alcoholic parents, I grew up neglected and abused. The military was my saving grace and I fought hard again that ‘loser’ expectation, excelling in my military career. I became a leader, manager, and networking expert. I earned two associates and a bachelor’s degree while on active duty (and raising two children on her own) as well as the highest level of professional certification in my field."
Eldonna co-authors with Sheryl Roush, the author of the book series, a noted professional speaker, and is herself an ex-Navy wife, compassionate to those choosing a military lifestyle and grateful to their incredible dedication.
Submissions are welcome to this inspirational collection of original short stories, poems and quotations…. regarding ANY active or retired military.
Due August 15, submissions may be up to 1,200 words long, and are to emailed to:
Indicate "Book Submission" in the subject line.
Email in text, or attach a Word.doc.
Mail submissions to:
Sparkle Press
Attn: Heart of a Military Woman Book
P.O. Box 2373
La Mesa, CA 91943-2373 USA
There are no fees to contribute, and no fees paid for published works.
For more details:
Christmas Poem/Prayer: NATIVI-TEA
Christmas, Poems| No Comments »Christmas Poem/Prayer:
At the moment of my birth there was a celebration, too.
The angels sang and God was all I knew.
God was all I remembered – for on earth
as in Heaven we are all one.
To remind us of this God sent us his Son.
Once a year we are reminded of His special birth.
It is a rejoicing that encircles all of the earth.
Gifts are given, hearts open wide, the focus is on good
and we all take pride.
The hope for my daily rebirth is now understood.
A child in a manger, simple and pure –
a symbol of peace and innocence –
that we are all safe from danger, sound and secure.
To be in God’s presence is the present I truly need.
In this time of celebration I am freed from my own greed.
I live to give – my gifts I share.
I do not hide them or disguise them,
nor place them under a tree.
My gifts of love and laughter, kindness and caring
were meant for sharing –
not just once a year or for a select few.
The gifts I have are unique to me
and I celebrate my own nativity.
Every birth is planned, every child has a right,
every life is precious, delicate and meant to be.
On the tree of life every child’s light shines bright for all to see.
Thank you, God; my own light clears my visibility.
There is a place for each and every one of us
on God’s special tree.
We glisten and twinkle in colourful harmony.
We each have our place and together
we light up the world as we claim our space –
next to each other, side by side,
loving and grateful God takes pride
at the birth of each and every one of His children –
that’s you and me.
Christmas is a celebration of all we are and all we can be.
Thank you God, for this divine festivity.
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Tea Specialist
(C) December 2008
Dharlene’s Tea Prayers are also published in the Heart of the Holidays, Heart of a Mother, and Heart of a Woman in Business books by Sheryl Roush.
Dec. 20 Sheryl Roush Book Signing Event at Borders
Book Signing Events| No Comments »Dec. 20 Sheryl Roush Book Signing Event at Borders
Heart Book Series Contributors
Signing & Reading Event
Sheryl Roush and contributors to the Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays and Corazón de Mujer books will be autographing copies on Saturday, December 20 from 2:00-6:00pm at BORDERS bookstore in Eastlake of Chula Vista, San Diego County, California.
More than a book signing, contributors will READ THEIR original STORY or POEM to shoppers! Contributors present will include: Helen Blanchard, Dharlene Fahl-Brittian, Consuelo Sanchez, Adria Manary, Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez, Elisa Castaneda, Lanie Adamson, Lyn White, Michelle Burkart, Morgana Rae, Effie Horning, Michelle Weisser, and Sheryl’s mother Beverly Roush, joining series originator Sheryl Roush from San Diego. The group will be celebrating with dinner locally following the book signing event.
COME MEET THESE AUTHORS and have your books personally autographed!
Perfect for Holidays gifts!
Eastlake Chula Vista
878 Eastlake Parkway
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Store Phone: 619.482.9883
Sheryl Roush interviewed on Heart of the Holidays Music Release
Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Interviews| 1 Comment »Sheryl Roush interviewed
on Heart of the Holidays
Music CD Release
December 12th inspirational speaker and published author Sheryl Roush was interviewed AGAIN by popular Family Network personality Lorri Allen and veteran newsman Larry Estepa for Mornings!
Ms. Roush was asked to share about the new music CD added to her Heart of the Holidays book, featuring child prodigy pianist at age 16, Laurie Z., 15-time Grammy award nominee consideration artist. The selections, chosen by Janet Cucinotti of Zebra Productions, Inc., offers traditional and lively Hanukkah and Christmas songs.
Special treat — Jack Palance, the late actor tells "The Night Before Christmas" with Laurie’s soft music in the background… a CLASSIC.. like you’ve never heard it before! (Curly, from City Slickers, with Billy Crystal.)
Lorri Allen is featured with FOUR of her own stories published in the Heart of the Holidays book! Copies were given away to callers who phoned in to share their favorite holiday traditions.
"Mornings" is like a chat around the water cooler. It’s a fun, refreshing—but different—way to start the day, equipping listeners with ways to engage friends and co-workers. Informational and inspirational, it’s relationship radio at its best. "Mornings" airs live on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161 from 6:00-9:00 am ET and on FamilyNet TV from 7:00-9:00 am ET. Check out the Mornings Blog anytime.
Heart of the Holidays (book only) is available at,, and Borders bookstores (find location near you).
Order the Book with Bonus Music CD for $19.95 and receive the Sparkle-Tudes! A-Z Quotations eBook (value $14.95) free.
Sheryl Roush is President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in San Diego, California. She is a top-rated international conference speaker, and 12-time author. In additional to Heart of the Holidays, her other books include: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman in Business, Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish), and Sparkle-Tudes!
Heart of a Mother also has a Bonus Music CD available with the book.
25 Ways To Say Thanks
Thanksgiving, Tips & Trivia| No Comments »25 Ways To Say Thanks
As I look back through the archives of "Living Wisely," I see that gratitude has been the theme of several of my articles around the holiday season. The old words seem to drum home the importance of being grateful for what
we have. This year, in the face of financial crises and the loss of veritable institutions that we’ve relied on for employment it may be more important than ever to find a silver lining in order to endure. In a time when our feelings probably outweigh our ability to express them, I thought it might be helpful to explore some ways to say thanks and experience feeling grateful.
1. Say Thank-You with your eyes
Make more eye contact with people. Really connect with the gratitude for being alive by connecting with another human through their eyes.
2. Write a Thank-You note
Write a note that thanks someone for being in your life without them having done anything or given you anything recently.
