Christmas, Heart of the Holidays| No Comments »
by Lorri V. Allen, Speaker, Author
My husband-to-be had a bleak view of church when we first met. His overriding memory of Sunday school was being punished at age three for coloring Jesus purple.
What the teacher saw as disrespect was more likely a foreshadow of Mark’s artistic talent. Do you think Jesus minded being purple? I don’t. Every culture depicts Jesus a little differently. I have seen fair-skinned, blue-eyed Jesuses (or is it Jesi?), black ones, Asian ones, and in my friend Ellen’s nativity scenes from Mexico, a beautiful brown-eyed, toasty-skinned baby Jesus.
In reality, Jesus probably sported a swarthy complexion, with dark eyes and black hair, like many of the Middle Easterners we see today. But what is more important than color is size. There is no doubt Jesus was an infant. So, next time you see a child, think about Jesus, and how much he loved us to become a baby that burped and spit up. Think about how he might have said his first words or taken his first step.
The color of Jesus’ skin doesn’t matter because if he lives in our hearts, he does look just like we do.
By the way, Mark still isn’t exactly wild about Sunday school, but he likes purple. Best of all, he loves Jesus!
Reprinted from the HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS book, by Sheryl L. Roush
Bask in the glow of winter’s warmth. Celebrate the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales, original stories and poems, and quotations… Chapters include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year…
Touching the heart with music, Heart of the Holidays is a celebration of the season. Included are creative new interpretations of the traditional Chanukah songs "Mo’oz Tsur" and "Sivivon." Two original numbers written and performed by Laurie Z., "Heart of the Holidays" and "Warmth From Within" easily hold their own next to the traditional songs we all know by heart. Playful touches are included, like special guest, late actor Jack Palance singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," topping it all off with Jack Palance’s delightful reading of "The Night Before Christmas."
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
POEM: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Poems| No Comments »Reprinted from HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS, book by Sheryl L. Roush
The Greatest Story Ever Told
By Rebecca Brinck
Do you remember?
Have you ever known
Of that night in December
When the brightest star shown?
Have you heard the story told
Of that fateful night of old?
The Virgin Mary, the unborn baby,
Looking for a place to stay.
“There is no room in the inn,”
They heard time and time again;
One had compassion, an older fashion,
And led them to the stables.
A newborn babe laid his head,
With a manger for a bed;
The star twinkled bright, with eternal light,
On the baby laid in hay.
Shining angels came to talk;
To shepherds that watched their flock
“I have tidings great,” angels did dictate,
“And news of great joy tonight.”
Bask in the glow of winter’s warmth. Celebrate the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales, original stories and poems, and quotations… Chapters include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year…
Touching the heart with music, Heart of the Holidays is a celebration of the season. Included are creative new interpretations of the traditional Chanukah songs "Mo’oz Tsur" and "Sivivon." Two original numbers written and performed by Laurie Z., "Heart of the Holidays" and "Warmth From Within" easily hold their own next to the traditional songs we all know by heart. Playful touches are included, like special guest, late actor Jack Palance singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," topping it all off with Jack Palance’s delightful reading of "The Night Before Christmas."
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Winter Solstice| No Comments »Reprinted from the HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS book, by Sheryl L. Roush
by Reverend Uki MacIsaac, MA
Winter Solstice is the time when the “sun stands still,” the shortest day of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, days become shorter from June 21 on, until around December 21st, when the sun seems to rise and set in the same place for a while. Then slowly the sun begins its journey toward the south again, and the days grow longer until the peak of sunlight at the Summer Solstice.
The longest night of the year bears within itself the promise of the return of the light, the “rebirth” of the sun. Thus, the Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the darkness of the womb from which creation arises. We honor the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, the dark night of the soul and the rebirth of new hope and vision. When we move deeper into the darkness instead of avoiding it, we find the gifts the darkness holds. To some, that may mean moving into the shadow aspect of self. What needs to be released, to be brought into the light of our awareness? Even in our darkest moments we can find the seeds of growth and healing within.
The darkness of the long winter nights that culminate in the Winter Solstice is also a time to honor and celebrate the world of the unseen, of dreams, and of intuition. When we cannot see with our physical eyes, we learn to trust the inner vision, the power of insight and inner knowingness. The journey into the darkness prepares the way for celebration: in gratitude we rejoice in the return of the light, the promise of the sun/son lighting our path, the promise of new beginnings.
A Winter Solstice Meditation
Begin by taking a deep breath in and then exhaling slowly.
Relax as you release the breath.
With each breath you take, you move deeper into the silent space
within, into your inner world.
Imagine yourself now walking through a desert landscape at night.
The moon is not visible to light your path, and at first your steps are
unsure and tentative. The more you attune yourself to the silent
world around you, the more your senses begin to perceive details
along your path.
The desert air is clear and cold, fragrant with the aroma of sage.
Now you move with confidence, you can “see” with your inner eyes.