3. Tell people what they mean to you
Do not let an opportunity go by to tell someone what they mean to you personally and/or professionally. Let people know how they make a difference in your life.
4. Perform a Random-Act-of-Kindness
Anonymously, do something outrageously kind or generous for someone else. Never tell.
5. Create a daily ritual that expresses gratitude
List five things a day you are grateful for, light a candle, say a prayer, tell someone you love them, send out a daily email to your closest buds. Come up with something that will daily put you in contact with gratitude.
6. Volunteer
Hold a hand or lend a hand. Just help someone who needs help more than you do. It will give you amazing perspective on your life.
7. Pick up a treasure
When you see something that reminds you of someone you care about, pick it up for them and give it to them ‘just because’.
8. Make a Donation (even if you think you can’t afford to)
Sharing your money, expecting nothing in return, is a powerful way to show you are grateful for what you have.
9. Write or create something and donate the proceeds
Create something that can be sold to support a cause.
10. Give of yourself
The gift of your time and attention makes a great statement about how much someone means to you
11. Make a kid’s day
Giving a child a special day that will forever be a happy memory will be a win-win you won’t soon forget
12. Write a letter to the editor
If someone in your town (a teacher, a neighbor, a service provider) did something really great, write to the editor of your town newspaper to give that person a little extra acknowledgement. Tell people how this person went out of their way to help. You’ll warm some hearts and maybe cause of positive ripple effect for the person you thanked publicly.
13. Bring a friend along for the ride
If you get an opportunity of a lifetime or get ushered up your career ladder by a helping hand, bring someone you know with you. Do what you can to bring them along. Be that helping hand to the next person.
14. Share a meal
‘Breaking bread’ with somebody or a group a people is a great way to express your thanks for them. Serve them as if they were kings.
15. Park yourself in an awesome spot in nature
A majestic view helps to humble your ego and help you appreciate the richness of your world.
16. Finger paint
Get dirty finger-painting and feel the energy going through your fingers as you press through the paint on to the paper. Feel the privilege of having a body that works.
17. Plant a tree or some flowers (depending on region!)
There is a sanctity to putting living things in the earth to encourage their growth. You don’t have to be a ‘tree hugger’ to appreciate what the earth has given you by giving something back to it.
18. Dedicate something to someone significant to you
Say thank you by honoring someone with a dedication. Whether it’s something you have written or a performance or a book, or maybe even a project, dedicate it as an acknowledgment.
19. List the people that make your life easier
Write down a list of people that are in your life that do things with you or for you that make your life a little easier. Imagine if they were not there and how much would be on your plate.
20. Give away all you no longer need
Taking stock of your stuff and seeing it go on to people that can use it, gives you an appreciation for all you have.
21. Make someone something
Engage your creativity, suspend judgment and express your thanks for someone by making them a gift. Whether you have a particular craft or talent is not necessary. Share your creation and tell the receiver what you did to create it.
22. Help someone feel important
Sing Happy Birthday at your own birthday party to someone whose birthday closely follows yours. Acknowledge someone else publicly while you hold the floor. Include someone at the ‘head table’ of an event who would not expect to be there. Do something for someone else’s self-esteem.
23. Document someone else’s life
Dust off your camcorder and record an oral history by a family member, friend or interesting acquaintance. You can even forget the camera and just get someone to talk about the stories of their life. Just when you think you’ve been through it all or you’ve hear it all, you’ll fill with the appreciation for the journey we are all on.
24. Kidnap a friend or loved one for a day devoted to them
Show up unexpectedly and steal someone away for a day of activities handpicked for your friend’s enjoyment. Take them to eat their favorite kind of food, take them to a movie they would love to see, take them to their favorite sporting event or shopping place. Plan a day that has nothing to do with you. Devote it to them.
25. Say Thank You and Mean It
‘Thank you’ can sometimes take on the same worn familiarity as your most comfy slippers and lose it’s true value. Pay more attention as you say it and really mean it.
Giddy, ecstatic, humbled, moved, awed—grateful.
However, the emotion registers for you, each of these actions can likely get you there. It is that intense feeling of being alive that we crave. Despite any troubles we may be dealing with, remember the feeling these 25 ways give you and recreate it every day. That is living. That is worth Thanksgiving.
by Laura Berman Fortgang, Speaker, Author, Coach
Copyright ©2007-2008 Laura Berman Fortgang.
Reprintable when full credit is given.
Suggested Reading
Attitudes of Gratitude: How To Give and Receive Joy Everyday of Your Life
by M. J. Ryan
Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier
by Robert Emmons
Heart of the Holidays: Yuletide Treasures & Traditions. Stories, poems and quotations, by Sheryl L. Roush
Heart of a Mother: A tribute to a mother’s love. Stories, poems and quotations, by Sheryl L. Roush
Heart of a Woman: Insights on the strength and wisdom of women. Stories, poems and quotations, by Sheryl L. Roush
Heart of a Woman in Business: Stories, Strategies and Skills for Business Success, by Sheryl L. Roush
“Heart of a Woman” Book Review by Kirsti A. Dyer
Heart of a Woman| 2 Comments »“Heart of a Woman”
Book Review
by Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS, FT
Type-A Mom Gift Guide – Gifts for Moms
November 6, 2008
Posted here.
According to the book cover, "Heart of a Woman celebrates the strength, humor, love and intuition to be a woman in today’s society." Written by international speaker and author Sheryl L. Roush, Heart of a Woman is a collection of short stories, poems and quotations selected to "rekindle your spirit and touch your soul."
In Heart of a Woman Roush includes cherished classics, personal favorites, and more recent original writings from inspirational people such as Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Maya Angelou, Bill Cosby, Louise Hay, Barbara De Angelis and Marianne Williamson. I had been excited to discover that two of my quotes were featured in the "Death & Grieving" section (which are also posted on my site, Journey of Hearts).
Heart of a Woman is part of a series of inspirational books written by international speaker and author Sheryl L. Roush. In addition to Heart of a Woman as part of her Heart Book Series, Roush has also published, Heart of the Holidays, Heart of a Mother
, Corazón de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish), and Heart of a Woman in Business.
Almost A to Z’s on Topics – Roush has divided the collection into nearly 90 topics from "Ageless Living" to "Worthiness." In the 288 pages she shares poems, stories and quotes on a variety of topics. You can sit down, sift through the pages or read it from cover to cover and find something that will inspire you, "rekindle your spirit and touch your soul." She offers poems, stories and quotes on topics such as "A Woman’s Intuition,""Chocolate," "Estrogen," "Fulfill Your Heart’s Desires," "Husbands," "Living with Joy," "Making a Difference," "Military Relationships," "Pets," "Raising Fearless Women," "Sisters," "Stay at Home Moms" and "Women in History."
Gift Size – At 6.8 x 6 x 0.9 inches Heart of a Woman is a good size as a ‘thinking of you,’ inspiration or house-warming gift.
Cost – You can purchase Heart of a Woman for under $15.00.
About the Author – Sheryl L. Roush, Sparkle Presentations
Sheryl Roush is an internationally top-rated presenter, known for her high-energy, high-content, how-to presentations. Her audiences are involved, engaged and energized!
Sheryl has spoken on programs alongside celebrities including: Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Deborah Norville, Jane Seymour, Good Morning America’s Joan Lunden, Erin Brockovich, Thurl Bailey, and Art Linkletter… and business giants including: Robert G. Allen, Jim Cathcart, Mark Victor Hansen, Southwest Airlines’ CEO Howard Putnam, Suze Orman, and the Gallup Organization’s Marcus Buckingham.
What Amazon Reviewers are Saying about Heart of a Woman
Amazon reviewers have given Heart of a Woman five stars out of five. This is what two reviewers had to say:
In the ongoing quest to understand myself and others, I often look for insight. Heart of a Woman is a treasure trove of inspirational insights into the hearts of women as they, and as men who love them, tell it. Sheryl Roush has compiled a wonderful resource that just makes you feel good for having picked it up and read an entry or two. — John Reddish
As women, we live very busy and complicated lives and this book has a way of making everything in our lives, and hearts, make sense. I have laughed and cried while reading it! I imagine when I’m done reading it, I will read it all over again. I love it so much that I am ordering another one for my mother-in-law, just because.
Thank you Sheryl Roush for putting together this wonderful collection of stories, quotes, etc.; it has touched my heart! — Brook H.
This collection of inspirations and insights on the strength and wisdom of women would be a welcome gift for someone who needs a bit of inspiration.
You can find Heart of a Woman on Amazon in book for under $15.00 and in Kindle
format for under $6.00.
Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS, FT is a respected physician, an expert in life challenges, loss, grief and bereavement, professional health educator, professor, lecturer, writer and author. Dr. Dyer is trained in Internal Medicine or an Adult Medicine specialty. She is the mother of two young energetic daughters. Dr. Dyer created and has maintained Journey of Hearts, a website for anyone who has ever experienced a loss. She is also the Parent of a very healthy NICU Survivor. She is the author of For Those Who Hold the Littlest Hands, an eBook written to provide information, encouragement and support for NICU parents.
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Sheryl Roush Interviewed on BlogTalkRadio for Women in Business
Heart of a Woman in Business, Interviews| No Comments »
BlogTalkRadio Show Host
Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn Interviews
Womens’ Book Author Sheryl Roush
Dr. Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn hosted guest Sheryl Roush on her weekly one-hour BlogTalkRadio Show on October 21, offering tips for success in your career, workplace, your own business and for your personal life.
Sheryl Roush is an 8-time entrepreneur, successful business woman, best selling author, top rated international speaker, and an inspirational /motivational coach. Her books include: Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, and Heart of the Holidays.
Helena invited Sheryl to openly share her personal story, insights, and how she created the inspirational book series for women. Reading selections from the newly published Heart of a Woman in Business book, Sheryl offered "Affirmations for Women in Business."
Valuable tips during the interview include four unconditional support systems to help us keep our balance, and sanity, maintaining our authenticity and worthiness as women. Helena commented after the show, "A must-hear program for women of all ages!"
After only the first day, "Lots and lots of listeners have already listened to the archives and have downloaded you, and you are already a best seller. … after only 24 hours.. (Wow, I am impressed. One MAN emailed me…and said you really hit it right for him (and I had advertised you for women!!) He even said he wanted to hear you again!! Well, well…"
Helena commented that in the first month, "The stats from your show was one of the highest this year…Thank you again for being on the show…"
To hear this engaging interview, CLICK HERE
Helena is ranked one of the world’s top four spiritual healing coaches. She is a top-rated inspirational motivational speaker and a leading authority in the field of spiritual personal transformation and healing of body and mind. She has a way to reach your inner self without complicated rules and steps how to do it. Even during a motivational lecture, you’ll learn and be inspired by her exciting inspirational power-meditation techniques for clarity and added life success. Thousands have reported life-changing results from participating in her inspiring Power- Seminars, Inspirational-Motivational lectures and one-on-one stimulating personal consultations.
Read more information on Dr. Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn, go to
For more information on Sheryl Roush, go to, or
Her books are available at, Borders, and
Stories, poems, recipes and quotations are posted at
“Heart of a Mother” Book Review by Annie Mueller
Book Reviews, Heart of a Mother| No Comments »“Heart of a Mother”
Book Review
by Annie Mueller
Click here for original article posting
Type-A Mom Gift Guide – Gifts for Moms
Monday, 10 November 2008
When I agreed to review this book, I was thinking of my own experiences as a Mom (two young children and a third due in April). I didn’t stop and think about the fact that I lost my own Mom to cancer last year, and every single thought in this book would bring it all back.
Still, I’m glad I got to read it. I cried all the way through the “Loss and Grieving” section, and the “A Mother’s Love” section, and especially through “Mom’s Pink Robe.” They got me: those collections of stories, personal and real; the poems that somehow captured my exact feelings; the quotations that succinctly and beautifully summed it up in a line or two.
Heart of a Mother is written by Sheryl L. Roush, an international speaker and author. Her website is You can purchase the book here : $16.95 for paperback.
More Details
The book begins with a section called “10 Ways to Open Your Heart to Your Mother,” and it’s an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to deepen and improve the Grown-Up Child-Mom relationship. The rest of the book is divided into sections which are arranged alphabetically, from “Adopted with Love” to “Making a Difference” to “Raising Spiritually-Centered Kids” to “Worthiness.” At the very back of the book is a section of Journaling Worksheets; there is space to write directly on them in the book, or they could easily be copied.
This is a great collection for any Mom – for your mother-in-law, your daughter who just had her first baby, your grandmother, your Mom, or even for yourself. It’s the kind of book that you can flip through on a whim and find yourself crying and laughing within ten minutes of reading time. There is a spiritual element within the book, but most is not “religion-specific,” so to speak, so the book easily accommodates people of all faith.