You are comfortable with the darkness that reveals its gifts:
You can hear sounds of life around you—what do you hear?
You see things you have not seen before—what do you see?
You trust your inner senses, your intuition guides you on your path.
Answers reveal themselves as you surrender to the power of the unseen.
You feel safe and protected.
A warm feeling starts to bubble up in your solar plexus.
The warmth spreads to your arms and legs, to your whole body.
A pleasant tingling sensation accompanies the warm glow that now
seems to emanate from your body, creating a field of pleasant
vibrating energy throughout and around you. The source of light
and warmth is within, always accessible, your internal sun.
You are equally comfortable with the dark as with the light.
You are balanced, in harmony with Mother Earth and Father Sky.
As you turn your eyes toward the night sky above you, a blanket of
brilliant stars illuminate the sky.
Gratitude washes over you as you open your heart to the beauty
of this sacred time and space.
A granite boulder offers a place to rest and relax.
Hours seem like minutes, a sense of timelessness prevails.
Yet, almost imperceptibly at first, you notice a change on the horizon.
The light of the stars begins to fade, and toward the east, the first light
of dawn colors the sky with shades of purple, pink, and orange.
Slowly the landscape around you reveals a new face of beauty and
Soon the radiant disk of the sun appears and bathes the desert in its
warm glow.
You are reborn to this new day, and you greet it with joy and
You can trust the sacred circles of nature that offer new beginnings.
Bless the return of the light as you have blessed the womb of
darkness that preceded it.
With your next deep breath begin to bring your awareness back to the
here and now. Feel yourself grounded, balanced, and in harmony.
When you are ready, you may open your eyes, fully back in the here
and now, bringing with you the gifts of this sacred journey.
And so it is.
Thank You God.
Bask in the glow of winter’s warmth. Celebrate the most blessed time of year with lighthearted tales, original stories and poems, and quotations… Chapters include: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year…
Touching the heart with music, Heart of the Holidays is a celebration of the season. Included are creative new interpretations of the traditional Chanukah songs "Mo’oz Tsur" and "Sivivon." Two original numbers written and performed by Laurie Z., "Heart of the Holidays" and "Warmth From Within" easily hold their own next to the traditional songs we all know by heart. Playful touches are included, like special guest, late actor Jack Palance singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus," topping it all off with Jack Palance’s delightful reading of "The Night Before Christmas."
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Heart of the Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »I’m thankful for my eyes—
that I might see spectacular sunsets, lovely flowers of spring, the sweet face of a child.
I’m thankful for my ears—
that I might hear the birds’ sweet songs, children’s infectious laughter, glorious music that uplifts the soul.
I’m thankful for my lips—
that I might help kiss away a child’s tears, whisper words of love, share encouragement and praise.
I’m thankful for my hands—
that I might help a neighbor in need, hold hands with loved ones, give a warm hug or pat on the back.
Most of all, I’m thankful for my mind—that holds all these
memories—so that, when I feel sad or discouraged, I can once again
recall all these wonderful gifts with which I’ve been blessed.
– Connie Jameson
Published in Heart of the Holidays; Yuletide Treasures & Traditions, by Sheryl L. Roush
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
POEM: Happy Thanksgiving
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Poems, Thanksgiving| No Comments »Happy Thanksgiving
The turkey is cooking; we’ve all been to church,
Our grandparents soon will arrive.
The table is set; the best linen is used,
What a grand day to be alive!
There’s a nip in the air; we’re planning on snow,
We kids have new scarves and new muffs.
The cat, a new bell—the dog, a new bow,
And the phone is ringing for us.
“Hurry up, kids! Talk to great Uncle Joe,”
Who lives a long ways away.
Then we’ll call Cousin Jo and dear Auntie Flo,
And wish them joy today.”
Oh, something special there is in the air,
And not just good smells from the oven.
The holiday feeling is felt everywhere,
“Come on, darlin,’ give Mama some huggin.’”
The kitchen door opens; the food is brought in,
We kids all race to the table.
Napkins are snugly tucked ‘neath our chins,
We are hungry, willing and able.
Dad starts to carve, right after grace,
Then my brother shouts, “Dibs on a leg!”
Mom has a special smile on her face,
Our dog sits at Dad’s knee and begs.
“Please pass the beans.” “Where are the yams?”
“Does anyone want a roll?”
“That turkey is almost as big as I am.”
“Who emptied the gravy bowl?”
So the feast moves on straight to the pie,
I rub my tummy; it’s so full.
But I’m no piker—oh no—not I,
“Whipped cream, if you please, a big spoonful.”
So, with warmth and laughter and much good cheer,
For this day, we send thanks above.
We’re grateful we’ve all been together this year,
“Thank You, Dear Lord for such love.”
~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007
Published in Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!
POEM: Heart of the Holidays
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »HEART OF THE HOLIDAYS
With praise, we welcome the Holidays,
We express our love for God and man,
We celebrate each special date,
In the very best way we can.