The Bottom Line
The best recommendation I can give is this: if my Mom were still with me, this book would definitely be one of my gifts to her this Christmas.
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
National Authors Day: Celebrated by North County Authors & Poets in San Diego
Speaking Events| 5 Comments »National Authors Day:
Celebrated by North County Authors & Poets in San Diego
National Authors Day was celebrated yesterday in San Diego County’s northern-most area of Oceanside, next to Camp Pendleton’s Marine Corp Base, as the North County Authors and Poets (NCAP) hosted a full-day free event, themed "So You Want to Be An Author!"
Covered in its entirety by local television station KOCT-TV (, The Oceanside Channel, and reporter Faamasani S. Unutoa, the special story will air mid-November. KOCT is a non-profit Corporation that provides public, educational and government access programming and services on Cox Communications Channels 18 and 19, as well as on AT&T.
Open to the public free of charge and hosted at the Oceanside Civic Center Library, the event featured 32 local published authors and poets, reading from their works, sharing tips and offering inspiration for those wanting to become authors and know more about the publishing business. The Community Room was filled to capacity with eager attendees sponging up the information shared.
Library Director Deborah Polich welcomed everyone to the event, and congratulated the NCAP members and guests, adding her thanks for keeping the passion for reading and writing alive and healthy. She was followed by Anna McElroy, Head Librarian, making her welcoming remarks, and introducing the day’s Moderator, Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams.
PUBLISHING: Then-and-Now
Keynote presenter was Dr. Robert Goodman, owner of Silvercat, a San Diego based publishing firm. His comments addressed publishing then-and-now, with all the changes that have occurred in the industry, and technology’s part in that. Twenty years ago, some 70,000 books were published each year, whereas in 2007 there were 412,000. "Marketing has become a major challenge…the average shelf-life of a book in stores is three weeks. There are fewer bookstores, replaced by megastores (CostCo, WalMart) which carry books." He also addressed eBooks, On-Demand printing, On-Line Readers (Amazon’s Kindle), On-Line Review Journals, and Virtual Book Clubs. Boldy predicting "The bookstore of the future, in 10-15 years, will be a vending machine," with much of the audience agreeing with him. Goodman is the co-founder and past president of Publishers & Writers of San Diego, co-founder and faculty member of the La Jolla Writers Conference, and a Board Member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), formerly the Publishing Marketing Alliance (PMA).
The morning’s readings were offered by authors and poets: Roger Conlee (Counterclockwise), Jennifer Kise (The Birthday Surprise), L. Curt Erler (Southside Kid & Mantilla Lady); Janie Lancaster (Julie & The Lost Fairy Tale); Teresa Gonzalez-Lee (Love Was Born During The Dance); and Sheryl Roush (Heart Book Series).
Native San Diegan author Sheryl Roush, internationally recognized inspirational speaker, and 12-time published author shared her process for creating her for Heart Book Series (five books in the past two years, featured in Borders).
The series has also added Music CDs to accompany the titles for Heart of a Mother and Heart of the Holidays. Sheryl is the President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and a member of the IBPA.
Sheryl invited Dharlene Fahl-Brittian to the stage to read her touching Tea Prayers published in Heart of a Woman in Business and Heart of a Mother. Dharlene, "The Tea Lady," and expert, is also the author of Take Up the Cup, and a line of inspirational laminated Tea Prayer cards.
Sheryl then invited Mary Lenore Quigley read her poems published in the Heart of a Woman in Business and Heart of a Woman, including one dedicated to her retired husband, Patrick, who was delightfully surprised, seated in the audience. Mary is also the author of Indelible Ink: A Memoir.
Dr. Teresa Gonzalez-Lee, Professor at Mira Mesa College, eloquently translated and read in Spanish the opening poem to Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman), "Renacimiento de una mujer" penned by Consuelo Sanchez.
Following the mornings readings, the wealth of knowledge panel included
Poet: Marjorie Stamm Rosenfeld
Collaborative: Composer David Lewis (Director-San Luis Rey Chorale); Author/Poet Dr. Bob Lundy(Partners-In-Rhyme-Hither & Yahn); Author/Editor Rose E. Magyar (Mira Costa College); Artist Marion Wong; Author/Poet Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams (Partners-In-Rhyme-Hither & Yahn)
Editor: Lois Winsen (Editor-On-Tap) with "Helpful Do’s and Don’ts for New Writers"
Resources: Author/Teacher Marie Giordano (Mira Costa College)
Translators: Professors Dr. Teresa Gonzalez-Lee (Mira Costa College); and Dr. Edith Jonsson-Devillers (UCSD)
Marketer: Karla Olson (Owner of BookStudio), offered valuable tips and a handout for a Marketing Plan/Proposal Template
Pictured here, KOCT-TV reporting assistant holding some of the BOOKS published by those at the event!
The afternoon’s readings were offered by authors and poets: Carol Ann Lindsay (Songs From a San Diego Morning); Glenn Jacobs (The Samson Process); Marie Giordano (I Love You Like A Tomato); David Valley (The General’s Women); Maggie Chantiloupe (Iraq-The War That Shouldn’t Be-You Decide); Barbara Deming (The Quilt Maker); and Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams and Robert T. Lundy (Hither & Yahn).
Faamasani S. Unutoa of KOCT-TV shown here interviewing Moderator Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams, regarding the success of the event, and future plans of the North County Authors & Poets.
National Authors Day: Sheryl Roush to Read Heart Book Series Poetry Nov. 1
Book Signing Events, Book Signings, Charities, Speaking Events| No Comments »National Authors Day:
Sheryl Roush to Read Heart Book Series November 1
North County Authors and Poets (NCAP) and Oceanside Civic Center Library (San Diego County) are hosting a free event on Saturday, November 1st, in celebration of National Authors Day, drawing 32 local published authors and poets, from 10:00am 3:00pm. Open to the public, finger food and beverages will be served in the Community Room.
Robert Goodman, owner of Silvercat, a San Diego based publishing firm, is the keynote speaker. Goodman is the co-founder and past president of Publishers & Writers of San Diego, co-founder and faculty member of the La Jolla Writers Conference, and a Board Member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), formerly the Publishing Marketing Alliance (PMA).
Featured Heart Book Series author Sheryl Roush is a proud native San Diegan, and an internationally recognized inspirational speaker. She was only the third woman in the world to earn Toastmasters International’s elite Accredited Speaker designation, out of 4 million people in 93 countries. Twice crowned “Ms. Heart of San Diego” for her charitable work with homeless and battered women, Sheryl’s messages bring renewed hope and faith. Her 12 published books include these featured at Borders: Heart of a Woman (Corazon de Mujer, Spanish version), Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays (Thanksgiving through New Years), and her September release of Heart of a Woman in Business. The series has also added Music CDs to accompany the titles for Heart of a Mother and Heart of the Holidays. Sheryl is the President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and a member of the IBPA. For more information click on or
This free event themed “So You Want To Be An Author” will give the community a chance to connect with published authors, and get tips on writing and publishing. Book-ended by authors’ readings, the day will feature a publishing panel addressing such subjects as:
· How can you fit into today’s world of publishing?
· Write in your “right” style
· Create your publishing platform through contests
· Book-selling success secrets
Moderator for the event is Dr. Elizabeth Yahn Williams.
Participating authors: Roger Conlee (Counterclockwise), Jennifer Kise (The Birthday Surprise), L. Curt Erler (Southside Kid & Mantilla Lady); Janie Lancaster (Julie & The Lost Fairy Tale); Teresa Gonzalez-Lee (Love Was Born During The Dance); Sheryl Roush (Heart Book Series), Carol Ann Lindsay (Songs From a San Diego Morning); Glenn Jacobs (The Samson Process); Marie Giordano (I Love You Like A Tomato); David Valley (The General’s Women); Maggie Chantiloupe (Iraq-The War That Shouldn’t Be-You Decide); Barbara Deming (The Quilt Maker), Elizabeth Yahn Williams and Robert T. Lundy (Hither & Yahn).
Chaired by Elizabeth Yahn Williams with Bob Lundy and Mary Lenore Quigley
For more information contact Anna at (760) 435-5630 or CJ at (760) 435-5600
Oceanside Civic Center Library
330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 435-5600
Cross Streets: Between Pier View Way & Civic Center Dr.
National Business Women’s Week: Recommended Reading
Heart of a Woman in Business| 1 Comment »National Business Women’s Week:
Recommended Reading
This week is the nationally celebrated as National Business Women’s Week, acknowledging the accomplishments of working women everywhere.
Released September 9th and in honor of this annual celebration, Sheryl Roush released the newest book in the Heart Book Series, Heart of a Woman in Business, is an inspirational and professional treasury of original short stories, poems and quotations from over 80 contributors.
Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the workplace. This "here’s how" book combines sisters-sharing-with-sisters insight with guidance, ideas, stories, and "I am doing it, you can too!" encouragement. It is a powerful book written by and for entrepreneurs, executives, professionals, part-timers, free-lancers, retirees, and working mothers. Experts, coaches, speakers, trainers, retirees, share their top tips, secrets and advice in conversational tone.
Contributors include: Andrea Glass, Christine Kloser, Darlene M. Fahl-Brittian, Debbie Allen, Debbie Lousberg, Helen Blanchard, Jeanie Callen Barat, Juliet Funt, Linda Salazar, Lynn Pierce, Marcia Reynolds, Sharon Wilson and "Dr. Zonnya" Laferney.
Sheryl Roush, an eight-time entrepreneur since age 16, knows a thing or two about being a woman in business. From competing in men’s sports beginning at age 8, to replacing men in corporate positions at age 20, and succeeding in traditionally male-dominated industries and organizations. She is the President and CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in San Diego, California. Organizations hire her to rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement, from creating positive work environments to enhancing communication skills, and boosting morale and cooperation. Some of her clients include: 7-Up; IBM; Sheraton; Stampin’ Up!; Sony, the Women in Publishing Society, Hong Kong; Union Bank; US Census Bureau; Womens’ Council of Realtors; Women in Business Symposiums; and the Zoological Society of San Diego. Her other books include: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer, and Sparkle-Tudes!
For autographed copies of the book, click here.
To learn more about Sheryl Roush visit
Books by Sheryl Roush featured at Frankfurt Book Fair
Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of the Holidays, Press, Solid Gold Newsletter Design, Sparkle-Tudes!| No Comments »Books by Sheryl Roush featured at Frankfurt Book Fair
Seven books authored by Sheryl L. Roush are being featured at the Frankfurt Book Fair October 15-19. Her titles on display at this huge event in Germany are: Heart of a Woman; Heart of a Mother; Heart of the Holidays; Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish); newly released Heart of a Woman in Business; Sparkle-Tudes; and Solid Gold Newsletter Design.
Foreign publishers and agents interested in these titles, can visit Columbine Communications in Hall 8.0 at Stand N-933 at the Frankfurt Book Fair, or contact foreign publishing rights expert Bob Erdmann,, or view,
The history of the Frankfurt Book Fair dates back to the 15th century, when Johannes Gutenberg first invented movable type – only a few kilometres down the road from Frankfurt. Frankfurt remained the central and undisputed European book fair city through to the 17th century. In the course of political and cultural upheaval, in the 18th century Leipzig then came to play the part. In 1949, that early Frankfurt book fair tradition was given a new lease of life: 205 German exhibitors assembled on Sept. 18-23 in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche for the first post-War book fair. Almost 60 trade-fair years later, the Frankfurt Book Fair is the largest of its kind in the world – and the hallmark for global activities in the field of culture. With year-round services and information offerings for the international trade, the Frankfurt Book Fair has thus emerged as the world-wide market place for ideas – 365 days a year. In 2007, there were 283,293 visitors to the 5-day event.
Heart of a Woman in Business-Book Contributors Announced
Heart of a Woman in Business| 6 Comments »Heart of a Woman in Business
Book Contributors Announced
The long-awaited list of names of those contributors whose original submissions for the Heart of a Woman in Business book is finally posted! Today, Sheryl Roush, author, reveals the list of those to be published in the fifth book in the Heart Book Series, produced by Sparkle Press in San Diego, California.
Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the workplace. This "here’s how" book combines sisters-sharing-with-sisters insight with guidance, ideas, stories, and "I am doing it, you can too!" encouragement.
A powerful book written by and for entrepreneurs, executives, professionals, part-timers, free-lancers and working mothers.
You will be inspired to:
• Bolster your career
• Celebrate your talents
• Trust your intuition and insights
• Polish your business skills
• Recognize the opportunities placed before you
• Pursue your talents and gifts
• Connect with your creativity and use it to your advantage
Congratulations to each of these ladies and thank you for sharing your stories, strategies, and skills with working women everywhere.