One God . . . one world . . . for us all,
Yellow or Black or White or Brown,
Joined in spirit, mind, and heart,
Holiday Time . . . our common bond.
Thanksgiving turkeys, cranberry sauce,
Hanukkah candles, Christmas tree lights,
Ring out the Old! Ring in the New!
Heart of the Holidays . . . God’s delight!
~ Virginia "Ginny" Ellis
© July 2005
Written for Heart of the Holidays, by Sheryl Roush
Order here!
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Thanksgiving Thoughts: Over The Years
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »THANKSGIVING: THEN AND NOW
Dad carving the hard-crusted turkey with electric knife, nibbling
as he goes.
Dad carving the moist, baked-in-the bag turkey, without the
electric knife, still nibbling as he goes.
Mom cooked up real cranberries (too lumpy for me).
Sheryl brings jellied cranberry sauce with pickled beets.
Never decorated the house for the fall holiday.
Decorate with autumn leaves, real pumpkins, and golden garlands.
Showed up in time to eat, everything was fixed by mom, departed
early with leftovers in Tupperware and plastic baggies.
Arrive early, set the table, bring healthy food choices to add to the
menu, clear the table after the meal, and wash the fine china, stay
late just to hang around and have meaningful conversations.
From Heart of the Holidays: Yuletide Treasures and Traditions, by inspirational speaker Sheryl Roush, which features 67 original short stories, 36 poems, and 193 quotations and scriptures from 71 contributors.
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
BONUS DOWNLOADS, Heart of a Woman in Business, Interviews, Meet the Contributors| No Comments »Contributing Authors Interviewed on CNN Radio News
Raven Blair Davis, hosted interviews with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, Kay Presto, and Sheryl Roush, last week for her Radio Show that aired on CNN 650 Radio News!
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez is the co-author of the Heart of a Military Woman book with Sheryl Roush, and Kay Presto, an outstanding photojournalist, is published in several of the Heart Book Series books plus the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Sheryl Roush, shares tips from behind-the-scenes from her 6-title Heart Book Series including Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer, setting up book signings, creating marketing pieces and more.
You will personally enjoy the interviews, and the depth of the dialogue, whether you are published in the series, or if you are published on your own, and want tips on marketing, publishing, advertising, public relations and much, much more! These are LOADED with ideas!
Download the Mp3 files, and listen to them at your convenience!
Feel free to contact any of us for more information, or to be interviewed by Raven in the future, as I left the email addresses intact.
Blessings to You!
Sheryl Roush
Inspirational Female Speaker
Sparkle Presentations, Inc.
From: Raven Blair Davis <raven@womenpower-radio.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
To: Sheryl Roush <Sheryl@SparklePresentations.com>,
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez <eldonna@pinkbikerchic.com>,
Kay Presto <prestoprod6@yahoo.com>
Thanks so much ladies for sharing from the heart….I appreciate you much!
Below are the links to your interviews…….have a beautiful day!
Interview with Sheryl Roush:
Interview with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez and Kay Presto:
Raven Blair Davis
Executive Producer/Host
Empowering women over 40 to go for their dreams and visions – "Life is just beginning!"
To hear empowering and inspiring interviews of Unstoppable Women of Power, click here:
Borders Long Beach features Heart Book Series Signing June 19
Book Signings| No Comments »Saturday, June 19, 2010, Southern California co-authors to the Heart of a Military Woman book will be signing copies of the keepsake collection at two Borders Stores locations in Long Beach, California.
Borders, At the Pike
101 S. Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802
Borders, Los Altos Market Center
2110 N. Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90815
Heart of a Military Woman shares 99 true short stories and tributes to those who serve our country, plus 21 poems and 194 quotations. There are 120 contributors, from all branches of active and retired service members, their spouses and families, sharing sentiments and pride as only they can.
Co-Authors Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, retired Master Sergeant USAF 23 years and Los Angeles resident, and former Navy wife San Diego resident Sheryl Roush will be joined by: Lanie Adamson, Loni Anderson, Sarah Arnold, Virginia Ellis, Dharlene Marie Fahl, Becky Palmer, Mary Lenore Quigley, Judy Turner and Denise Yamada.
Montel Williams endorsed the 2009 Veteran’s Day release during his Montel Across America radio interview with Sheryl Roush. Montel served in two branches of the US Armed Forces for a total of 23 years of service. Heart of a Military Woman was selected as the January 2010 Army Wives Network Book of the Month, and received the 2009 Best Spiritual – Inspirational Book from the San Diego Book Awards Association.
Other books in the HEART BOOK SERIES by Sheryl Roush, include:
Heart of a Woman
Heart of a Woman in Business
Heart of a Mother
Heart of a Mother with Bonus Music CD
Heart of the Holidays
Heart of the Holidays with Bonus Music CD
Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish).