Andrea Glass <>
Andrea Gold <>
Becky Palmer <>
Belinda Sanders <>
Betty LaMarr <>
Cappi Pidwell <>
Carol J. Grabowski <>
Carol Shields <>
Cath Kachur-DeStefano <>
CeCe Canton <>
Celeste Michelle Alba Lim <>
Christine Kloser <>
Darlene M. Fahl-Brittian <>
Debbie Allen <>
Debbie Barnett <>
Debbie Lousberg <>
Debra Snider <>
Eileen Burke <>
Eldonna Lewis-Fernandez <>
Elizabeth Bateman <>
Helen Blanchard <www.HelenBlanchard.comt>
Iris Adam <>
Ivka Adam <>
Jan Mills <>
Jan Smith <>
Jana Stanfield <>
Jane Ilene Cohen <>
Janice Weight, Retired teacher
Jeanie Callen Barat <> <>
Joni Wilson <>
Judy Tejwani <>
Juliet Funt <>
Karen Hudson <>
Karen Robertson <>
Karen Tate <>
Katherine Wertheim <>
Kathi Burns <>
Kay Starr, Retired Tree Farmer
Kimberly Anne Eaton <>
Kristen Crawford, Speaker
Lanie Adamson <>
Laura Rubinstein <>
Laurie Sheppard <>
Lidia Martinez <>
Linda Salazar <>
Liz Myers <>
Lyn White <>
Lynn Pierce <>
Marcia Reynolds <>
Marcy Decato <>
Maria Carter <>
Marianne Matheis <>
Marilyn McLeod <>
Mary Lenore Quigley, Professional Poet
MaryPat Kavanaugh <>
Michelle Burkart <>
Mona Moon <>
Moonstone Star White <>
Morgana Rae <>
Nancy Bahr <>
Nikki Goldman <>
Oprah Winfrey <>
Pamela Kelly <>
Pat Morgan <>
Patricia Stewart <>
Peggy O’Neill <>
Raven Blair Davis <>
Regina Baker <>
Ruth Koepp, Volunteer Extraordinaire
Sarita Maybin <>
Sharon Wilson <>
Sherrie Rose <>
Sherry Netherland <>
Sheryl Roush <>
Sheva Carr <>
Shirlie Cunningham <>
Suzan Tusson-McNeil <>
Trina Hess <>
Valerie Rickel <>
Vicki Notaro <>
Vijaya Jayaraman, McLANE
Virginia A. Ellis <>
Zonnya Laferney <>
15 Years Later: Toastmasters Accredited Speaker
Speaking Events| 13 Comments »15 Years Later:
Toastmasters Accredited Speaker
Today, August 21, marks 15 years since I earned the elite designation of "Accredited Speaker" from Toastmasters International for "professionalism and outstanding achievements in public speaking." The journey to the award, and to the final judging in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was truly the journey to the depths of my core.
At that time, the marketing materials read the headline "Are You Good Enough to Be Pro?" I challenged myself to find out – by applying the program.
This prestigious award is only presented to those of professional platform caliber, as demonstrated in communication skills of: informing, persuading, motivational, inspirational, entertainment and humor, and seminar/discussion leader. Less than 1 in 20 ever pass, and even fewer pass the first time.
To date, there have only been 58 honorees, out of 235,000 current members (4 million members since 1924) in 93 countries, and of those 58, only 6 are women. I had the privilege of being the 3rd woman and 28th overall to be recognized, and on the first time.
As I reflect on what the award meant to me then and means to me now, it’s about courage to boldy go, to push myself harder and higher than I ever have before, constantly raising my own bar of performance levels, and more so, of authenticity. My speech title that afternoon, "Perc-U-Lating Power: The Magic of Having More Passion and Purpose in Your Life" still rings true for me personally today (as is one of my two top keynote presentations). In the process of preparing for this final level, I prayed for guidance and meditated on what message would God what the world to hear. The energy-charged presentation received 12 minutes of standing ovation, and the International Director needed to request people finally be seated to proceed with the program. I opened with magic (which I’d done before) and ended with singing (which I’d never done before either). Today, I still maintain that level of trust in my Maker.
Receiving the award gave me a new found confidence in my skills, deepened my level of trust in what I am doing, confirmed use of my gifts, as well as increased credibility in the field of speaking. To do well in the field of speaking and training, one must be whole-heartedly committed to it!
As I review what I have done SINCE receiving the award…
With increased confidence, I applied to SkillPath Seminars and CareerTrack Seminars, and was accepted by BOTH companies as a contract trainer… becoming the top-rated international trainer in marketing communication skills in eight countries for seven consecutive years, was awarded "Most Interactive Trainer" and the "Rising Star Award." As a result, CareerTrack asked me to co-author two full-day presentation skills and train-the trainer seminars, then serve as Lead Trainer for them. What a joy!
Sharing my expertise in marketing communication and graphic design, I wrote a business "how-to" book, Solid Gold Newsletter Design, which is now a coursebook at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and presented on the topic in eight countries. Also authored numerous seminars, CDs, DVDs, videos and more…
Being a student and teacher of inspiration, helping people and organizations rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement, I’ve written a series of inspirational books…Sparkle-Tudes! (quotations by and for women), Heart of a Woman (and translated into Spanish, Corazon de Mujer), Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, and releasing next month Heart of a Woman in Business.
As a result of having the designation, I’ve been asked to share what I’ve learned about speaking with others, and invited to present in the Arabian Gulf last year – addressing 1,000 people from 7 nations, and was the only woman on the entire 3-day conference, complete with a formal press conference.
I served as District 5 Governor for Southern California and Baja California, and was the first woman elected to that leadership position in 10 years, responsible for 128 Clubs and 2,800 members, and 970 Officers.
Doors have opened that I had never even considered; I’ve been to places I’ve needed to find on a global map; I’ve met amazing people from different cultures and belief systems; and I am grafteful.
Thanks to Toastmasters! I never would be doing the service I do today, nor at the level at which I have the privilege of serving.
For any member of Toastmasters even CONSIDERING pursuing the Accredited Speaker designation: YES! Do it. Order the free application and program information, Code #1208 from Toastmasters.
Here’s to 15 amazing years – and simply the best communication and leadership program, literally, in the world!
Sheryl Roush, DTM, PDG, A/S
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
Heart of a Woman in Business – New book announcement
Heart of a Woman in Business| 1 Comment »Heart of a Woman in Business
Stories, Strategies and Skills for Business Success
by Sheryl L. Roush
Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the global workplace. This “here’s how,” sisters-sharing-with-sisters book shares their authentic stories, and offers “here’s how” and “I did it, you can too!” Selections offer strategies, practical information, career-bolstering lessons, insights, affirmations, poems, prayers and quotations.
Whether you already own a business, planning to start one, or working in a job you love.
Chapters include: The Driving Force; Fulfilling Your Soul; Polishing Business Skills; Workplace Wit; Best Practices; Transitions from the Day Job to Your Own Job; The Entrepreneurial Spirit; Business Builders; Nurturing Our Mind, Body & Spirit; and Whispers of Wisdom.
Submissions include: career dreams come true; self-worth; goal setting; the history of women in business and as inventors; leadership and ambition; humor in the workplace; change, stress and time management; inner guidance and intuition; business promotion; hiring and firing; ways to rejuvenate and recharge; fitness tips at your desk; mid-life career transitions; and being a working mother.
The 240-page book features top talent and experts, including: celebrity personal trainer Jeanie Callen Barat; financial alchemist Morgana Rae; presentation skills from Juliet Funt (daughter of Candid Camera’s Alan Funt); having a leap of faith, from Sharon Wilson of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction; Life at the Pentagon from Jo Condrill; Hill Street Blues costume designer Karen Hudson; and sage advice from Oprah.
Quotations of inspiration include: Mary Kay Ash; Debbie Fields; Steve Forbes; Michael Gerber; Louise Hay; Kathy Ireland; Andrea Jung, Avon; Anthony Robbins; Martha Stewart; Donald Trump; Madam C.J. Walker, first black female millionaire; Marianne Williamson; plus the Founders/CEOs of Amazon, com, Apple, Craig’s List, Dell Computer, Google, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Starbucks; The Body Shop, Virgin Airlines, and Wal-Mart.
ISBN: 978-1-880878-19-4
$16.95 US, releasing October 1, 2008, 288 pages
Trade Paperback, 6×7”
Sparkle Press
Other Books by Sheryl L. Roush:
Heart of a Woman, ISBN, 978-1-880878-13-2
Corazón de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish), ISBN 978-1-880878-16-3
Heart of a Mother, ISBN, 978-1-880878-14-9
Heart of a Mother–Book & Music CD, ISBN 978-1-880878-18-7
Heart of the Holidays, ISBN 978-1-880878-15-6
Sheryl Roush is an internationally top-rated speaker, and 8-time business entrepreneur since the age of 16. As a conference speaker she has presented on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Joan Lunden, Marcus Buckingham, Mark Victor Hansen, Howard Putnam, Robert G. Allen and Suze Orman. She has authored 12 books. Speaking information at
Keeping Your Balance
Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, Tips & Trivia| No Comments »Keeping Your Balance
Although it really does feel like you are at the mercy of other people’s emotions, you can stay in an energy that serves you best. You don’t have to get on the emotional roller coaster with them. When you allow yourself to become more of an observer in any given situation you free yourself from believing you are being personally attacked or that you need to solve their stuff. It helps you remember they are speaking from their truth and it doesn’t necessarily represent your truth. When you know who you are, how you want to feel and that you really do want the highest good for all involved, you create an energetic vibration that can move from you to them, ultimately changing the outcome of any situation allowing you to walk away feeling good that you stayed connected to your energy.
~ Linda Salazar
Certified Personal Life Coach, Author, Speaker,
©2005 All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.
This excerpt is from the book Heart of a Mother by Sheryl Roush.
Story: The Woman in Me, by Miguel Angel
Corazón de Mujer, Share Your Story| 1 Comment »The Woman in Me
by Miguel Angel
My mother’s pride
Was in her hands
The piano was her soul
I watched in wonder
As she played show tunes
Miles off from Rock & Roll
What she loved she taught me
Now music’s what I do
And often when I am writing
In my hands
She’s there too
If I sing, you are the music
If I thrive, you are why I’m good
If my hands can find some magic
You are the one who said they could
When the child who’s still inside me
Finds a song in empty air
When there is joy in making music
It is you who put it there.
I had heard this song several times before and I remember focusing on the bridge, which is the second set of stanzas. I assumed the song to have a romantic overtone and being directed towards a lover. It wasn’t until recently that I actually listened to the lyrics and realized it was directed to a mother; and while listening a tear peeked in my eyes.
No, my mother didn’t play piano or any instrument for that matter—neither do I—and she didn’t need to. There were so many other things she did…and did well.
I vividly remember seeing her for the last time, and I recall how much I cried at the certainty I was not going to see her alive again. I also remember clearly the words a friend offered to help me deal with such a heart-wrenching moment.
“When we pass, we don’t just disappear into nothing. We simply become more a part of those we leave behind. Your mother will always be a part of you,” he said that evening over dinner at a fancy restaurant overlooking beautiful Acapulco Bay.
When I was a child, I am embarrassed to admit, I don’t believe I appreciated my mother. How could I? I was a child and therefore the world had relevance only in reference to me. My mother was not a human being with feelings and needs then. She was there to provide me with care, love, and attention. No more and no less.
I remember however, in my earlier years, thinking of both my parents as these giant, all-powerful, all-capable people. I admired the fact that both of them had no formal education—my mother barely finished second grade and my father third. They, nonetheless, had a great sense of what was proper and right, and their common sense and set of values was admirable.
My mother was quite the disciplinarian. Being the one who stayed with us all day, she was the one who laid the law and enforced it in the house. But that is not to say that she was harsh; quite the opposite, she was able to remain loving in spite of having to deal with 5 children all day long. I do not know how she did it. All I know is that mothers like mine should automatically qualify for sainthood.
I remember some hot nights in Acapulco, when I was about 4 years old, in which I would wake up unable to sleep because of the heat. My mother would take me outside and give me a bath under a sky laden with stars telling me stories prompted by the endless questions I had about everything around me. I remember her telling me once that when people were no longer with us (she was smart enough to know not to use the word ‘die,’ God only knows what line of questioning would have ensued) they became the stars we saw above.
We also had cooler nights, and I remember waking up because my blanket had slipped off and I was cold. As if I had summoned powers beyond me, two hands like butterflies would grab the edge of the blanket and cover me gently, at the same time that rose-petaled lips would kiss my forehead and tell me everything was OK.
When I had a project in school, something for which we needed our parents help, I would be all worried when, before going to bed, I would realize I had not done it. My mother would tell me not to worry and, the next day, things would be miraculously materialized before my eyes.