Additional published contributors in the series signing at these events are: Marjorie Benesh, Soraya Deen, Carol Grabowski, Jack Nichols, Beverly Roush, Serina Roush, Consuleo Sanchez, Rhoberta Shaler and Linda Ulrich.
Double Book Signing Event at Borders-Long Beach, CA
Book Signings| No Comments »LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA
Two BORDERS book stores in Long Beach, California are hosting Heart Book Series signing events… on the same day!
The day before Father’s Day, Borders is hosting not one–but two multi-book, multi-signing events. Unique events, contributors to the 6-title published series will read their original short stories, poems, and tributes, and autograph copies for shoppers.
Saturday, June 19, 2:00-4:00pm
Borders – At the Pike
101 South Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802, 562.491.0558
Located in the new revitalized Pike on Pine Avenue and Shoreline Drive. The store is just a few short steps away from the Aquarium of the Pacific and the legendary Queen Mary.
Saturday, June 19, 5:00-7:00pm
Borders – Los Altos Market Center
2110 North Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90815, 562.799.0486
A community based store within one of the littlest big cities in the country. With a culturally diverse selection to match our clientele and staff, you can find just about anything on our shelves–from the esoteric to the number one item on the bestsellers list. Grab a skinny soy latte in our Seattle’s Best Cafe.
The Heart Book Series, created by Sheryl Roush, features titles available at these signings:
Heart of a Military Woman
Heart of a Woman
Heart of a Woman in Business
Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman, Spanish)
Heart of the Holidays
Heart of a Mother
Heart of a Mother – with Bonus Music CD
Those contributors published in the series and autographing:
Lanie Adamson
Loni Anderson
Sarah Arnold
Marjorie Benesh
Soraya Dean
Virgina Ellis
Dharlene Marie Fahl
Carol Grabowski
Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
Karen Hudson
Mary Lenore Quigley
Jack Nichols
Becky Palmer
Serina Roush
Sheryl Roush
Beverly Roush
Consuelo Sanchez
Rhoberta Shaler, Ph.D.
Judy Turner
Linda Ulrich
Denise Yamada
10.5 Top Tips… for Success in Business (and Life)
Interviews, Stories, Tips & Trivia| No Comments »10.5 Top Tips… for Success in Business (and Life)
Business Success Skills:
Strategies, practical information, career-bolstering lessons, and insights
Today, I was interviewed by Angie Strader on her BlogTalkRadio show "What’s Your Bottom Line?" today. Each week, Angie has straightforward discussions about what it takes to be successful in your personal and professional life. "I pick the brains of my successful and inspirational guests. It’s like getting a free business success and motivational seminar each week!" she commented.
Catch the entire hour loaded with content here.
10.5 Top Tips for Succcess in Business (and Life).
1. Bring your talents with you.
2. Share your spirit. (enthusiasm, energy, playfulness, fun)
3. Stretch your skills. (continue to grow, attend training)
4. Acknowledge your uniqueness. (be authentic)
5. Be positive whenever possible; Pragmatic as needed.
6. Focus on solutions. (not on problem or blaming)
7. Celebrate your successes. (by yourself, and with others)
8. Listen to your heart; Be true to yourself. (inner compass)
9. Read inspiration that nurtures your soul.
10. Maintain your balance. (faith, sleep, family, work)
10.5. Keep a good sense of humor.
Sheryl Roush is an entrepreneur to her core, starting 8 businesses since the age of 16. With 35 years in marketing, advertising, graphic design and communication, she is an internationally top-rated trainer. An inspirational speaker, she has 3,000 presentations under her designer belt, in 9 countries. Toastmasters International honored her as the 3rd female to earn their elite Accredited Speaker designation, out of 4 million members in 106 countries. She speaks on conference programs on business and inspirational topics, boosting morale and skills.
Sheryl is the creator of the Heart Book Series, which includes: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Military Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays, Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman, in Spanish), Sparkle-Tudes!, and Heart of a Woman in Business.
Heart of a Woman in Business is an inspirational collection celebrating working women and their unique contributions to the global workplace. This here’s how, sisters-sharing-with-sisters book shares their authentic stories, and offers here’s how and I did it, you can too! Selections offer strategies, practical information, career-bolstering lessons, insights, affirmations, poems, prayers and quotations. Whether you already own a business, planning to start one, or working in a job you love.
Contact Sheryl Roush at Sparkle Presentations, Inc. to speak at your event, meeting, conference or retreat. Call Toll Free 1-800-932-0973.
2/21-Sheryl Roush interviews on Bringing Your Heart to Work
Interviews| No Comments »Empowering You Radio: Bringing Your Heart to Work
Sunday, February 21, 2010, join radio host Robin Hardy as she chats with Sheryl Roush, President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in San Diego, CA. Sheryl is a 13-time published author, including the Heart Book Series: Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays (yuletide treasures and traditions), Heart of a Woman in Business, and newly released Heart of a Military Woman.