I remember how she told each one of her children separately we were the one she loved the most. She also told us not to share that with our siblings. Her voice could be thunderous when she had to, but for the most part she was soft and tender. I loved the way she call me ‘papa’ or ‘mi rey,’ which means my king. I have many memories of her willingness to help others, her inability to refrain from giving, and her capacity for being caring.
I remember how beautiful I found her even on a ‘bad hair day.’ I remember how simple she was, how unsophisticated, and how humble. Although the latter is something I didn’t get from her, I was fascinated about how much I looked like her in my teens when I tied a scarf over my head and around my chin. That was until I started growing facial hair though.
I imagine how challenging it must have been for someone from our culture and with her level of education to deal with having a gay child and yet I can’t find a single instance in which she made me feel I was less of a child of hers because of that. As it is common for our culture, my sexuality was not something we spoke about openly, but there was always the uttermost respect for who I was and I always knew myself to be loved as much as my brothers and sisters.
In my later teens I suddenly grew to appreciate the woman who game me the gift of life, and I remember how we would joke and tease each other. “You should have stopped having children after you had me,” I would say to her.
“I should have stopped having children right before you,” she would be quick to reply.
See all this gray hair on my head?” She would say, “You gave it all to me!”
My mom grew old
Her hands grew numb
Now she cannot play
I came to visit
She sat and asked me
How it could be this way
I couldn’t find an answer
I played this tune for her instead
My mother sat there, smiling
For she knew what it said
When she grew sick with cancer, she kept most details about her illness from her children, especially those of us who were away, in order not to worry us. I was fortunate enough to be able to see her 3 months before she died ten years ago, as I was fortunate to spend a few weeks caring for her and pampering her exactly the way she deserved. She would not take that easily though. She still wanted to be the mother and she wanted to get up and cook and make me feel like everything was normal, like she was still the mother and I was her child. I would hide from her and cry because I found it so unfair for her life to end that way and because there was only so much I could do about it.
If I sing, you are the music
If I love, you taught me how
Every day your heart is beating
In the woman I am now
If my ears are tuned to wonder
If when I reach the cords are there
If there is joy in making music
It’s a joy that you put there
It is true; I am blessed to have known for a few years now, that when we pass we don’t just disappear. We simply become a part of those we leave behind.
There is a wonderful woman in me and it has nothing to do with my sexuality or my flair for feather boas and high heels.
I get to experience that woman all the time, when I feel successful and accomplished, when I feel capable and proud of what I have done, when I experience myself as a caring, giving member of the human race, when I am able to extend a hand to someone who is in need, and most especially, when I get to be nurturing and loving.
I have 3 children in my life now—Jesse, Aiden, and Liam—who remind me of my own childhood and my mother almost every day. When I read to them before they go to bed, it is my mother’s voice I hear; and when I go into their rooms to cover them, it is those butterflies of my mother’s hands which grab the blanket; and when I kiss them in their sweet foreheads, it is my mother’s rose-petaled lips which kiss them.
I often talk to them and called them ‘papa’ or ‘mi rey,’ and when they make me laugh I hear my mother’s joyful peal of laughter ringing in my ears.
And even though I never told you
It took time until I could see
That if I sing, you are the music
And you always sing with me
Yes, you are always there in me.
To the woman in me, the music in my life, my mother, Sylvia.
When I look to the night sky you are the brightest star in the firmament. May you always live in me!
With Love,
Miguel Angel, (Your favorite child)
Borders-Eastlake Dias de Los Madres Reading May 10, 2008
Book Signings, Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Mother's Day 2008 Book Signings| 1 Comment »Borders-Eastlake Dias de Los Madres Reading
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Shoppers at Borders-Eastlake were thrilled to hear English and Spanish selections from Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, and Corazón de Mujer as they entered the store to purchase last minute Mother’s Day gifts.
Shown here, Consuelo Sanchez, reading her magnificent opening poem to Corazón de Mujer.
A native Chula Vistan, Sheryl Roush, the Heart Book series creator, and her mother Beverly Roush of Chula Vista, signed at the event, joined by local contributors: Eln Albert (Spring Valley), Elisa Castaneda (Mira Mesa), Consuelo Sanchez (Ensenada), Darlene Fahl-Brittian (La Mesa) and daughter Savannah, Maria Carter (Santee), Cassandra Northington (San Diego/Oklahoma).
May 4, 2008 BOOK SIGNING EVENT at Borders Paradise Valley
Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Mother's Day 2008 Book Signings| No Comments »May 4, 2008 Book Signing at Borders Paradise Valley, Arizona
Sheryl Roush professional speaker and author of the series including Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays and brand new Corazón de Mujer books will be autographing copies on Sunday, May 4 from 1:00-3:00pm at BORDERS-Paradise Valley in Phoenix, Arizona.
Joining Sheryl is book contributor and speaking colleague Lynn Pierce, co-author of 5 books including the #1 Best Selling, Wake-up…Live the Life You Love. Lynn’s new book is Breakthrough to Success: 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life. Known as the Success Architect, just tell Lynn what the life of your dreams looks like and she’ll create the blueprint to get you there. She shows you how you can be wildly successful living life your way and fitting your
business into your life rather than the other way around.
COME MEET THE AUTHOR and have your books personally autographed!
Perfect for Mother’s Day gifts!
4555 E. Cactus Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Phone: 602.953.9699
Located on the S.W. corner of Tatum and Cactus
just south of the Paradise Valley Mall.
May 10, 2008 BOOK SIGNING EVENT at Borders Eastlake
Book Signing Events, Book Signings, Corazón de Mujer, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of the Holidays, Mother's Day 2008 Book Signings| No Comments »Heart Book Contributors Autograph May 10, 2008 at Borders Eastlake, Chula Vista, California
Sheryl Roush and contributors to the Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays and brand new Corazón de Mujer books will be autographing copies on Saturday, May 10 from 3:00-6:00pm at BORDERS bookstore in Eastlake of Chula Vista, San Diego, California.
More than a book signing, contributors will READ THEIR original STORY or POEM to shoppers! Contributors present will include: Maria Carter, Dharlene Fahl-Brittian, Cassandra Northington (Oklahoma), Consuelo Sanchez, Elisa Castaneda, Eln Albert, and Sheryl’s mother Beverly Roush, joining series originator Sheryl Roush from San Diego. The group will be celebrating Mother’s Day with dinner locally following the book signing event.
COME MEET THESE AUTHORS and have your books personally autographed!
Perfect for Mother’s Day gifts!
Eastlake Chula Vista
878 Eastlake Parkway
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Store Phone: 619.482.9883