A sought-after conference speaker, Sheryl Roush has presented on programs alongside celebrities including Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Art Linkletter, Marcus Buckingham and more.
Sheryl’s business topics include: Creating a Positive Work Environment, management skills, customer service, public speaking and communication skills.
Robin will be interviewing in a chat-style format about Sheryl’s amazing journey… After overcoming contemplations of suicide between the ages of 13-15, she is today an 8-time entrepreneur, starting at the young age of 16. Throughout several character-defining experiences in her life, God has been her steady Compass.
Join the conversation as we experience a very empowering conversation that will uplift you to the next level.
Robin Hardy and Empowering You Radio is a show designed to give you that boost of information to begin the process of empowering your every step in life, business and your faith. We will bring you weekly information to build your business and your foundation. We focus on the Christian viewpoints to life, business and your faith. Bringing you amazing expert guests to equip, edify and challenge you. Join the show weekly as we play on the journey called life.
NATIVI-TEA (Tea Prayer)
Christmas, Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Poems| No Comments »NATIVI-TEA
At the moment of my birth there was a celebration, too.
The angels sang and God was all I knew.
God was all I remembered – for on earth
as in Heaven, we are all one.
To remind us of this God sent us his Son.
Once a year we are reminded of His special birth.
It is a rejoicing that encircles all of the earth.
Gifts are given, hearts open wide,
the focus is on good and we all take pride.
The hope for my daily rebirth is now understood.
A child in a manger, simple and pure;
a symbol of peace and innocence;
that we are all safe from danger, sound and secure.
To be in God’s presence is the present I truly need.
In this time of celebration I am freed from my own greed.
I live to give – my gifts I share.
I do not hide them or disguise them, nor place them under a tree.
My gifts of love and laughter, kindness and caring were meant for sharing;
not just once a year or for a select few.
The gifts I have are unique to me and I celebrate my own nativity.
Every birth is planned, every child has a right,
every life is precious, delicate and meant to be.
On the tree of life every child’s light shines bright for all to see.
Thank you, God; my own light clears my visibility.
There is a place for each and every one of us on God’s special tree.
We glisten and twinkle in colourful harmony.
We each have our place and together we light up the world as we claim our space;
next to each other, side by side; loving and grateful God takes pride
at the birth of each and every one of His children – that’s you and me.
Christmas is a celebration of all we are and all we can be.
Thank you God, for this divine festivity.
Dharlene Marie Fahl
Author, Poet, Tea Expert
© 2009
Army Wife Network Selects Heart of a Military Woman as Book of the Month
Heart of a Military Woman| No Comments »Army Wife Network Selects
Heart of a Military Woman as
Book of the Month
December 21, 2009
The Army Wife Network has selected the Heart of a Military Woman book as their January 2010 Book of the Month choice, announced by Book Club Chair Sarah Ikena.
In a live radio show tonight on ArmyWifeNetwork.com, Ms. Ikena interviewed co-authors Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, MSgt USAF Retired and Sheryl Roush, an ex-navy wife, asking how the book concept came about. The ladies shared how they met, and how they instantly resonated creating this publication, sharing the voices of women in the military.
Sheryl Roush added there are 100 original and true short stories and tributes, 21 poems and 194 inspirational quotations in the Heart of a Military Woman Veterans Day release.
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
The archive on the entire two-hour December 21, 2009 podcast is available for free to download from Army Wife Talk Radio.
December 20 BOOK SIGNING at Borders-Victoria Gardens
Book Signing Events, Heart of a Military Woman| No Comments »
December 20
Borders-Victoria Gardens
Sheryl Roush, creator of the Heart Book Series, and contributors are autographing on Sunday, December 20, from 2 to 4 p.m. at BORDERS bookstore at 12370 S. Mainstreet, Victoria Gardens, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Signing alongside Ms. Roush are contributors and fellow members of Toastmasters International: Kay Presto, Lee Barron, Cyndy Logan, Kay Starr and Marjorie Benesh residents of Inland Empire and Orange Counties. Kay Presto is also published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, including Chicken Soup for the NASCAAR Lover’s Soul.
The newest book just released in this six-book series, titled Heart of a Military Woman, is packed with heart-warming stories about all types of women involved in the military, from those who currently serve to those who are wives, mothers, and family and friends of those who serve. Some stories share experiences back to the days of the women who piloted airplanes for the military during World War II (WASPs). The book also includes a story about the first woman who lost a limb in our current war, and another about the local U.S.O. facility in Ontario, California.
Other books available at the signing will be:
Heart of the Holidays (Yuletide treasures and traditions)
Heart of a Mother
Heart of a Woman in Business
Heart of a Woman
and Corazon de Mujer (Heart of a Woman in Spanish).
For further information, call Borders Bookstore at 909-646-7322.
Author and professional speaker, Sheryl Roush gives presentations around the globe, at conferences and for corporations, helping to rekindle the spirit, raise the bar, and create excitement. Her gift for inspiring touches hearts and offers a positive outlook on daily life. A native San Diegan–and born in Chula Vista–she was crowned “Ms. Heart of San Diego” (twice) for contributions to our community.
Sheryl Roush may be contacted at: Sheryl@HeartBookSeries.com, or 858-569-6555.
Sheryl Roush Interviewed by Montel Williams
Heart of a Military Woman, Interviews, Patriotism| 4 Comments »Sheryl Roush Interviewed by Montel Williams
Friday, December 4, 2009
Montel Williams interviewed San Diegan Sheryl Roush on his live national MONTEL ACROSS AMERICA radio show this morning.
A former Navy wife, Sheryl just released the Heart of a Military Woman book, co-authored with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez, USAF Retired Master Sergeant, on Veterans Day this year.
Montel’s introduction overview of the book was eloquent, and commenting about supporting the families of the active military member too. Sheryl read the opening poem "Military Women" by Virginia Ellis. Montel and Sheryl agreed that whether we support the decision to send more troops or not, we need to support our troops — there and here on the homefront.
The program aired LIVE then are archived at
Today’s podcast is posted here:
Sheryl Roush is the President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and author of the Heart Book Series. As an inspirational speaker, she boosts morale and attitude, creating positive work environments and rekindling the spirit in organizations. Her other titles in the series include: Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of the Holidays and Corazon de Mujer (Spanish).
Montel Williams is passionate about his country, his issues, and his audience. After a 17-year run as Emmy-winning host of his own daily daytime television program, Montel turned to radio as his new forum. His daily program features unique insight on social, political, and economic issues along with information on health and wellness for his listeners. Montel Across America is often broadcast from cities across the country and around the world, as Montel seeks to get up close and personal with his listeners and the issues he features.
Williams began his career when he enlisted in the US Marine Corps in 1974, and followed that with an appointment to the Naval Academy, where he studied Mandarin Chinese and developed a specialty in cryptology. An accomplished author, Williams has published eight books to date, four of which were New York Times Bestsellers. His latest release Living Well Emotionally hit bookstores on January 6th, 2009 and has received critical acclaim.
Dec. 2, 2009-Military Writers Book Signing Symposium at San Diego Veterans Museum and Memorial Center
Book Signings, Heart of a Military Woman, Patriotism| 2 Comments »MILITARY WRITER’S SOCIETY OF AMERICA
On Wednesday, December 2, 2009, from 6-8 p.m., 14 authors from the San Diego Chapter of the Military Writer’s Society of America will gather at the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center for a Symposium, Book Fair and Book Signing.
This free event allows attendees to meet the writers, purchase books that can be personally signed, and take part in the authors’ special sales just in time for holiday gift shopping.
Topics include fiction and non-fiction and deal with WWII, Vietnam, the Cold War, Iraq and Afghanistan, military women, as well as other non-military subjects like true crime, historical fiction, self-help/inspirational, and pop culture.
Authors and Book Titles/Subjects
Books will be available for sale at the event.
Gail Chatfield
By Dammit, We’re Marines! Veterans Stories of Heroism, Horror, and Humor in World War II on the Pacific Front (WWII)
Virg Erwin
Cat Lo, a memoir of invincible youth (Vietnam)
David Lucero
The Sandman (Mystery/Suspense/Middle East)
Emilio Marrero
A Quiet Reality: A Chaplain’s Journey into Babylon Iraq with the I Marine
Expeditionary Force (Iraq)
Carl Nelson
The Advisor (Cô-Vân)(Vietnam Fiction)
Secret Players (Cold War Fiction)
Madam President and the Admiral (Fiction/Future Era)
Sheryl Roush and Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
Heart of a Military Woman (Veterans Day 2009 Release!)
Stories, Poems & Tributes Honoring Those Who Serve Our Country
Heart of a Woman in Business: Stories, Skills & Strategies for Business Success
Sheryl Roush
Heart of a Woman: Stories, Poems, Quotations
Heart of the Holidays: Yuletide Treasures and Traditions
Heart of a Mother: Stories, Poems and Tributes to Mothers and Grandmothers
Corazón de Mujer (Heart of a Woman, Spanish)
Tom Ruck
Sacred Ground, A Tribute to America’s Veterans
Mike Sager
Scary Monsters and Super Freaks (True Crime)
Revenge of the Donut Boys (Pop Culture)
Deviant Behavior, A Novel (fiction)
Wounded Warriors (Iraq/Afghanistan)
Amy Goodpaster Strebe
Flying for Her Country:
The American and Soviet Women Military Pilots of World War II (WWII)
Don Westenhaver
The Whiplash Hypothesis (Vietnam)
The Red Turtle Project (Post-War Vietnam)
Nero’s Concert (Historical Fiction)
Marc Yablonka
Distant War: Recollections of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (Vietnam)
The Veterans Museum and Memorial Center was created in 1989 to honor and perpetuate the memories of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. The museum honors the legacy that has been created by these courageous men and women through artifacts, personal testimonials, stories of service, and guest speaker panels. Located in the historic Chapel of the old Balboa Naval Hospital, the museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Ample, free parking available to visitors.
Veterans Museum and Memorial Center
2115 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101
Contact: Melani Bruce, Events Director
Carl Nelson, Event Chair
The Veterans Museum and Memorial Center was created in 1989 to honor and perpetuate the memories of the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. The museum honors the legacy that has been created by these courageous men and women through artifacts, personal testimonials, stories of service, and guest speaker panels. Located in the historic Chapel of the old Balboa Naval Hospital, the museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Ample, free parking available to visitors.
POEM: Vegan Thanksgiving
Heart of the Holidays, Holidays, Thanksgiving| No Comments »Vegan Thanksgiving
It’s sacred Thanksgivin’, and all through the house,
Nothing’s overnight baking, not Lamb and not Grouse.
Making plans for the morning, health-conscious are we,
Jotting it down, while sipping White Green Tea.
We’ll start with Wheatgrass – a 2-ounce shot,
Toasting healthy bodies with no meat in the pot.
Most thankful are we as we pause to say grace,
Not getting caught up in the commercial rat race.
Sparkling Pomegranate Juice in a wine glass,
Light up the stove – we’re cookin’ with gas!
Pita chips and hummus are starter pre-meal,
Carrots, Jicama, Bell Peppers – the natural deal.
Fresh garden salad, sunflower seeds and sprouts,
There’s enough for everyone – so no one pouts.
Simmer a pot of Cous Cous, or Basmati Rice,
Baked Butternut Squash would surely be nice.
Raw Sugar Snap Peas, and baked Yummy Yam,
Doing well avoiding Duck, Turkey and Ham.
Brown Rice Bread, Lentil Veggie soup, too.
Wow – without meat and dairy – there’s so much you can do!
Chocolate Tofu Mousse Cake – well-chilled,
With graham cracker crust, I’m not that strong-willed!
Organic Pumpkin Pie – served piping hot.
Maybe Turkey next year? I think NOT!
By Sheryl Roush
Inspirational Speaker
Author of Heart of the Holidays
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)
Fundraising Conference Supporting Literacy
Speaking Events| No Comments »Fundraising Conference Supporting Literacy
Sunday, October 4, 2009
8:30am – 4:00pm
Richard Nixon Library
Yorba Linda, CA
Visit the beautiful Richard Nixon Library and enjoy a continental breakfast and delicious catered lunch in the rose garden!
Enjoy an amazing and talented line-up of best-selling authors and thought-provoking speakers!
AND feel great about supporting Family Literacy in Orange County!
The Read to Succeed conference raises funds to support Family Reading Inc., a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help families develop a positive home learning environment by developing habits such as a full family reading time for 20 to 30 minutes daily. The program consists of interactive educational and entertaining presentations – “edu-tainment.” Family Reading Inc. enjoys partnerships with schools, libraries and community organizations inspiring children and parents and supports the "Drop Everything And Read" (DEAR) and Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) programs.
Sheryl Roush
TOPIC: “Sparkle-Tude!®: How Parents Can Stay Motivated to Raise Healthy Children”
Known as the Sparkle-Tude® Expert, Sheryl Roush helps individuals and organizations rekindle the spirit, raise the bar and create excitement. Her inspirational message is one of humor, heart and hope. As an internationally top-rated female motivational speaker, she has presented nearly 3,000 programs in nine countries, and on programs alongside Olivia Newton-John, Geena Davis, Jane Seymour, Mark Victor Hansen, Art Linkletter, James Ray, Suze Orman, and more. Sheryl was twice crowned “Ms. Heart of San Diego” and “La Reina de Esperanza” (Queen of Hope) honoring her contributions to women and children in the community. She President of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., and is a 12-time author, and creator of the Heart Book Series, which includes: Sparkle-Tudes!™, Heart of a Military Woman, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Woman in Business, Corazón de Mujer, and Heart of the Holidays. Her writing has appeared in San Diego Family Magazine, Wise Women, the San Diego Business Journal, and Montel Across America.
This Mother’s Day Sheryl was interviewed on by Montel Williams. <http://www.sparklepresentations.com>
Marci Shimoff
TOPIC: How to overcome stress and toxins in today’s fast paced world.
Marci Shimoff is the author of the new instant runaway bestseller, Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out, which offers a revolutionary approach to experiencing deep and lasting happiness. She is a featured teacher in the international film and book sensation, The Secret.Chicken Soup for the Soul, including Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul, have met with stunning success, selling more than 13 million copies worldwide in 33 languages. President and co-founder of the Esteem Group, she delivers keynote addresses and seminars on self-esteem, self-empowerment, and peak performance. Her writing has appeared in national women’s magazines, including Ladies Home Journal and Woman’s World.
Marci is also the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, <http://www.happyfornoreason.com>
Dr. Ann Corwin, PhD, M.Ed aka The Parenting Doctor
Creator of “The Child Connection Parenting Program”
Dr. Corwin has made it her life’s work to develop practical parenting programs for parents and children. With a Ph.D. in Marriage, Family and Child Therapy and Masters Degree in Education and over twenty five years of experience in parenting consulting and child development education, she has helped thousands of parents – with children ages birth to five years and beyond. Dr. Ann focuses on prevention and helping families learning to help themselves! Her parenting skills development workshops and parent coaching programs have immediate solutions to child discipline behavior issues such as hitting and biting, respect and discipline, poor sleeping habits, relationships and school, toilet learning, new siblings and sibling rivalry, separation anxiety and much more.
Garett Guenot, aka The "Purpose Guy”
Garett Guenot is a purpose coach, author, and speaker who has dedicated his life to helping others discover what they were born to do. Garett is President and CEO of PurposeGuy LLC, a company designed to teach individuals to discover their purpose in life and inspire them to pursue their dreams with excellence. For over 10 years Garett has been studying the art and science of personal development , in a quest to determine the common skills and traits of fulfilled and successful people. In the process, he discovered that true success is a combination of 3 things. Successful people pursue their passion, expand their purpose to benefit others, while progressively realizing their vision and dreams. Garett holds a degree in psychology, a certification in Organizational Leadership, and has received training in counseling and marriage and family therapy from California State University Fullerton.
Seth Sherwood
Seth Sherwood is the founder and executive director of Family Reading Inc., a nonprofit family literacy development program. He specializes in motivating parents and children to develop a positive and healthy home learning environment. Seth and his band perform at libraries and
schools in Orange and Los Angeles Counties. Seth enthusiastically enjoys helping individuals, families and organizations develop success habits allowing them to achieve their goals. As a child he regularly visited his mother’s native country of Guatemala. He completed a two year Peace Corps tour in 1983, working in agricultural projects in Chile and in a refugee camp in Honduras. Before making the transition to Family Reading Inc., Seth was a school teacher in Orange County for 16 years, and a skilled trainer for with Dale Carnegie.
- Miss California 2009, Kristy Cavinder
- Channel 4 Traffic Newscaster Paul Johnson
Richard Nixon Library
18001 Yorba Linda Blvd.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886-3949
Phone (714) 993-3393
Cost: $89 per person
Includes Continental Breakfast and a delicious catered Lunch in the Rose Garden! Your choice of turkey, roast beef or vegetarian sandwich.
More Information:
Register Today!
Bring an open heart and mind…and we’ll guarantee that you’ll be uplifted and have fun!
Sparkle-Tudes!™ Quotation Book by Sheryl Roush
Sparkle-Tudes!| No Comments »Sparkle-Tudes!™
Inspirations for Creating Sparkling Attitudes
Quotes By and For Women
By Sheryl L. Roush
“A spark is a little thing, yet it may rekindle the world.”
-Mary Farquar Tupper
“Let your light shine. Shine within you so that it can shine on someone else. Let your light shine.”
– Oprah
Inspiration and insights for a sparkling attitude, energy boost, calm reflection or new perspective. This collection has been carefully selected for the creating positive influences in our daily lives.
Browse though sections of cherished classic, personal favorites and recent original writings — quotations and quips, poems and proverbs by Maya Angelou, Eleanor Roosevelt, Oprah Winfrey, and hundreds more…..
Over 120 categories from A-Z, including: Achievement, Aging, Angels, Attitude, A Woman’s Wisdom, Balance, Beliefs, Careers, Cats & Dogs, Children, Chocolate, Daughters, Estrogen, Faith, Gratitude, Humor, Intuition, Joy, Kindness, Love, Miracles, Mothers, Nature, Overcoming Adversity, Parenting, Passion, Purpose, Prayer, Self-Esteem, Stay at Home Moms, Stress, Success, Talents, Unconditional Love, Vision, Worrying (how not to), Zen, and much more!
200+ Pages, 6×9” format, Retail $14.95
Sheryl Roush is a 13-time published author and an internationally recognized for high-content “how-to” keynotes and seminars on boosting attitude, communication skills, and creating positive work environments. Sheryl is available to speak at conferences, associations, meeting and special events. Visit www.SherylRoush.com for topics, titles and availability, or call Sparkle Presentations, Inc. Toll Free 1-800-932-0973 to schedule Sheryl Roush to speak!
Click on title to view each book.
Heart of a Woman (printed)
Heart of a Military Woman (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of a Mother (printed)
Heart of a Mother (printed with Bonus Music CD)
Heart of a Mother … Music CD
Heart of the Holidays (printed) ….. and on Kindle
Heart of the Holidays … Music CD
Heart of a Woman in Business (printed)
Corazon de Mujer (printed) (Heart of a Woman in Spanish)